Personality or Policy: Which is more important to you?

I think if the democrats had a more likable candidate or one that has a better chance at beating Trump then that person would be out in the open and running hard for prez.

Lotsa people are saying they can't stand Trump but whether they really vote for him over Biden is questionable IMHO. Like many on this board, I think instead they'll vote for a 3rd party person or not vote at all. The Trump hatred is quite visceral, and the people who won't vote for Biden might not vote for DJT either.
I thought that in 2020, perfect chance to vote 3rd party. But they came out in droves to vote for either Biden or Trump. Trump had the second most votes for president than anyone in history. Polling doesn't indicate much of an uptick in 3rd parties. Hell, the new Libertarian candidate just said he thinks he can top 2%. Mighty lofty goals. What's the point?
In the particular race, we have an incestuous pedophile running against a megalomaniac bully. I don't see much in the way of personality points to be had.

All that is left is policy, and Trump's policies are about this sovereign state in which we live. Biden's are most obviously not.
/——/ I’d rather have my country defended by a megalomaniac bully, rather than a spineless coward like Biden.

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