kristians, you missed one

So the question becomes, what is this a war on?

Native Americans
America, apple pie, hot dogs, and babies
License plates
Christmas, Easter, Hannukah, Kwanza, Saturnalia, Curling

It has to be a war on something, and I'm sure Faux News is on the case!

I can't wait for the war on left loons, you dopes will get massacred
yea because we know you cross humping crackas are so many!!! Bi- catfish
Oklahoma license plate that offends Christian won't get Supreme Court hearing

On the Oklahoma license plate is the image of an Indian shooting an arrow into the sky. It resembles an image on a statue and is thought to mean he is asking for rain from 'the spirit world'. The Supreme Court will not hear the argument from a pastor that the image is an affront to his Christianity.

Hmm, wonder if Kim Davis knows about this.


Also, that license plate must be from a Jackson Five fan.

I used that one earlier this month when I was making another batch of monkeys out of rightwingers.

Liberals Will Have A Stroke
The courts should not waste time on this kind of nonsense. They have better things to do, like putting away criminals.
Oklahoma license plate that offends Christian won't get Supreme Court hearing

On the Oklahoma license plate is the image of an Indian shooting an arrow into the sky. It resembles an image on a statue and is thought to mean he is asking for rain from 'the spirit world'. The Supreme Court will not hear the argument from a pastor that the image is an affront to his Christianity.

Hmm, wonder if Kim Davis knows about this.


Also, that license plate must be from a Jackson Five fan.

I used that one earlier this month when I was making another batch of monkeys out of rightwingers.

Liberals Will Have A Stroke

Must have missed it. Too busy watching music videos or posting funny pics probably. I really found this story bizarre. The license plate is meant obviously to celebrate Native Americans. Yet one pastor sees through the positive aspects for the one thing he could complain about that no one else in the world knows about.

Before seeing this, did anyone know what that image would mean other than an Indian with a bow out hunting?
That's some serious victimitis. "My feelings are hurt by a redskin on a license plate!"
The liberals have been agitating against the Washington Redskins for their name and image and the Obama federal government took away their trademark. So it's not just Christians acting like insane people.
The liberals have been agitating against the Washington Redskins for their name and image and the Obama federal government took away their trademark. So it's not just Christians acting like insane people.

interesting , Christians don't consider statue bowing Catholics Christians
Oklahoma license plate that offends Christian won't get Supreme Court hearing

On the Oklahoma license plate is the image of an Indian shooting an arrow into the sky. It resembles an image on a statue and is thought to mean he is asking for rain from 'the spirit world'. The Supreme Court will not hear the argument from a pastor that the image is an affront to his Christianity.

Hmm, wonder if Kim Davis knows about this.


Also, that license plate must be from a Jackson Five fan.

I used that one earlier this month when I was making another batch of monkeys out of rightwingers.

Liberals Will Have A Stroke

Must have missed it. Too busy watching music videos or posting funny pics probably. I really found this story bizarre. The license plate is meant obviously to celebrate Native Americans. Yet one pastor sees through the positive aspects for the one thing he could complain about that no one else in the world knows about.

Before seeing this, did anyone know what that image would mean other than an Indian with a bow out hunting?

I think the pastor is just anti-rain... Oklahoma gets enough rain as it is..
What tiny minds are fascinated with.. :uhoh3:
This isn't about's about pissy, petty people who bought ito the 'PC' brainwashing and don't realize the right NOT to be offended by the least little thing is NOT one of their Constitutional rights.

Want to see religious intolerance? Put the picture of a burning Koran on a license plate....and wait for the car-bomb, beheadings, and terrorist attacks....
This isn't about's about pissy, petty people who bought ito the 'PC' brainwashing and don't realize the right NOT to be offended by the least little thing is NOT one of their Constitutional rights.

Want to see religious intolerance? Put the picture of a burning Koran on a license plate....and wait for the car-bomb, beheadings, and terrorist attacks....

From reading various comments on this board by so called Christians and what they'd like to do to other people I can only come to the conclusion that the reason we don't have global Christian terrorism is because you guys are all talk with just a few (unfortunately mostly in the US) who carry anything through. At USMB it's nothing but wet dream after wet dream about turning the desert to glass or beating the shit out of protesters.

However, in this case, you have a Christian who wants to eliminate the competition's rights to express their religious point of view. Deal with it.
Sorta like how Obama demonizes Christians while sending his DOJ out to threaten anyone who says a bad word against Islamic extrenist Allah-worshiping nut jobs who kill Americans....after Obama gives them a visa and allows them into the country to do so?!
Sorta like how Obama demonizes Christians while sending his DOJ out to threaten anyone who says a bad word against Islamic extrenist Allah-worshiping nut jobs who kill Americans....after Obama gives them a visa and allows them into the country to do so?!

In the weeds.
Oklahoma license plate that offends Christian won't get Supreme Court hearing

On the Oklahoma license plate is the image of an Indian shooting an arrow into the sky. It resembles an image on a statue and is thought to mean he is asking for rain from 'the spirit world'. The Supreme Court will not hear the argument from a pastor that the image is an affront to his Christianity.

Hmm, wonder if Kim Davis knows about this.


Also, that license plate must be from a Jackson Five fan.
All of which proves only one thing; you have no concept of what main stream Christianity advocates for religious rights.

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