kristians, you missed one

The liberals have been agitating against the Washington Redskins for their name and image and the Obama federal government took away their trademark. So it's not just Christians acting like insane people.
Which of these 'Christians' are acting like insane people?

I thought the Dems cornered that market a long time ago.
Oklahoma license plate that offends Christian won't get Supreme Court hearing

On the Oklahoma license plate is the image of an Indian shooting an arrow into the sky. It resembles an image on a statue and is thought to mean he is asking for rain from 'the spirit world'. The Supreme Court will not hear the argument from a pastor that the image is an affront to his Christianity.

Hmm, wonder if Kim Davis knows about this.


Also, that license plate must be from a Jackson Five fan.
All of which proves only one thing; you have no concept of what main stream Christianity advocates for religious rights.

Give 3 selfless examples.
Christians will rise up to defend what is truly important.... CHRISTIAN-FRIENDLY LICENSE PLATES!

Catholics had a legitimate gripe because Protestantism was being taught in the public schools. Instead of suing, they set up their own schools.
Recently schools are pushing Islam. More reports have come out about homework and papers being demanded about Islam and promoting it / teaching it...while Christianity is not given an equal status but is instead not taught and is all but banned.

Recently schools are pushing Islam. More reports have come out about homework and papers being demanded about Islam and promoting it / teaching it...while Christianity is not given an equal status but is instead not taught and is all but banned.


Don't just talk about it, post something credible.

In the meantime this is a thread about a wingnut Christian wanting to take away Native American license plates because his bigoted fee-fees were hurt and you have yet to talk about it.
Recently schools are pushing Islam. More reports have come out about homework and papers being demanded about Islam and promoting it / teaching it...while Christianity is not given an equal status but is instead not taught and is all but banned.


Don't just talk about it, post something credible.

In the meantime this is a thread about a wingnut Christian wanting to take away Native American license plates because his bigoted fee-fees were hurt and you have yet to talk about it.
Where you err is in insinuating that said wingnut somehow represents anywhere near a vast majority of Christians. This nut tepresents himself....period. But don't let that stop your attempted generaluzation of tje larger public....
Religions are so stupid. Look at the trouble they create! They are more trouble than they're worth, that's for sure.
Faith and belief in God is not the problem. It's man's own twisted interpretations, especially for their own benefit. Jesus rebuked the Pharasees for doing just that.
Recently schools are pushing Islam. More reports have come out about homework and papers being demanded about Islam and promoting it / teaching it...while Christianity is not given an equal status but is instead not taught and is all but banned.


Don't just talk about it, post something credible.

In the meantime this is a thread about a wingnut Christian wanting to take away Native American license plates because his bigoted fee-fees were hurt and you have yet to talk about it.
Where you err is in insinuating that said wingnut somehow represents anywhere near a vast majority of Christians. This nut tepresents himself....period. But don't let that stop your attempted generaluzation of tje larger public....

I never said he represents Christianity. I also never say Islamic terrorists represent Islam either but I wouldn't expect you to pick up on the point.
Schools aren't pushing Islam. They are trying to teach kids tolerance for that which is unfamiliar to them.
By showing intolerance to Christianity at the same time.

And the liberal sheet-wearing liberals trying to shout down, silence, and prevent others from attending Trump rallies because he does not believe as they do are doing a wonderful job of teaching 'tolerance'...the tolerance of ISIS maybe...
Schools aren't pushing Islam. They are trying to teach kids tolerance for that which is unfamiliar to them.
By showing intolerance to Christianity at the same time.

And the liberal sheet-wearing liberals trying to shout down, silence, and prevent others from attending Trump rallies because he does not believe as they do are doing a wonderful job of teaching 'tolerance'...the tolerance of ISIS maybe...

Trump has spoken literally hundreds of times and gets more free airtime than any candidate I can remember.

The tolerance of ISIS? What a cluster fuck the right is.
HJ, Libs are the ones beeaking the law, blocking traffic, chaining themselves to cars, wearing sheets to Trump rallies...but don't let the truth stop your nasty attacks on conservatives.
HJ, Libs are the ones beeaking the law, blocking traffic, chaining themselves to cars, wearing sheets to Trump rallies...but don't let the truth stop your nasty attacks on conservatives.

Blocking traffic is an act of civil disobedience. Holding sniper positions on government employees is terrorism.

In the interim, we all still get to hear every dumb fucking thing Trump has ever wanted to say, ever.
HJ, thank you for demonstrating - lie Obama - you have no respect for the law. Blocking the highway is illegal and dangerous. It is also a fascist tactic used by extremists. Your attempt to justify these crimes and tactics is extremely telling...and pathetic.

Tell me, i calling for the murder of all shite and cops an act of 'civil didobedience', obviously embraced by liberals who have joined with BLM?

Was Obama's buddy bombing his own country and killing Americans who he disagreed with a justifable action?
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‘The justices on Monday let stand an appeals court ruling that threw out a pastor's lawsuit claiming the plates endorse a polytheistic religion.’

And appropriately so, a lawsuit clearly devoid of merit.

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