kristians, you missed one

The guy is exercising his individual right to embrace 'PC' and the liberal belief that he has the right NOT to be offended AND force his minority agenda/beliefs on the majority...just like liberals did with the ACA.
So the question becomes, what is this a war on?

Native Americans
America, apple pie, hot dogs, and babies
License plates
Christmas, Easter, Hannukah, Kwanza, Saturnalia, Curling

It has to be a war on something, and I'm sure Faux News is on the case!

I can't wait for the war on left loons, you dopes will get massacred
Such is the intolerance common to most on the right, their contempt for dissent and opposing points of view.
It was a joke. Relax, take a breath, and find a sense of humor. Don't have one? Borrow one...
The liberals have been agitating against the Washington Redskins for their name and image and the Obama federal government took away their trademark. So it's not just Christians acting like insane people.
Thankfully the SC ruled correctly for once and said the Feds could not revoke their trademark.
So the question becomes, what is this a war on?

Native Americans
America, apple pie, hot dogs, and babies
License plates
Christmas, Easter, Hannukah, Kwanza, Saturnalia, Curling

It has to be a war on something, and I'm sure Faux News is on the case!

I can't wait for the war on left loons, you dopes will get massacred
Such is the intolerance common to most on the right, their contempt for dissent and opposing points of view.

If anyone is opposing points of views it's you intolerant left loons who demand tolerance. Sit down you crazy loon
The guy is exercising his individual right to embrace 'PC' and the liberal belief that he has the right NOT to be offended AND force his minority agenda/beliefs on the majority...just like liberals did with the ACA.
Obviously you’ve no idea how stupid, ignorant, wrong, and ridiculous this is.

Why don't you point out what is wrong instead of pointing your finger, screaming some loonery and running you always do? You're a joke
So the question becomes, what is this a war on?

Native Americans
America, apple pie, hot dogs, and babies
License plates
Christmas, Easter, Hannukah, Kwanza, Saturnalia, Curling

It has to be a war on something, and I'm sure Faux News is on the case!
This is what is called "groping for a point". Give it up, you have none.
So the question becomes, what is this a war on?

Native Americans
America, apple pie, hot dogs, and babies
License plates
Christmas, Easter, Hannukah, Kwanza, Saturnalia, Curling

It has to be a war on something, and I'm sure Faux News is on the case!
This is what is called "groping for a point". Give it up, you have none.

It's called dripping sarcasm. But you find the misery wherever it isn't. It's your nature.
So the question becomes, what is this a war on?

Native Americans
America, apple pie, hot dogs, and babies
License plates
Christmas, Easter, Hannukah, Kwanza, Saturnalia, Curling

It has to be a war on something, and I'm sure Faux News is on the case!
This is what is called "groping for a point". Give it up, you have none.

It's called dripping sarcasm. But you find the misery wherever it isn't. It's your nature.
Don't blame me for your weak shit.
So the question becomes, what is this a war on?

Native Americans
America, apple pie, hot dogs, and babies
License plates
Christmas, Easter, Hannukah, Kwanza, Saturnalia, Curling

It has to be a war on something, and I'm sure Faux News is on the case!
This is what is called "groping for a point". Give it up, you have none.

It's called dripping sarcasm. But you find the misery wherever it isn't. It's your nature.
Don't blame me for your weak shit.

How is it living with that anger every day. Relax, Faux News will get to the bottom of the 'War on the political football of the day'.

You have no comment on the OP so you are off topic. Run along kids and get some cookies.
You know, if this thread had never come up, I would never have even thought of associating this license plate with any kind of spiritual significance.

OK has Native Americans, there was a depiction of one on their license plates, and firing an arrow into the sky? I just thought that he was aiming high to make a long shot.

Aiming high is something that we now get upset about in this country?

Makes no sense.
You know, if this thread had never come up, I would never have even thought of associating this license plate with any kind of spiritual significance.

OK has Native Americans, there was a depiction of one on their license plates, and firing an arrow into the sky? I just thought that he was aiming high to make a long shot.

Aiming high is something that we now get upset about in this country?

Makes no sense.

And that is what anyone looking at that image would think. That he is aiming high for a long shot. You have to climb Mt. Everest and talk to the all -knowing swami to think this is 'native American religion'.

And then to take it to court, all the way to the Supreme Court. WTF?
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Well, some people will come up with some of the stupidest crap, hoping for their 15 min of fame.

But, in some cases it backfires on you and you get 15 min. of infamy, which isn't nearly as much fun as fame.

This preacher is getting his 15 min of infamy.

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