Krugman on Wall Street Sociopaths.

Will Krugman or JoeB have a problem with Lois Lerner's golden parachute? .... :eusa_whistle:

You mean the pension she has earned for years of government service?

No, I don't have a big problem with it. Compared to the 83 million that Ed Hanaway got for killing Nataline Sarkisyan and countless others, it just aint that bad.

Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......
Will Krugman or JoeB have a problem with Lois Lerner's golden parachute? .... :eusa_whistle:

You mean the pension she has earned for years of government service?

No, I don't have a big problem with it. Compared to the 83 million that Ed Hanaway got for killing Nataline Sarkisyan and countless others, it just aint that bad.

Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.
Honestly, everyone needs to give this a read. The whole article is great.

I'll just give you the best part.

So here’s what Mr. Benmosche did in an interview with The Wall Street Journal: He compared the uproar over bonuses to lynchings in the Deep South — the real kind, involving murder — and declared that the bonus backlash was “just as bad and just as wrong.”

You may find it incredible that anyone would, even for an instant, consider this comparison appropriate. But there have actually been a series of stories like this. In 2010, for example, there was a comparable outburst from Stephen Schwarzman, the chairman of the Blackstone Group, one of the world’s largest private-equity firms. Speaking about proposals to close the carried-interest loophole — which allows executives at firms like Blackstone to pay only 15 percent taxes on much of their income — Mr. Schwarzman declared, “It’s a war; it’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”

And you know that such publicly reported statements don’t come out of nowhere. Stuff like this is surely what the Masters of the Universe say to each other all the time, to nods of agreement and approval. It’s just that sometimes they forget that they’re not supposed to say such things where the rabble might learn about it.

Krugman's always "spot-on" :) Makes me mad as hell the 1%'ers try to get people to feel empathy for them lol
You mean the pension she has earned for years of government service?

No, I don't have a big problem with it. Compared to the 83 million that Ed Hanaway got for killing Nataline Sarkisyan and countless others, it just aint that bad.

Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

Coming from a piece of shit like you, the Tea partiers should take that as a compliment

I no longer bother reading Krugman.

Back when I did, I knew I then had to locate a hardcore right-winger to balance out his pieces, then I had to locate the writers I trust a little more, and on and on. So I ended up having to find four or five sources on the same freakin' topic, because I knew ol' Krugman is just another partisan ideologue who inflates information that supports his political agenda and avoids/minimizes/distorts that which does not. Holy crap.

Too bad all these intellecually dishonest partisan ideologues get so much attention.


ummm.....quotes are quotes UNLESS they are purposely used out of context (see Breitbart & Fox & Friends)
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You mean the pension she has earned for years of government service?

No, I don't have a big problem with it. Compared to the 83 million that Ed Hanaway got for killing Nataline Sarkisyan and countless others, it just aint that bad.

Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

...paid Obama Shill says what?
The arrogance of the BANKSTERS makes perfect sense.

After all they've captured the most power nation on earth and turned it into their own personal ATM machine and nuclear-armed body guard.

Having so much power is apt to make one a trifle egotistical, eh?

"Egotistical"? Did you ever get a freaking car loan or a mortgage? Banks ain't your enemy. They bend over backwards to provide a service. If the banking industry is the global monster the radical left assumes it to be the criminal enterprise known as the "United Nations" might have something to do with it. Why not take on the UN?
You mean the pension she has earned for years of government service?

No, I don't have a big problem with it. Compared to the 83 million that Ed Hanaway got for killing Nataline Sarkisyan and countless others, it just aint that bad.

Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

All liberals are racists, all liberals are assholes and bullies, Lerner is a shining example.....:thup:

Too bad in the adult world you can't just punch liberal bullies in the face like we could back in the school yard....
You mean the pension she has earned for years of government service?

No, I don't have a big problem with it. Compared to the 83 million that Ed Hanaway got for killing Nataline Sarkisyan and countless others, it just aint that bad.

Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

Good post :)
Use the irs and epa to harass people you disagree with and cheerlead the pussies doing it, oh neat....
Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

All liberals are racists, all liberals are assholes and bullies, Lerner is a shining example.....:thup:

Too bad in the adult world you can't just punch liberal bullies in the face like we could back in the school yard....

Thank you for not addressing my point.

The crux of this argument is, why should TeaBagging Groups be allowed to hide who their donors are if they are going to engage in POLITICAL activity.

I can't think of one good reason.

Perhaps you can point this out to me.
Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

Coming from a piece of shit like you, the Tea partiers should take that as a compliment

Yeah, well, coming from a Zionist tool who wants American boys to come home in body bags to prop up Israel... no, seriously, go fuck yourself.
Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

...paid Obama Shill says what?

You mean I'm supposed to get paid?

You know, when I was right wing, everyone said that the Koch Brothers were paying me, and when I was left wing, it was Soros...

Man, none of those guys make good on their checks....
You mean the pension she has earned for years of government service?

No, I don't have a big problem with it. Compared to the 83 million that Ed Hanaway got for killing Nataline Sarkisyan and countless others, it just aint that bad.

Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

I would ask if you are even aware of the hate filled bigotry in your statement but as I suspect you are and simply don't care I won't.
You almost gotta laugh. Ignorant liberals depend on op-eds they like and they assume everybody else is on board because they don't have to think either..
Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

All liberals are racists, all liberals are assholes and bullies, Lerner is a shining example.....:thup:

Too bad in the adult world you can't just punch liberal bullies in the face like we could back in the school yard....

Thank you for not addressing my point.

The crux of this argument is, why should TeaBagging Groups be allowed to hide who their donors are if they are going to engage in POLITICAL activity.

I can't think of one good reason.

Perhaps you can point this out to me.

Your "point" has zero merit, or another way to put it would be, you're lying. If what you said was true, there would be no investigation, Lerner would not have pleaded the 5th, Lerner would not have took leave then retired. Feel free to post your next lie and collect your next penny below......:thup:
Honestly, everyone needs to give this a read. The whole article is great.

I'll just give you the best part.

So here’s what Mr. Benmosche did in an interview with The Wall Street Journal: He compared the uproar over bonuses to lynchings in the Deep South — the real kind, involving murder — and declared that the bonus backlash was “just as bad and just as wrong.”

You may find it incredible that anyone would, even for an instant, consider this comparison appropriate. But there have actually been a series of stories like this. In 2010, for example, there was a comparable outburst from Stephen Schwarzman, the chairman of the Blackstone Group, one of the world’s largest private-equity firms. Speaking about proposals to close the carried-interest loophole — which allows executives at firms like Blackstone to pay only 15 percent taxes on much of their income — Mr. Schwarzman declared, “It’s a war; it’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”

And you know that such publicly reported statements don’t come out of nowhere. Stuff like this is surely what the Masters of the Universe say to each other all the time, to nods of agreement and approval. It’s just that sometimes they forget that they’re not supposed to say such things where the rabble might learn about it.



who gives a fuck about whining about peoples analogies?

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