Krugman on Wall Street Sociopaths.

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

...paid Obama Shill says what?

You mean I'm supposed to get paid?

You know, when I was right wing, everyone said that the Koch Brothers were paying me, and when I was left wing, it was Soros...

Man, none of those guys make good on their checks....

Obama For America
Chat Room Script

Hi, I used to be a Republican, but not anymore. Those Tea Baggers are too reactionary and I left the Party and now Im kind of a Moderate, middle of the road (Obama supporter) who only knows that he hates Republicans because they're too reactionary
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...paid Obama Shill says what?

You mean I'm supposed to get paid?

You know, when I was right wing, everyone said that the Koch Brothers were paying me, and when I was left wing, it was Soros...

Man, none of those guys make good on their checks....

Obama For America
Chat Room Script

Hi, I used to be a Republican, but not anymore. Those Tea Baggers are too reactionary and I left the Party and now Im kind of a Moderate, middle of the road (Obama supporter) who only know that he hates Republicans because they're too reactionary

yet here you are reacting to joe, so seriously frank go try your troll, push peoples buttons someplace else.

you've become quite boring with the same routine over a few boards.
Bonuses in the private sector are nobody's business except the stockholders or the corporation. They are often part of the guaranteed salary package.

Even when these bonuses are funded by taxpayer bailouts?

People should be outraged when taxpayer funds are used to offer bonuses to government employees especially a criminal enterprise like the IRS.

Why shouldn't the government compete with the private sector?

I've never seen the IRS as being criminal. But then I've always payed my taxes.
Bonuses in the private sector are nobody's business except the stockholders or the corporation. They are often part of the guaranteed salary package.

Even when these bonuses are funded by taxpayer bailouts?

People should be outraged when taxpayer funds are used to offer bonuses to government employees especially a criminal enterprise like the IRS.

Why shouldn't the government compete with the private sector?

I've never seen the IRS as being criminal. But then I've always payed my taxes.

Why shouldn't the government compete with the private sector? For the same reason the referees shouldn't bet on the games they call.

If you've never seen the IRS as being criminal then you've never been audited.

I no longer bother reading Krugman.

Back when I did, I knew I then had to locate a hardcore right-winger to balance out his pieces, then I had to locate the writers I trust a little more, and on and on. So I ended up having to find four or five sources on the same freakin' topic, because I knew ol' Krugman is just another partisan ideologue who inflates information that supports his political agenda and avoids/minimizes/distorts that which does not. Holy crap.

Too bad all these intellecually dishonest partisan ideologues get so much attention.


ummm.....quotes are quotes UNLESS they are purposely used out of context (see Breitbart & Fox & Friends)

And left wing writers and pundits never use quotes out of context, they never distort.


I absolutely think it's absolutely possible that you absolutely believe that.

When a left winger says or writes something, you just believe it.


Using her positions to harass the good people of this nation, some fucking service......

Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

I would ask if you are even aware of the hate filled bigotry in your statement but as I suspect you are and simply don't care I won't.

No, I actually think most TeaBaggers are incredibly stupid.

Just by the fact they went around calling themselves "TeaBaggers" for months without knowing what "TeaBagging" actually meant.

They are also incredibly mean spirited. Their big complaint with Obama is that he is providing good health care to poor people. OH, GASP, the HORROR!!!!
All liberals are racists, all liberals are assholes and bullies, Lerner is a shining example.....:thup:

Too bad in the adult world you can't just punch liberal bullies in the face like we could back in the school yard....

Thank you for not addressing my point.

The crux of this argument is, why should TeaBagging Groups be allowed to hide who their donors are if they are going to engage in POLITICAL activity.

I can't think of one good reason.

Perhaps you can point this out to me.

Your "point" has zero merit, or another way to put it would be, you're lying. If what you said was true, there would be no investigation, Lerner would not have pleaded the 5th, Lerner would not have took leave then retired. Feel free to post your next lie and collect your next penny below......:thup:

I do recall during the Iran-Contra "scandal", Ollie North got immunity and a walk, while they kept prosecuting poor Cap Weinberger because he testified he hadn't kept a diary, but had turned meeting notes over to the National Archives. Even though Congress thought he was being truthful, even though he was the one who opposed the idiotic scheme to start with, Lawrence Walsh filed charges against him, and then when a judge had the good sense to throw them out, he filed them again five days before the 1992 election out of spite.

Lerner would be a fool to testify without immunity.

The Repukes learned their lesson. In the Clinton years, I seem to remember investigation into Waco, Vince Foster's suicide and a lot of other bullshit that eventually turned up nothing other than Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job.

But you didn't answer the question.

Why should TeaBaggers get a tax exemption for engaging in political activity when that exemption was reserved for "Social Welfare" groups.

When you can answer that one, I'll take all your whining about Lois Lerner seriously.

I no longer bother reading Krugman.

Back when I did, I knew I then had to locate a hardcore right-winger to balance out his pieces, then I had to locate the writers I trust a little more, and on and on. So I ended up having to find four or five sources on the same freakin' topic, because I knew ol' Krugman is just another partisan ideologue who inflates information that supports his political agenda and avoids/minimizes/distorts that which does not. Holy crap.

Too bad all these intellecually dishonest partisan ideologues get so much attention.


ummm.....quotes are quotes UNLESS they are purposely used out of context (see Breitbart & Fox & Friends)

And left wing writers and pundits never use quotes out of context, they never distort.


I absolutely think it's absolutely possible that you absolutely believe that.

When a left winger says or writes something, you just believe it.



I think a lot of people use them out of context, whatever that means.

But in this case, not so much. These guys really say these sorts of things.

The real scary thing about the Crash of 2008 is the people who perpetrated it on Wall Street didn't think they did anything wrong. Probably because none of them went to jail and they even got to keep their bonuses.
...paid Obama Shill says what?

You mean I'm supposed to get paid?

You know, when I was right wing, everyone said that the Koch Brothers were paying me, and when I was left wing, it was Soros...

Man, none of those guys make good on their checks....

Obama For America
Chat Room Script

Hi, I used to be a Republican, but not anymore. Those Tea Baggers are too reactionary and I left the Party and now Im kind of a Moderate, middle of the road (Obama supporter) who only knows that he hates Republicans because they're too reactionary

So exactly how do you think you guys went from winning 49 states in 1984 to losing every election since 1992 except one?

Oh, it can't possibly be because a lot of Republicans just got fed up and left when you started running people like Allan West, Joe Walsh, Todd Akin and the lady who used to be a witch, whatever her name was.

I no longer bother reading Krugman.

Back when I did, I knew I then had to locate a hardcore right-winger to balance out his pieces, then I had to locate the writers I trust a little more, and on and on. So I ended up having to find four or five sources on the same freakin' topic, because I knew ol' Krugman is just another partisan ideologue who inflates information that supports his political agenda and avoids/minimizes/distorts that which does not. Holy crap.

Too bad all these intellecually dishonest partisan ideologues get so much attention.


ummm.....quotes are quotes UNLESS they are purposely used out of context (see Breitbart & Fox & Friends)

And left wing writers and pundits never use quotes out of context, they never distort.


I absolutely think it's absolutely possible that you absolutely believe that.

When a left winger says or writes something, you just believe it.



When it comes to politics and 'reporting' I don't believe anyone said anything until I hear everything they said. And not just what was quoted.
ummm.....quotes are quotes UNLESS they are purposely used out of context (see Breitbart & Fox & Friends)

And left wing writers and pundits never use quotes out of context, they never distort.


I absolutely think it's absolutely possible that you absolutely believe that.

When a left winger says or writes something, you just believe it.



When it comes to politics and 'reporting' I don't believe anyone said anything until I hear everything they said. And not just what was quoted.


But for some, what someone on their "side" tells them is enough.

It was like a nuclear explosion.

Making a man pay taxes on expensive medical gear is like kicking a man while he's down.

The Pittsburgh Stealers blitz the shit outta..........

hy·per·bo·le [hahy-pur-buh-lee] Show IPA
noun Rhetoric .
obvious and intentional exaggeration.
an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally, as “to wait an eternity.”
Compare litotes.

1520&#8211;30; < Greek hyperbol&#7703; excess, exaggeration, throwing beyond, equivalent to hyper- hyper- + bol&#7703; throw

2. overstatement.

2. understatement.
You mean I'm supposed to get paid?

You know, when I was right wing, everyone said that the Koch Brothers were paying me, and when I was left wing, it was Soros...

Man, none of those guys make good on their checks....

Obama For America
Chat Room Script

Hi, I used to be a Republican, but not anymore. Those Tea Baggers are too reactionary and I left the Party and now Im kind of a Moderate, middle of the road (Obama supporter) who only know that he hates Republicans because they're too reactionary

yet here you are reacting to joe, so seriously frank go try your troll, push peoples buttons someplace else.

you've become quite boring with the same routine over a few boards.

Can't you tell when people are reading from the same script?
Obama For America
Chat Room Script

Hi, I used to be a Republican, but not anymore. Those Tea Baggers are too reactionary and I left the Party and now Im kind of a Moderate, middle of the road (Obama supporter) who only know that he hates Republicans because they're too reactionary

yet here you are reacting to joe, so seriously frank go try your troll, push peoples buttons someplace else.

you've become quite boring with the same routine over a few boards.

Can't you tell when people are reading from the same script?

Why do you want to think there IS a script?

I've made it pretty clear where I stand. I used to be Republican, until the sensible, efficient government types got crowded out by the religious loons, the Teabaggers and the Libertarian crazies who really think the IRS is unconstitutional.

Now, I'll admit, things in my personal life have also changed my mind, like when my Romney-loving boss decided it would be just hilarious to downsize me when I had medical issues.

But really, the inmates have taken over the asylum at the GOP. You can tell by the pant-crapping horror at Ted Cruz.
He does go on to say the whole, "Well, Krugman suggested inflating prices in 2001." that was 2001, guy.

You don't understand the nature of bubbles if you think that's qaulifier. As the author wrote in your link

So yes, Krugman did identify that there was a housing bubble in progress in 2005, but it was akin to a doctor thinking a cancer patient was reacting very severely to aggressive chemotherapy. The Fed-induced housing bubble wasn’t poison, as far as Krugman was concerned, just medicine that was having unfortunate negative consequences. His recommendation wasn’t for the government to stop tinkering and fueling new booms, but rather to search for something else to inflate.

Krugman didn't think the Housing Bubble would end badly.
Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

I would ask if you are even aware of the hate filled bigotry in your statement but as I suspect you are and simply don't care I won't.

No, I actually think most TeaBaggers are incredibly stupid.

Just by the fact they went around calling themselves "TeaBaggers" for months without knowing what "TeaBagging" actually meant.

They are also incredibly mean spirited. Their big complaint with Obama is that he is providing good health care to poor people. OH, GASP, the HORROR!!!!

No, teabaggers was what bigots like yourself called them.
Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

Mormons are all the same. Financiers are all the same. "Teabaggers" are all the same. Jews are all the same. Blacks are all the same. Oh, wait ...

And you wonder why people call you a bigot.

No, guy, only you do, and you usually have to throw in "blacks" and "jews" because you can't make a convincing point that Wall Street Sociopaths are worthy of sympathy.

Hey, I'm starting to think it's the same kind of thinking Krugman was talking about.

Why, yes, you are just like those black folks getting lynched when people bitch about how you fucked up the economy.
Thank you for not addressing my point.

The crux of this argument is, why should TeaBagging Groups be allowed to hide who their donors are if they are going to engage in POLITICAL activity.

I can't think of one good reason.

Perhaps you can point this out to me.

Your "point" has zero merit, or another way to put it would be, you're lying. If what you said was true, there would be no investigation, Lerner would not have pleaded the 5th, Lerner would not have took leave then retired. Feel free to post your next lie and collect your next penny below......:thup:

I do recall during the Iran-Contra "scandal", Ollie North got immunity and a walk, while they kept prosecuting poor Cap Weinberger because he testified he hadn't kept a diary, but had turned meeting notes over to the National Archives. Even though Congress thought he was being truthful, even though he was the one who opposed the idiotic scheme to start with, Lawrence Walsh filed charges against him, and then when a judge had the good sense to throw them out, he filed them again five days before the 1992 election out of spite.

Lerner would be a fool to testify without immunity.

The Repukes learned their lesson. In the Clinton years, I seem to remember investigation into Waco, Vince Foster's suicide and a lot of other bullshit that eventually turned up nothing other than Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job.

But you didn't answer the question.

Why should TeaBaggers get a tax exemption for engaging in political activity when that exemption was reserved for "Social Welfare" groups.

When you can answer that one, I'll take all your whining about Lois Lerner seriously.

All of that revisionist history and projecting just to admit that Lerner was doing the dirt.......:lol:

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