Krugman on Wall Street Sociopaths.


No, teabaggers was what bigots like yourself called them.

No, you came up with yourselves until someone told you what it meant, and you figured out whey libs were snickering at you...

NRO admits conservatives coined ?Teabagger? | The Raw Story

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.
But they play the victim so well, it works. A US elected representative actually apologized to BP for the US wanting them to pay for the fucking mess they made.

They own the media and therefore have a national platform for their victim-hood.

No, teabaggers was what bigots like yourself called them.

No, you came up with yourselves until someone told you what it meant, and you figured out whey libs were snickering at you...

NRO admits conservatives coined ?Teabagger? | The Raw Story

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.

Yeah, but was wrong of us to take such advantage of their abject stupidity.
Krugman predicted the collapse of 2008 years before it happened.

Krugman predicted a collapse in 2008 years before it happened? What you really mean is that for years and years Krugman was predicting a collapse, and finally it happened. Of course half the brokers on Wall Street could make the same claim. These people are called "bears" on the street.

No, teabaggers was what bigots like yourself called them.

No, you came up with yourselves until someone told you what it meant, and you figured out whey libs were snickering at you...

NRO admits conservatives coined ?Teabagger? | The Raw Story

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.

Joe's Arab name: Ofashill bin Lying

Krugman School of Economics
IF a sociopathic personality could have invented an economic system it would have been CAPITALISM.

the basic premise of capitalism is predicated on the presumption of EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF.

Anbd while I quite agree that this theoretical economy system does have great merit and despite its sociopathic flavor can work to produce more wealth often for more people?

It is still an economic system ideally suited for a high functioning sociopathic personality because it not only does not punish selfishness, capitalism is based on and REWARDS selfishness.

No, teabaggers was what bigots like yourself called them.

No, you came up with yourselves until someone told you what it meant, and you figured out whey libs were snickering at you...

NRO admits conservatives coined ?Teabagger? | The Raw Story

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.

Yeah, but was wrong of us to take such advantage of their abject stupidity.

It doesn't surprise that the left would attach itself to some perverted version authored by pop culture back in the late 90s.
Krugman predicted the collapse of 2008 years before it happened.

Krugman predicted a collapse in 2008 years before it happened? What you really mean is that for years and years Krugman was predicting a collapse, and finally it happened. Of course half the brokers on Wall Street could make the same claim. These people are called "bears" on the street.

Most investors weren't predicting a collapse.

And it appears that Krugman wasn't either.

What JoeB thinks is a "prediction" is Krugman saying that a bubble was being created, not that it would collapse. Or at least that's what it says in his link he provided.
Don't see Teabaggers as "Good People". Most of them are racists, and all of them are assholes.

The problem was, the TEabaggers were trying to abuse the tax code. the IRS was just trying to cope with a lot of organizations applying for a tax break they probably didn't qualify for.

"Wah, I didn't get my tax status to hide who I was getting money from" isn't exactly a tragedy, IMHO.

I would ask if you are even aware of the hate filled bigotry in your statement but as I suspect you are and simply don't care I won't.

No, I actually think most TeaBaggers are incredibly stupid.

Just by the fact they went around calling themselves "TeaBaggers" for months without knowing what "TeaBagging" actually meant.

They are also incredibly mean spirited. Their big complaint with Obama is that he is providing good health care to poor people. OH, GASP, the HORROR!!!!
What was stupid is people like you taking the context in which they were using the term and twisting into one that was false there is nothing mean spirited about opposing a bill that you feel is bad for the country what is mean spirited however is insulting and denigrating people simply for not agreeing with you.
Thank you for not addressing my point.

The crux of this argument is, why should TeaBagging Groups be allowed to hide who their donors are if they are going to engage in POLITICAL activity.

I can't think of one good reason.

Perhaps you can point this out to me.

Your "point" has zero merit, or another way to put it would be, you're lying. If what you said was true, there would be no investigation, Lerner would not have pleaded the 5th, Lerner would not have took leave then retired. Feel free to post your next lie and collect your next penny below......:thup:

I do recall during the Iran-Contra "scandal", Ollie North got immunity and a walk, while they kept prosecuting poor Cap Weinberger because he testified he hadn't kept a diary, but had turned meeting notes over to the National Archives. Even though Congress thought he was being truthful, even though he was the one who opposed the idiotic scheme to start with, Lawrence Walsh filed charges against him, and then when a judge had the good sense to throw them out, he filed them again five days before the 1992 election out of spite.

Lerner would be a fool to testify without immunity.

The Repukes learned their lesson. In the Clinton years, I seem to remember investigation into Waco, Vince Foster's suicide and a lot of other bullshit that eventually turned up nothing other than Bill Clinton lied about getting a blow job.

But you didn't answer the question.

Why should TeaBaggers get a tax exemption for engaging in political activity when that exemption was reserved for "Social Welfare" groups.

When you can answer that one, I'll take all your whining about Lois Lerner seriously.

Groups on the right side of the aisle have as much right to be social welfare organizations with limited political activities as groups on the left side of the aisle.
What was stupid is people like you taking the context in which they were using the term and twisting into one that was false there is nothing mean spirited about opposing a bill that you feel is bad for the country what is mean spirited however is insulting and denigrating people simply for not agreeing with you.

The context was still pretty stupid.

They obviously had no idea that "Teabagging" refers to the sexual act
of dipping your scrotum into the mouth of your partner.

And they went around calling themselves this for months and not getting why people were laught at them.

In a 2002 column, Krugman called for Greenspan to create a housing bubble.

He quotes a mutual fund guy and agrees with him:

Dubya's Double Dip? -

Krugman is just another partisan, and his ideas on economics are too.


This part is funny:

Bear in mind also that government officials have a stake in accentuating the positive. The administration needs a recovery because, with deficits exploding, the only way it can justify that tax cut is by pretending that it was just what the economy needed. Mr. Greenspan needs one to avoid awkward questions about his own role in creating the stock market bubble.

But wishful thinking aside, I just don't understand the grounds for optimism. Who, exactly, is about to start spending a lot more? At this point it's a lot easier to tell a story about how the recovery will stall than about how it will speed up. And while I like movies with happy endings as much as the next guy, a movie isn't realistic unless the story line makes sense.

The doom and gloom predicted didn't materialize, and things right now are way worse than they were in 2002. So why is Krugman so glum then but happy now?

Because he's a fucking hack.

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