Kurdish Agent: 99% Odds Al-Baghdadi is Alive


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is still alive, the top Kurdish counter-terrorism agent said on Monday, casting doubts on a "substantial" claim of the jihadi chief's alleged demise.

There have been numerous reports about Baghdadi's alleged death in recent months, including one this month by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights this month.

Russia also claimed to have killed the IS head in June, but offered no proof to back their claim.

Lahur Talabany told Reuters that he was 99 percent sure that Baghdadi was alive and located south of the Syrian city of Raqqa.

"Baghdadi is definitely alive. He is not dead. We have information that he is alive. We believe 99 percent he is alive," Talabany said.

"Don't forget his roots go back to al-Qaeda days in Iraq. He was hiding from security services. He knows what he is doing."

Last week the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that it had information from top Islamic State group leaders confirming the death of the organisation's chief.
Kurdish Agent: 99% Odds Al-Baghdadi is Alive

Rami Abdulrahman, the founder of the Syrian Observatory. is a fraud. A fraud located in a basement in the UK. Why do people even go there?
That's why you don't send a Russian to do an American's job. If he isn't deaded now, he soon will be.

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