Kurt Schlichter proposes a reasoned compromise on gun control with the democrats.........

Yeah, let's look at that.

Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.

Mr Hazelett said it is not yet clear how Butler obtained the weapon - which he was not legally allowed to carry as a convicted felon.

Now, imagine if we lived in a country where NOBODY has a gun. We wouldn't count on the good maniac with a gun having to stop the bad maniac with a gun.

Name a country that does not have recorded cases of shootings committed with illegal guns? The UK has them. New Zealand has them. Australia has them. Just where has banning guns eliminated illegal guns?

That Butler was a criminal forbidden from owning guns proves that no gun law you can ever imagine will stop criminals from having guns.
Nobody has a gun? Except for the government? Ask Europe how that worked out when the German Socialists murdered 15 million people in just 6 years of slaughter……

Hows that working for Mexico…one gun store, and normal people can’t get a gun……but the drug cartels with their allies in the Mexican military rack up more murder than American criminals do……

And, of course…you are trying to divert away from the fact that a woman…..with her legal pistol….not a cop…..not a Navy SEAL…..stopped a mass public shooter who also had an AR-15 ….while an entire police Department….you know, the government at work……did not engage a mass public shooter killing kids and teachers……

The civilian with their legal gun stopped a mass public shooter while the government sat on its hands ….

Yeah…I’ll trust normal people over government …..even when criminals commit murder, they don’t murder people in the millions at a time….

It has come out now, backed up by the video of the scene, that the police never even tried to open the door to the classroom where the shooter was. The shooter fired a couple rounds through the door and the cops fled in terror. Parents with guns would have gone in. One or two might have died in the process but they would have gotten the shooter. I can guarantee you that 38 parents dying to save 19 children would have been an absolute success if was possible to ask dead parents.
Uh, guy, here's the thing about the Holocaust. Most of Europe was fine with it. The Germans found people happy to hand over their Jews in every country they invaded. There were plenty of guns, just no one stupid enough to try to take on a tank with one.

Um, because the US Gun stores keep flooding the place with guns. And some Marine tries to sneak into Mexico, gets caught by the Mexican government, and the GOP screams about how horrible it was that Obama wasn't doing more to get him released.

No diversion necessary. BOTH of those situations happened because someone who had no business buying a military grade weapon was able to buy one. That one had a slightly better outcome by random chance really doesn't mean that much to me.

Butler wasn't able to legally buy a gun. Making them more illegal wouldn't change a thing. And it wasn't gun stores sending guns to Mexico, it was Obama.

That Europe had enough guns, there were plenty of guns as you say, but didn't stop the murder of 6 million Jews proves that the guns need to be in the hands of the people.

The proof of the Uvalde shooting, the Stoneman Douglas shooting, the Holocaust, is all the same: people who are not the targets of evil will often not risk their lives to stop evil while those who are the targets have nothing at all to lose and, if allowed to do so, will stop the evil or die trying. They just need you and the Government to get out of their way.
Uh, guy, here's the thing. Nobody in 1940 felt all that bad about the Jews. Your average German had no problem having a gun... he just wasn't going to risk his life to protect his Jewish neighbor. They did use those guns to fight to the last old man and little boy in the last stages of the war, though. That's why Ike had to go house to house to confiscate every gun in Germany in 1945.

You really are an idiot... As 2aguy said, you are the case against gun control. That nobody in 1940 felt bad about the Jews is proof that a man needs the tools to defend himself because no one else is going to do it.
The politicians refuse to do anything about it because the NRA is very good at intimidating them.
A post or two ago, you said we did something about 9/11. Now you're claiming that the reason we did nothing was the NRA. So which is it? We did something or we did nothing?

And are you seriously going to claim that the NRA convinced Bush to attack Iraq rather than Afghanistan? Because maybe the NRA was defending the right to fly airplanes into buildings or what?
Uh, guy, here's the thing. Nobody in 1940 felt all that bad about the Jews. Your average German had no problem having a gun... he just wasn't going to risk his life to protect his Jewish neighbor. They did use those guns to fight to the last old man and little boy in the last stages of the war, though. That's why Ike had to go house to house to confiscate every gun in Germany in 1945.

Except Joker Holmes and Ramos hadn't done anything that merited arresting them... until they did.

But a simple background check that would have involved talking to their schools, families, would have uncovered neither one of them had any business owning a gun.
Except how many laws would that violate?
It has come out now, backed up by the video of the scene, that the police never even tried to open the door to the classroom where the shooter was. The shooter fired a couple rounds through the door and the cops fled in terror. Parents with guns would have gone in. One or two might have died in the process but they would have gotten the shooter. I can guarantee you that 38 parents dying to save 19 children would have been an absolute success if was possible to ask dead parents.
Those kids and teachers were already dead. Sacrificing more cops or parents made no sense.
It’s not a military grade anything……..it is a normal civilian rifle also used by the police.

The same week the cops failed to go into a building to save those kids, a woman in West Virginia used her legal concealed carry pistol to stop another mass public shooter who also had an AR-15……she wasn’t a cop, she wasn’t a SEAL……..

As she demonstrated…..the AR-15 wasn’t the insipid…the failure to act was the issue.
Those kids and teachers were already dead. Sacrificing more cops or parents made no sense.
Absolute lie. Several of the kids bled out slowly. One of the teachers died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Most of the children could have been saved simply by the distraction of having the shooter focusing on the cops instead of the children.

You're one fucked up son of a bitch liberal leftist to defend cowards who let kids die just so you can use the narrative to ban guns from law abiding citizens.
The NRA isn't telling the democrats to keep releasing violent criminals over and over again.....and they aren't telling people to do mass public shootings.

We lock up 2 million people. If locking them up was the answer, we'd be there.

Shithead......the torture and killing of cats is a felony.......had his friends or family had him arrested, he would have failed the background check. The threatening to rape girls could have gotten him a restraining order....bingo, another pop on a background check....

Or we can have someone do an actual background check rather than hoping someone decides to put him in jail for a petty offense.

Locking someone up for killing a cat is stupid. But I wouldn't let that person have a gun.
Name a country that does not have recorded cases of shootings committed with illegal guns? The UK has them. New Zealand has them. Australia has them. Just where has banning guns eliminated illegal guns?
They don't have them on a daily basis like our country does.

A post or two ago, you said we did something about 9/11. Now you're claiming that the reason we did nothing was the NRA. So which is it? We did something or we did nothing?
My apologies, I didn't realize that I was dealing with a retard.
Absolute lie. Several of the kids bled out slowly. One of the teachers died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Most of the children could have been saved simply by the distraction of having the shooter focusing on the cops instead of the children.

You're one fucked up son of a bitch liberal leftist to defend cowards who let kids die just so you can use the narrative to ban guns from law abiding citizens.
You best back your mother-fucking truck up!

Distracting the shooter accomplishes what? You still cannot get to the victims!

Calling me a leftist liberal is about as far away as you can be off course, dickhead! Where did I say that I wanted to ban guns, retard?

I happened to train special operations forces for 11 years. I often served as the role of shooter holed up in a room in their scenarios. You have no idea how many of them got killed leading with their testicles into the room instead of using their brains!
The politicians refuse to do anything about it because the NRA is very good at intimidating them.

So you hate the government except when they are giving you money... got it.

Oh, you are finally admitting that Ramos DID have a criminal record. That's nice.

Okay, so let's say instead of just punching in a name in a database, and hoping you spelled it right, you actually make Ramos wait a couple of days.. while someone conducts a thorough background check. And they would have found THIS (from your link).

Born on May 16, 2004, in North Dakota,[113] Salvador Ramos was a resident of Uvalde and a former student at Uvalde High School.[114] He did not have a criminal record or any documented mental health issues;[53] he had previously posted violent threats online.[115] According to his classmates and some of his friends, Ramos had a stutter and a strong lisp, for which he was often bullied; he frequently had fistfights with classmates, occasionally with boxing gloves that he carried around with him, and he had few friends. He was scheduled to finish high school in 2022, but his frequent absences made his graduation unlikely. He eventually dropped out of school.[93][116]

Ramos's social media acquaintances said he openly abused and killed animals such as cats and would livestream the abuse on Yubo.[117] Other social media acquaintances said that he would also livestream himself on Yubo threatening to kidnap and rape girls who used the app, as well as threatening to commit a school shooting.[115] Ramos's account was reported to Yubo, but no action was taken.[115][118] Up until a month before the shooting, Ramos worked at a local Wendy's and had been employed there for at least a year. According to the store's night manager, he went out of his way to keep to himself.[119] One of his coworkers said he was occasionally rude to his female co-workers, to whom he sent inappropriate text messages, and would intimidate co-workers at his job by asking them, "Do you know who I am?"[93] Ramos's coworkers referred to him by names including "school shooter" because he had long hair and frequently wore black clothing.[120]

Now, here's a crazy idea. How about actually TALKING to his co-workers before he gets a gun. Or his school. Or checking his social media account?
Your obsession with outliers clouds your thinking
Uh, guy, it isn't an outlier when you have schools getting shot up.

I'm all for a solution that keeps guns out the hands of the crazies but still lets you compensate for your shortcomings.

But the latter isn't a priority.
Yes it is.

Tell me what percentage of people who legally buy and possess guns commit school shootings?

And unlike you juvenile idiots I understand that a gun is nothing but an inanimate tool
We lock up 2 million people. If locking them up was the answer, we'd be there.

Or we can have someone do an actual background check rather than hoping someone decides to put him in jail for a petty offense.

Locking someone up for killing a cat is stupid. But I wouldn't let that person have a gun.

No....when the democrat party is refusing to arrest, or jail, the most dangerous and violent criminals, that 2 million doesn't mean anything...and when they are also doing their best to release the most violent and dangerous criminals, that two million means nothing...

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