Kurt Schlichter proposes a reasoned compromise on gun control with the democrats.........

I have a right to being able to go about my business without a crazy person shooting up wherever I happen to be at. If that right interferes with your right to compensate for a tiny pecker, so be it.
But you don't have a right to pick how you'll get there. And a crazy person like you shouldn't be allowed behind a deadly weapon called a car.
Oh, that makes it okay then, because none of those people have people who will miss them. Let's not do anything to keep guns away from depressed people or criminals.

Still a horseshit number... but even if it were true, I'd rather have 1000 robberies than one murder or suicide.

Not sure who "you guys" are.. Those people were injured by crazy people who were able to get guns. I don't want crazy people to get guns. Someone should do something about crazy people having guns.. you know like Congress or SCOTUS.

Cars aren't designed to kill people and we already hold bars accountable for overserving their customers.

Actually, nobody can be trusted with a gun unless they are part of a "Well-Regulated Militia" - i.e. a cop or a soldier.
Neither of those are part of the unorganized militia. Ok how about the cops at the last school shooting?

If you buy a gun, you have to wait thirty days while a government agency does a FULL background check on you, including interviewing your family, co-workers, and school if you graduated in the last 10 years. During that time, your name will be sent out on a list to all members of the psychiatric community.

Or better yet, we can ban all private gun ownership. That would also work. But I'm trying to work with you Ammosexuals, I know that a lot of you would feel "inadequate" without your guns.
Here's a better compromise.

I get any fucking gun I want and any accessory, including full-auto belt-fed machine guns, and I promise I will not kill you with them until you deserve it.

Neither of those are part of the unorganized militia. Ok how about the cops at the last school shooting?

How about those cops? YOu had some small town cops who usually don't have to deal with anything more serious than a traffic violation now having to deal with a crazy person with a military grade weapon on a shooting rampage.

Shame on them for not acting sooner, but shame on us for letting them get into that situation.

Here's a better compromise.

I get any fucking gun I want and any accessory, including full-auto belt-fed machine guns, and I promise I will not kill you with them until you deserve it.

As I always say, the best argument for gun control is to let the Gun Fetishist babble about all the people they want to kill.
How about those cops? YOu had some small town cops who usually don't have to deal with anything more serious than a traffic violation now having to deal with a crazy person with a military grade weapon on a shooting rampage.

Shame on them for not acting sooner, but shame on us for letting them get into that situation.

As I always say, the best argument for gun control is to let the Gun Fetishist babble about all the people they want to kill.

It’s not a military grade anything……..it is a normal civilian rifle also used by the police.

The same week the cops failed to go into a building to save those kids, a woman in West Virginia used her legal concealed carry pistol to stop another mass public shooter who also had an AR-15……she wasn’t a cop, she wasn’t a SEAL……..

As she demonstrated…..the AR-15 wasn’t the insipid…the failure to act was the issue.
It’s not a military grade anything……..it is a normal civilian rifle also used by the police.

The same week the cops failed to go into a building to save those kids, a woman in West Virginia used her legal concealed carry pistol to stop another mass public shooter who also had an AR-15……she wasn’t a cop, she wasn’t a SEAL……..

As she demonstrated…..the AR-15 wasn’t the insipid…the failure to act was the issue.

Yeah, let's look at that.

Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.

Mr Hazelett said it is not yet clear how Butler obtained the weapon - which he was not legally allowed to carry as a convicted felon.

Now, imagine if we lived in a country where NOBODY has a gun. We wouldn't count on the good maniac with a gun having to stop the bad maniac with a gun.

Yeah, let's look at that.

Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.

Mr Hazelett said it is not yet clear how Butler obtained the weapon - which he was not legally allowed to carry as a convicted felon.

Now, imagine if we lived in a country where NOBODY has a gun. We wouldn't count on the good maniac with a gun having to stop the bad maniac with a gun.

Nobody has a gun? Except for the government? Ask Europe how that worked out when the German Socialists murdered 15 million people in just 6 years of slaughter……

Hows that working for Mexico…one gun store, and normal people can’t get a gun……but the drug cartels with their allies in the Mexican military rack up more murder than American criminals do……

And, of course…you are trying to divert away from the fact that a woman…..with her legal pistol….not a cop…..not a Navy SEAL…..stopped a mass public shooter who also had an AR-15 ….while an entire police Department….you know, the government at work……did not engage a mass public shooter killing kids and teachers……

The civilian with their legal gun stopped a mass public shooter while the government sat on its hands ….

Yeah…I’ll trust normal people over government …..even when criminals commit murder, they don’t murder people in the millions at a time….

Yeah, let's look at that.

Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.

Mr Hazelett said it is not yet clear how Butler obtained the weapon - which he was not legally allowed to carry as a convicted felon.

Now, imagine if we lived in a country where NOBODY has a gun. We wouldn't count on the good maniac with a gun having to stop the bad maniac with a gun.
how come you always obsess over the outliers?

You never mention the 100 million plus gun owners who will never commit any crimes and will certainly never kill anyone.

It is obvious to anyone that gun owners as a whole are no more murderous than anyone else.
Then you shouldn't have a problem with rigorous background checks...

We have rigorous background checks…….your god, government, keeps failing to submit paperwork on the dangerous people, or simply refuses to arrest or commit them……..

Then you blame normal gun owners…
Nobody has a gun? Except for the government? Ask Europe how that worked out when the German Socialists murdered 15 million people in just 6 years of slaughter……

Uh, guy, here's the thing about the Holocaust. Most of Europe was fine with it. The Germans found people happy to hand over their Jews in every country they invaded. There were plenty of guns, just no one stupid enough to try to take on a tank with one.

Hows that working for Mexico…one gun store, and normal people can’t get a gun……but the drug cartels with their allies in the Mexican military rack up more murder than American criminals do……

Um, because the US Gun stores keep flooding the place with guns. And some Marine tries to sneak into Mexico, gets caught by the Mexican government, and the GOP screams about how horrible it was that Obama wasn't doing more to get him released.

And, of course…you are trying to divert away from the fact that a woman…..with her legal pistol….not a cop…..not a Navy SEAL…..stopped a mass public shooter who also had an AR-15 ….while an entire police Department….you know, the government at work……did not engage a mass public shooter killing kids and teachers……

No diversion necessary. BOTH of those situations happened because someone who had no business buying a military grade weapon was able to buy one. That one had a slightly better outcome by random chance really doesn't mean that much to me.
Considering that everything being proposed by the democrats would have done nothing to stop the various mass public shooters.....and that each thing they demand is simply a baby step toward banning and confiscating guns...with their golden ticket first step being gun registration, with the plan to later use the registration list to ban and confiscate guns....

The actual compromise we should make with the democrats as voiced by Kurt Schlichter.......

Here is my proposed gun control compromise following the latest attack on children that millions of us did not commit. Ready? You gun fascists can kiss my Schumer and we keep our guns. In fact, let's also repeal the National Firearms Act and impose national constitutional carry. I think this compromise fairly balances our respective legitimate interests regarding guns. Our legitimate interest is maintaining the capacity to deter and defeat tyrants and criminals. Your legitimate interest in limiting our ability to do so is non-existent.
The idea of a compromise involves getting something you want but giving away something to get it. So far, so good – that's how negotiating works. But the key point is to get something you want. Here, what we get is that we lose less than they want us to ultimately lose. Instead of banning "assault rifles" completely – every healthy, law-abiding adult citizen should have a real military assault rifle, but that's a tangent – the proposed "compromise" seems to be just to ban them completely for some younger adult citizens. See, I'm missing the part where we get something in return instead of merely losing less. But the durwoods of the softcon wing of the GOP seem pretty eager to fail less spectacularly than they might otherwise and call it a victory.

The "compromise" is coming.
Stay in your hard line.
Refuse to admit the facts
They will outlaw all of these weapons
Criminalize their possession


they will pack the SCOTUS to make sure it stands.

You celebrate the murder of innocent in which you are complacent.
You claim weapons of war are "personal defense" when even the military keeps hard locks on their possession and use

It's coming.
And by being you, you are expediting the end.

Yeah, let's look at that.

Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.

Mr Hazelett said it is not yet clear how Butler obtained the weapon - which he was not legally allowed to carry as a convicted felon.

Now, imagine if we lived in a country where NOBODY has a gun. We wouldn't count on the good maniac with a gun having to stop the bad maniac with a gun.
How do you plan to disarm the gangs and criminals?

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