Kurt Schlichter proposes a reasoned compromise on gun control with the democrats.........

Really? Because I see 49,000 dead a year and I don't see us being "protected" from anything.

Most of the death by gun is suicides…the majority of the rest are criminals murdered by criminals…

Meanwhile, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes,robberies , murders, beatings, stabbings and also mass public shootings…according to the Centers for Disease Control……

Do you know how big that number is?
Uh, sorry. The courts have already ruled the police are under no obligation to protect you, personally.

Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia - 1981

I guess the question is, why are you guys so invested in mass shooters being able to do mass shootings?

You see, when I go to the airport, I have to get my shoes x-rayed and I have to go through a body scanner. I know damned well I have no intention of hijacking that aircraft, but it's a reasonable comprimise to make sure no one else does.

I find it annoying when I open a pill bottle and have to remove THREE safety seals, but I am also relieved that

When I applied for my last home loan, I really didn't like all the paperwork I had to submit, forgetting that this is the Sixth time I've gone through the mortgage process with my third home, and I haven't missed a payment in 35 years. But I like the security that they aren't going to have another bank collapse because they gave loans to people who shouldn't have had them.

But you tell a gun owner that, hey, maybe we are going to make sure we give you some extra scrutiny to make sure you aren't a nut who is going to shoot up a school, and listen to you guys howl.
If the police aren't obligated to protect us, we are obligated to ourselves. I see why you are a gun grabber, shooting yourself in the foot like that.
You miss the whole point.
It is NOT that they do background checks.
No one complains about that.
But it is NOT supposed to be the feds.
That is illegal, as they have NOT been granted any jurisdiction over firearms in the Constitution.
And the feds are distant, corrupt, inaccessible, impossible to sue unless you are a millionaire, and unreliable.
If it was the local police, as with a concealed carry permit, there would be no problem at all.
No one minds local licensing and registration.
It is the federal bureaucracy and corruption they do not like.
Actually, you miss the whole point at least as much as Joe does.
Local PD also does not have the right to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms. No one complains about that because it's the Feds requiring it. But anyone who understands liberty and anyone who understands the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment very much cares if local government infringes on the right to keep and bear arms. Do you really think all we care about is who takes our guns?

If it was the local police, we'd absolutely care very much.
Anyone who cares about their liberty, the safety of their families, the right to keep and bear arms, or the Constitution absolutely minds local licensing and registration.
I'll try to not get more vocal about what I think of what you think I think of the federal bureaucracy and corruptrion - don't like the bureaucracy and corruption - but your idea that I, or anyone else who understands the right to keep and bear arms, would be OK with our guns being taken, as long as it was the local police doing the taking, is pretty fucking stupid.
The US has about the highest crime rate in the world, and we all know what causes crime.
It is injustice, lack of opportunity, like no public health care, unaffordable tuition, jobs all being offshored, no unions, a corrupt government with illegal things like the War on Drug, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, 3 strikes, etc.
You really are a communist. I need to remember that next time I think I agree with something you said. I have to figure out what I'm missing in your words because your goal is communism just like Joe's.
Yes, if you belong to a cult that regulates them to second class status, I guess.

Me, I looked at all the senior NCO's whose "companions" cheated on them when they were on deployment and then sued for divorce and got hooks into half their pensions.

Hard pass.

Frankly, marriage is an obsolete patriarchal institution, which is why half of them end in divorce.
When it's just the woman's body, I agree: her body, her choice. But she made the choice to have sex. It's an adult decision and has potential adult consequences. But once she exercised her choice and had sex and got pregnant, it was no longer just her body. Choices have consequences. A woman should never have sex, protected or otherwise, birth control or otherwise, with someone she isn't willing to spend her life with, someone she doesn't believe would be a loving, protecting, caring, provider for her children.
Actually, it will always be a reality.

We don't hold funerals for miscarriages, we don't arrest women for smoking while pregnant... if we took your logic to it's conclusion, that fetuses are people, then they are people who have more rights than the other people they are inside, and frankly, that's just not workable.

But that was the point, women DID die from abortions when they were illegal, which is why they were legalized. Because people who don't belong to crazy cults didn't think a woman should die for the sake of a kidney-bean sized lump of tissue that can be easily removed in an outpatient service.
Since when do we care about a murderer getting killed in the commission of their crime? It doesn't bother me a bit if a woman is killed having an abortion with a coat-hanger in the back alley. The price for taking an innocent life is one's own life.
Prosecutors are elected, and unless you want to pay your whole salary in taxes to lock up everyone, some people are going to get released.

We have 100 million people with police records. Do we lock them all up?
If you can't be trusted with a gun you don't need to be allowed out in public without supervision.
You can already sue a bar for overserving someone who later gets into a drunk driving accident.

As for cars, I would have no problem handling guns like cars. Which means they should be licensed, registered, insured, and inspected on a regular basis.

View attachment 654507
"but, but, but...the founding fathers said I can have guns...."
Rights vs privilege
Once you make them the same only the wealthy and criminals will have guns. I get it you don't care about your rights so stay the fuck in your lane and get the fuck off my rights.
Uh, sorry. The courts have already ruled the police are under no obligation to protect you, personally.

Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia - 1981

I guess the question is, why are you guys so invested in mass shooters being able to do mass shootings?

You see, when I go to the airport, I have to get my shoes x-rayed and I have to go through a body scanner. I know damned well I have no intention of hijacking that aircraft, but it's a reasonable comprimise to make sure no one else does.

I find it annoying when I open a pill bottle and have to remove THREE safety seals, but I am also relieved that

When I applied for my last home loan, I really didn't like all the paperwork I had to submit, forgetting that this is the Sixth time I've gone through the mortgage process with my third home, and I haven't missed a payment in 35 years. But I like the security that they aren't going to have another bank collapse because they gave loans to people who shouldn't have had them.

But you tell a gun owner that, hey, maybe we are going to make sure we give you some extra scrutiny to make sure you aren't a nut who is going to shoot up a school, and listen to you guys howl.
Fuck off shrimp brain you don't have a fucking right to fly.
No, he didn't.

Crime declined in the 1990's because the Baby Boom ended in 1965. Which meant the criminal class simply got to old for that kind of shit.

We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation or parole, and we have 100 million with police records.
Do you feel any safer? I don't.
Most people who kill with a gun got the gun illegally.
Most of the death by gun is suicides…the majority of the rest are criminals murdered by criminals…

Oh, that makes it okay then, because none of those people have people who will miss them. Let's not do anything to keep guns away from depressed people or criminals.

Meanwhile, Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes,robberies , murders, beatings, stabbings and also mass public shootings…according to the Centers for Disease Control……

Still a horseshit number... but even if it were true, I'd rather have 1000 robberies than one murder or suicide.

You guys already tried murdering Republican Congressmen and a Supreme Court Justice, so again....shall not be infringed

Not sure who "you guys" are.. Those people were injured by crazy people who were able to get guns. I don't want crazy people to get guns. Someone should do something about crazy people having guns.. you know like Congress or SCOTUS.

Take your idea and shove it up your ass why aren't auto makers sued when a drunk driver kills people?

Cars aren't designed to kill people and we already hold bars accountable for overserving their customers.

If you can't be trusted with a gun you don't need to be allowed out in public without supervision.

Actually, nobody can be trusted with a gun unless they are part of a "Well-Regulated Militia" - i.e. a cop or a soldier.
Rights vs privilege
Once you make them the same only the wealthy and criminals will have guns. I get it you don't care about your rights so stay the fuck in your lane and get the fuck off my rights.

I have a right to being able to go about my business without a crazy person shooting up wherever I happen to be at. If that right interferes with your right to compensate for a tiny pecker, so be it.
If that right interferes with your right to compensate for a tiny pecker, so be it.

I do not think that anyone here cares to hear about your tiny pecker, nor otherwise to hear of your sexual inadequacies being projected on others.


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