Kurt Schlichter proposes a reasoned compromise on gun control with the democrats.........


If you buy a gun, you have to wait thirty days while a government agency does a FULL background check on you, including interviewing your family, co-workers, and school if you graduated in the last 10 years. During that time, your name will be sent out on a list to all members of the psychiatric community.

Or better yet, we can ban all private gun ownership. That would also work. But I'm trying to work with you Ammosexuals, I know that a lot of you would feel "inadequate" without your guns.

Like the way the ban on 18-year-olds possessing a pistol stopped him from having a handgun at the shooting? Because if you make him wait 30 days while they do a background investigation, he won't do whatever he did to get the pistol he had that day. FAIL

And banning all private gun ownership? Thanks for making it clear what you're really after. Are you one of those here who keep saying no one wants to take our guns?

But in countries where guns are severely restricted, gun crimes are actually on the rise. New Zealand, for instance, went from 1 per million before their ban to 2.4 per million in each of the two years following. Gun crime is increasing in the UK and in Australia.

If you think a total ban would work, please tell us the story of how that worked for marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.

Yes, you failed again. I knew, of course, that you couldn't propose a law that would mean anything.
It is certainly a more rational and honorable view than your attitude of women as disposable whores to be used and discarded.

Not really. I mean, I guess your cult is good for the men, where women know their damned place and stay in the kitchen. But really, no one should stay in a relationship after it stops working. Thankfully, we've evolved to the point where women have options to leave bad relationships, and so do men.

The Bible says no such thing.

Do you actually READ the Bible, or do you just take the Cult leaders' word for what is in there.

(Mk 12:18-27).
Some Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him and put this question to him, saying, “Teacher, Moses wrote for us, ‘If someone’s brother dies, leaving a wife but no child, his brother must take the wife and raise up descendants for his brother.’ Now there were seven brothers. The first married a woman and died, leaving no descendants. So the second married her and died, leaving no descendants, and the third likewise. And the seven left no descendants. Last of all the woman also died. At the resurrection, whose wife will she be? For all seven had been married to her.”

Jesus said to them, “Are you not mistaken because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God? When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in heaven. As for the dead being raised, have you not read about the burning bush in the Book of Moses, how God told him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living. You are badly mistaken”
No; I'm not trying to say it. I'm absolutely saying it and I absolutely proved it.

You can say it, but it's just not true.... He cut his orange hair off after he was in jail. When he was indicted within days of the shooting, he looked like THIS.


Long orange hair with brown roots.

As opposed to that undated photo, which shows him with short brown hair.

Probably after his lawyer told him, "You'd probably do better in court if you didn't look like a creepy clown"!

Like the way the ban on 18-year-olds possessing a pistol stopped him from having a handgun at the shooting? Because if you make him wait 30 days while they do a background investigation, he won't do whatever he did to get the pistol he had that day. FAIL

And banning all private gun ownership? Thanks for making it clear what you're really after. Are you one of those here who keep saying no one wants to take our guns?

I'm a realist, Total gun bans would be preferable, but also not entirely practical, as we already have 300 million guns out there. let's keep more guns from being put out there and start reducing them by attrition.

But in countries where guns are severely restricted, gun crimes are actually on the rise. New Zealand, for instance, went from 1 per million before their ban to 2.4 per million in each of the two years following. Gun crime is increasing in the UK and in Australia.

Not even sure where you are getting those figures from.

Number of gun murders in Australia. 34 in 2020
Number of gun homicides in New Zealand - 73 in 2018. ( I assume it went up in 2019 due to the Christchurch massacre, but went down afterwards when they passed even tougher gun laws.
Number of gun murders in the UK- 32 in 2015
Number of gun murders in USA - 14,389 in 2018. USA! USA! USA!

If you think a total ban would work, please tell us the story of how that worked for marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.
You're comparing guns to addicting substances? Well, you might be on to something here... it's pretty clearly that a lot of you Ammosexuals have a problem.

Population of New Zealand 4.8 million the US 330 million. Population of Australia 25.3 million. Population of Britain 64.1 million.
Not really. I mean, I guess your cult is good for the men, where women know their damned place…

We know what you think a woman's “damned place” is—as a disposable fucktoy to be used and discarded. You have never given any indication of being able to imagine more value in a female companion than that.

The very worst distortions that you come up with of what view you try to attribute to me of a woman's value as a companion are far better than yours, and my true view of my wife's value to me are very far past your capability to imagine.
You can already sue a bar for overserving someone who later gets into a drunk driving accident.

As for cars, I would have no problem handling guns like cars. Which means they should be licensed, registered, insured, and inspected on a regular basis.

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"but, but, but...the founding fathers said I can have guns...."
Then you agree that the car MFG sand the distilleries should be sued, along with the retailers, based on your current comments?
Has it occurred to your tiny brainwashed mind that we have these problems because we are doing what you say?
Let's take prisons. We lock people up, for mostly non-violent offenses. More likely if they aren't white.
As a result, they often end up in gangs in prison for protection. This makes them more violent and anti-social.
At some point, they get out, they can't get jobs because of their records, and they often go back to committing crime. Except after five years of being brutalized over stealing a TV, they are a lot less concerned about who they hurt in the process this time.

but you just did exactly what I predicted you would do.

Except we aren't going to let the non-violent criminals go as long as we have a prison industrial complex. American Crime is self-perpetuating. Follow the money, see who is getting rich off the status quo.
How about, don't break laws. If you don't break laws, no prison, no gangs, no being released and being part of the system.

I'm sure your next statement is that the person breaking the law was a "had no choice" because of systemic racism, income inequality, or some other bogus social narrative to point the finger at someone else other than themselves.

The primary problem, as I see it, is the the lack of respect for oneself, other humans, and societal laws (whether written or moral). The family model (and I'm not talking about traditional Male/Female parents as I do accept that two homosexuals can raise a child to respect society and humans) where two parents nurture and raise a child with values and the idea that they can be a productive human and interact in society with the confines of the existing laws is becoming extinct. Fewer and fewer want to have any consequences for their actions and they want without having to earn. We have children being born with a parent(s) that provide no moral compass or unfortunately a skewed compass.

As a society, we have to do better in teaching our children what it means to live in a civilized society. Unfortunately there are too many kids that see anarchistic examples everyday.
Guns are not the problem, social decorum is deteriorating crumbling. Guns are just a tool now for the criminal to execute their debased social existence. Unfortunately the mentally ill mass shooter which is a very very small number of shootings is getting lumped in with the bigger issue of criminal and gang related violence.
I'd call that just plain stupid but it's not out of stupidity that you say it. You know it's not true but your goal isn't stopping crime or gun deaths; it's removal of guns.

Manufacturers didn't sell any guns to an unstable person. And the gun shops called the FBI to see if the person was unstable. If the FBI says the person is not unstable to their knowledge, how would a gun seller, and especially the gun manufacturer, be able to determine otherwise.

No, it's not stupidity that makes you give a stupid answer, it's plain dishonesty and moral bankruptcy that drives you.
It also can't and or will not ever account for the person who is stable, but can have a mental breakdown years later and uses the gun on themselves and or others.

IMO, the logical conclusion is that any amount of legislation will NEVER be enough. There will always be gun crime. The left has to ask, what is the acceptable number of guns deaths before we accept that we can't keep legislating for every scenario?

The only potential outcome is to ban guns completely. And that is the gun advocates understanding and position. They know that no amount of gun legislation will fix gun crimes and eventually politicians and the MSM will create enough outcry that the Gov't will ban them. I don't know when, but that is the ONLY logical conclusion that I can see. And even if guns are banned for citizens, there will be black market for them and guns will still be used in crimes.
Kurt Schlichter on Red Flag Laws….

Red flag laws are ripe for abuse. You can tell because the left is slobbering to get them enacted. Do Dems arrest the myriad scumbags wandering the streets of Democrat cities? Do they prosecute them? No, and these animals commit an Uvalde every few days. If Dems cared about “gun crime,” they would arrest, charge, and lock-up gun criminals, but they don’t. They care about thought crimes – yours. These laws might be used to disarm a few nutballs, sure, but they will also be used against us when we dissent too much.

We’ve seen how they use the power of government against political opponents like us – IRS targeting, FBI entrapment, selective prosecutions, to name a few – and why the hell would we give them a new weapon when they have abused the ones they already have in the service of the regime?.

You can say it, but it's just not true.... He cut his orange hair off after he was in jail. When he was indicted within days of the shooting, he looked like THIS.

View attachment 658169
Long orange hair with brown roots.

As opposed to that undated photo, which shows him with short brown hair.

Probably after his lawyer told him, "You'd probably do better in court if you didn't look like a creepy clown"!

I'm a realist, Total gun bans would be preferable, but also not entirely practical, as we already have 300 million guns out there. let's keep more guns from being put out there and start reducing them by attrition.

Not even sure where you are getting those figures from.

Number of gun murders in Australia. 34 in 2020
Number of gun homicides in New Zealand - 73 in 2018. ( I assume it went up in 2019 due to the Christchurch massacre, but went down afterwards when they passed even tougher gun laws.
Number of gun murders in the UK- 32 in 2015
Number of gun murders in USA - 14,389 in 2018. USA! USA! USA!

You're comparing guns to addicting substances? Well, you might be on to something here... it's pretty clearly that a lot of you Ammosexuals have a problem.

View attachment 658170

Moron….gangs in New Zealand are still shooting each other and they had rare mass public shootings before the ban……
No they didn't! They sold a perfectly legal sporting rifle to the Sandy Hook shooter's Mom and the kid killed her to gain access to it. What did the manufacturer do wrong?

Trial lawyers love joe……..allow legal warfare by democrat party lawyers against gun makers….and you open up the same lawsuits against car makers and every other industry…they can’t wait….
Crime isn't rising rapidly. We had a slight spike because of Covid and the recession, but they are going back to normal.

Um, you are a tad confused. America's only avoiding Japan's fate because of immigration (legal or otherwise.)

Uh, okay, try to follow along here, because you seem a little slow.

Most people who commit crimes commit them before age 30. After age 30, they either smarten up, or end up in prison for life. So when the last Boomers started getting into their 30's, crime started declining.
What planet do you live on?
You can say it, but it's just not true.... He cut his orange hair off after he was in jail. When he was indicted within days of the shooting, he looked like THIS.

View attachment 658169
Long orange hair with brown roots.

As opposed to that undated photo, which shows him with short brown hair.

Probably after his lawyer told him, "You'd probably do better in court if you didn't look like a creepy clown"!

I'm a realist, Total gun bans would be preferable, but also not entirely practical, as we already have 300 million guns out there. let's keep more guns from being put out there and start reducing them by attrition.

Not even sure where you are getting those figures from.

Number of gun murders in Australia. 34 in 2020
Number of gun homicides in New Zealand - 73 in 2018. ( I assume it went up in 2019 due to the Christchurch massacre, but went down afterwards when they passed even tougher gun laws.
Number of gun murders in the UK- 32 in 2015
Number of gun murders in USA - 14,389 in 2018. USA! USA! USA!

You're comparing guns to addicting substances? Well, you might be on to something here... it's pretty clearly that a lot of you Ammosexuals have a problem.

View attachment 658170

New Zealamd…hmmmmmmm..how do they do drive by shootings without guns?
Oh…that’s right, they ignore gun laws….

Utu between warring gangs is being blamed for the ongoing violence spilling into Auckland streets almost daily, with police vowing to "go hard" to stop it.

Police deputy commissioner Wally Haumaha told TVNZ's Breakfast that the escalating tit-for-tat shootings between the Killer Beez and Tribesmen was at a dangerous level that hadn't been seen for years and putting everyone at risk.

There have been at least 23 drive-by shootings targeting homes in the last two weeks in Auckland.

Haumaha said teams were working around the clock to put an end to the drive-by shootings he claimed were sparked by revenge.

A tit-for-tat gang war between the Tribesmen and Killer Beez gangs has had Aucklanders on edge for weeks, following a number of brazen shootings across the city.

A couple living with their grandchildren have been left shaken after their home on Auckland's North Shore was targeted in a suspected gang shooting early this morning.

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The gun manufacturers work with licensed dealers... they have about as much credibility as the piano player at the whorehouse who claimed he had no idea what was going on upstairs.

Wahhhhh,.. I don't want that to be true.... Waaaahhhhhhh

Uh, actually, he did look like that.

And you can't blame the FBI when you don't let the FBI, and more importantly, the ATF do it's job. As stated, NICS is a system that is flawed by DESIGN. We need something a little better than "Well, I typed in his name and nothing came up. I hope I spelled it right!"

When I got my last mortgage, I had to provide a LOT of paperwork to prove I was credit worthy. It didn't matter that I had an 800+ Credit score or that I had previously gotten three mortgages and two home equity loans (all paid off but one) previously, had no credit card debt, and never had a bankruptcy. They checked every last damned financial transaction that had my name on it.

When I was hired for my last job, it didn't matter that a current employee vouched for me, they did a thorough background check that involved checking my credit, criminal record (I don't have one), employment history and residency history.

In short, if you care, you check.

So if the gun industry REALLY WANTED To keep guns out of the hands of the crazies, they could set up a system of checking people. They just refuse to do so. Why not? They've gotten themselves exempted from liability no matter how reckless their business practices are.

Moron! Why would his name be wrong on the ID he provides? My God, you are fucking stupid!

You must have picked a lousy bank or credit union for your loan. I did none of that and I filed bankruptcy in 2000.

Exactly how are the gun manufacturers business practices reckless? Why is it their responsibility to check if the government is so fucked up?
You can say it, but it's just not true.... He cut his orange hair off after he was in jail. When he was indicted within days of the shooting, he looked like THIS.

View attachment 658169
Long orange hair with brown roots.

As opposed to that undated photo, which shows him with short brown hair.

Probably after his lawyer told him, "You'd probably do better in court if you didn't look like a creepy clown"!

I'm a realist, Total gun bans would be preferable, but also not entirely practical, as we already have 300 million guns out there. let's keep more guns from being put out there and start reducing them by attrition.

Not even sure where you are getting those figures from.

Number of gun murders in Australia. 34 in 2020
Number of gun homicides in New Zealand - 73 in 2018. ( I assume it went up in 2019 due to the Christchurch massacre, but went down afterwards when they passed even tougher gun laws.
Number of gun murders in the UK- 32 in 2015
Number of gun murders in USA - 14,389 in 2018. USA! USA! USA!

You're comparing guns to addicting substances? Well, you might be on to something here... it's pretty clearly that a lot of you Ammosexuals have a problem.

View attachment 658170

Hmmmm..The Netherlands……notice the names…..3rd world immigrants who don’t value western law or culture……using guns….

The laws on the books are inadequate if this keeps happening.

Like I said, simple enough solution. Let victims of gun violence sue gunmakers if they sell to the wrong person.

Then they either clean up their act or they go out of business, and I'm fine either way
Again, why is that their responsibility?
Sure. He looked like a crazy person. It's why his school was trying to throw him out, because he was a crazy person. and if someone had called his school, they'd have known this.

Why stop at locked doors. Let's turn all our schools into armed fortresses, because heaven forbid we actually deny crazy people their access to military grade weapons!!!

Except this guy was able to legally get a gun and shoot people, so, um, no.

You have no idea what you are talking about! An AR-15 is about as military grade as Cheerios showing up on a steakhouse menu!

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