Kurt Schlichter proposes a reasoned compromise on gun control with the democrats.........

That he looked like that at all should have been a pretty clear signal that if he wanted an AR and a 100 round magazine, he was up to nothing good.

Yeah, I have this crazy idea we should love our children more than our guns.... what a crazy idea.

No, the laws on the books are inadequate by design.

I've already shared his booking photo so you know this post is a lie and he didn't look like that when he bought the gun.

But it's clear that you are OK with gun sellers, or any other sellers, deciding to sell something to someone based on their opinions about the physical characteristics or looks of the buyer?
I only lock my doors at night, actually.

But my question remains... why do the rest of us have to put up with security doors, metal detectors, active shooter drills, checkpoints, militarized police departments, because you ammosexuals can't practice even the most common sense restrictions on your fetish?

An AR-15 was designed for the military to military specs.

So the only option is full-on fortress or dead children? What a liar.

The Uvalde shooter had a handgun which was already illegal for him to have. He came to the school intending on killing children, which was already illegal for him to do, so please explain any law that you can imagine that would have prevented this shooting.
The overwhelming vast majority of gun owners pose no threat whatsoever to your safety. Not until you try to commit any crimes against us, anyway.

Why should any of us have to feel less safe because criminal-loving subhuman shit such as yourself won't allow criminals to be dealt with properly?

You insist that criminals need to be allowed to run free, to prey on human beings, and at the same time, you want to deny us the means to defend ourselves against them.

Are they? Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents. Given you come off as a homicidal maniac under normal circumstances, I would imagine what you would be like if you were ever truly stressed out.

the laws on the books are fine....that your god, government, doesn't actually enforce them is on your god, government, not normal gun owners who actually obey the laws.....

Salvador Ramos was able to walk into a gun store, buy two military grade rifles, and then go to a school and shoot 21 people.

The gun laws are not fine if something like this can happen.
The Uvalde shooter had a handgun which was already illegal for him to have. He came to the school intending on killing children, which was already illegal for him to do, so please explain any law that you can imagine that would have prevented this shooting.


If you buy a gun, you have to wait thirty days while a government agency does a FULL background check on you, including interviewing your family, co-workers, and school if you graduated in the last 10 years. During that time, your name will be sent out on a list to all members of the psychiatric community.

Or better yet, we can ban all private gun ownership. That would also work. But I'm trying to work with you Ammosexuals, I know that a lot of you would feel "inadequate" without your guns.
I know that a lot of you would feel "inadequate" without your guns.

That's funny, a pathetic almost-sixty-year-old incel preaching to the rest of us about “inadequacy”.

How's your wife doing, Incel Joe? Oh, yeah, that's right—you don't have a wife.

No, he didn't.

Crime declined in the 1990's because the Baby Boom ended in 1965. Which meant the criminal class simply got to old for that kind of shit.

We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation or parole, and we have 100 million with police records.
Do you feel any safer? I don't.
Actually, crime PEAKED in the mid-90s.
That's funny, a pathetic almost-sixty-year-old incel preaching to the rest of us about “inadequacy”.

How's your wife doing, Oh, yeah, that's right—you don't have a wife.

Nope, I've got a girlfriend who doesn't get half my property when we are done with our relationship.

That's kind of awesome.
Another lie. We don't want Salvador Ramos, or you, or me, walking into the schools at all, with or without an AR. But you don't really want to protect the schools and, should the AR be banned and confiscated, the next Ramos will go into the schools with a Glock 9mm and you'll be clamoring for those to be banned, too.

Eventually, you'll be crying for all pointy objects to be banned, like in the UK.
Oh, he does. Joey ABSOLUTELY DOES want school stootings.
Are they? Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents. Given you come off as a homicidal maniac under normal circumstances, I would imagine what you would be like if you were ever truly stressed out.

Salvador Ramos was able to walk into a gun store, buy two military grade rifles, and then go to a school and shoot 21 people.

The gun laws are not fine if something like this can happen.

He was able to buy those guns legally because your god, government, failed........his family, friends, school, and local police all could have taken action under current law...had he been arrested for any of the felonies he actually committed, or been committed because of his dangerous behavior, he would have popped on the already, Federaly mandated background check.....

We have all the laws we need to stop these guys, but the government keeps failing to use them.....

He isn't the first one the government failed to stop when they knew all about him...he won't be the last.....
He was able to buy those guns legally because your god, government, failed........his family, friends, school, and local police all could have taken action under current law...had he been arrested for any of the felonies he actually committed, or been committed because of his dangerous behavior, he would have popped on the already, Federaly mandated background check.....

We have all the laws we need to stop these guys, but the government keeps failing to use them.....

He isn't the first one the government failed to stop when they knew all about him...he won't be the last.....
Let's not forget that Joe thinks it's domestic violence if two people barely know each other.
You're just plain wrong, there.

My marriage will last forever.

Right, I keep forgetting your bizarre cult thinks marriages last after death... unlike what the Bible actually says about "until death do us part."

He was able to buy those guns legally because your god, government, failed........his family, friends, school, and local police all could have taken action under current law...had he been arrested for any of the felonies he actually committed, or been committed because of his dangerous behavior, he would have popped on the already, Federaly mandated background check.....

Not the government that sold him a gun. A gun store did that. Because the NRA fought for years to tie their hands behind their backs on doing background checks.

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