Kurt Schlichter....Should we let blue cities burn, and just not care?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Kurt Schlichter asks an obvious question.....if democrats vote for the policies that have destroyed their cities, destroyed the futures of their children, in particular minority children....

Should we, the normal people...care?

But we will care, at least for now, because we are nice people and we think all Americans should live in something like peace and prosperity. It’s hard to get through our heads that not all of our countrymen feel that way. The chaos, violence, and misery that some Americans exist in is actually their choice. It’s a choice that liberals make, and they can make that choice because blue city voters inexplicably elect liberals who choose chaos.

The libs tried giving people money. That failed. Astonishingly, handing people free cash does not magically make things better. Then they tried improving the economies in these places by importing a bunch of foreigners to take all the entry level jobs. Astonishingly, that did not work either. Their current experiment is to make the cities woker by not arresting criminals who make the cities unlivable and releasing the few who are in jail. And – you are not going to believe this – that has also made things worse.

So, even though we do want to help – for now, because eventually there will come a point where non-blue city dwellers just shrug and say, “You’re on your own” – it’s not really clear what we can do gently. About 29 years ago this week, a bunch of soldiers and I tried to make Los Angeles safe again for a few weeks when we deployed in the Rodney King riots. It was quite an interesting time for a suburban guy who never ventured into the tougher parts of South-Central to be rumbling through it with an M16A1 rifle and a basic load of ammo. I got an up-close look at the reality of liberal misrule, though it was largely obscured by flames.
So, there is an answer to the violence. It’s called law and order. In extreme cases, like riots, it consists of massive, overwhelming force. But that’s a choice too, and one our gutless elite is not willing to make. They’d rather let the body count rise. They could end the murder spike tomorrow by backing the cops and dumping the leftist-bought prosecutors for real DAs. They could shut down riots and gangs and drug houses by simply shutting them down.

We should start a Go Fund Me page to buy the street thugs in Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis gasoline tankers and lighters.
Personally, I would not be a cop or serve in any city with a significant democrook voting block.

Let the green haired freaks of nature, and all the bull dykes and pathetic beta male bed wetters in antifa and the blm assholes destroy the cities. After the dollar collapses and the free shit runs dry, that's what going to happen anyway. Then we will have to come together in rural communities and keep the ghetto rats that survive the cannibalization from escaping.

The sooner the better. Fuck it.

Kurt Schlichter asks an obvious question.....if democrats vote for the policies that have destroyed their cities, destroyed the futures of their children, in particular minority children....

Should we, the normal people...care?

Nobody thinks a gun fetishist like you is "Normal".

Your position that we destroyed their futures implies they had a future. Was there ever a period in our country's history where being a minority or a poor person didn't totally suck?

The libs tried giving people money. That failed. Astonishingly, handing people free cash does not magically make things better. Then they tried improving the economies in these places by importing a bunch of foreigners to take all the entry level jobs. Astonishingly, that did not work either. Their current experiment is to make the cities woker by not arresting criminals who make the cities unlivable and releasing the few who are in jail. And – you are not going to believe this – that has also made things worse.

Wow... the sad thing is, the people reading him eat this shit up. We don't spend that much money on poor minorities compared to middle class entitlements.

SO lets review. We spent a TWO AND A HALF TRILLION last year on Medicare, Social Security and Unemployment Insurance... MIDDLE CLASS ENTITLEMENTS. So clearly, handing money to people does make their lives better.

Now, you compare that to the 90 Billion we spend on SNAP, or the 25 Billion we spend on Section 8 Housing, um, yeah, that pittance really doesn't do much to fix the problem of grinding poverty, does it?
Kurt Schlichter asks an obvious question.....if democrats vote for the policies that have destroyed their cities, destroyed the futures of their children, in particular minority children....

Should we, the normal people...care?

But we will care, at least for now, because we are nice people and we think all Americans should live in something like peace and prosperity. It’s hard to get through our heads that not all of our countrymen feel that way. The chaos, violence, and misery that some Americans exist in is actually their choice. It’s a choice that liberals make, and they can make that choice because blue city voters inexplicably elect liberals who choose chaos.

The libs tried giving people money. That failed. Astonishingly, handing people free cash does not magically make things better. Then they tried improving the economies in these places by importing a bunch of foreigners to take all the entry level jobs. Astonishingly, that did not work either. Their current experiment is to make the cities woker by not arresting criminals who make the cities unlivable and releasing the few who are in jail. And – you are not going to believe this – that has also made things worse.

So, even though we do want to help – for now, because eventually there will come a point where non-blue city dwellers just shrug and say, “You’re on your own” – it’s not really clear what we can do gently. About 29 years ago this week, a bunch of soldiers and I tried to make Los Angeles safe again for a few weeks when we deployed in the Rodney King riots. It was quite an interesting time for a suburban guy who never ventured into the tougher parts of South-Central to be rumbling through it with an M16A1 rifle and a basic load of ammo. I got an up-close look at the reality of liberal misrule, though it was largely obscured by flames.
So, there is an answer to the violence. It’s called law and order. In extreme cases, like riots, it consists of massive, overwhelming force. But that’s a choice too, and one our gutless elite is not willing to make. They’d rather let the body count rise. They could end the murder spike tomorrow by backing the cops and dumping the leftist-bought prosecutors for real DAs. They could shut down riots and gangs and drug houses by simply shutting them down.

First, thanks for your service during the Rodney King riots here in Los Angeles.

Second, many people (including me) feel the situation is intractable.

a. Using an iron fist is out of the question because Dem politicians simply are not going to alienate their voters.

b. The courts will not allow such tactics. The nonsense in New York City, for example, could be reduced by Stop & Frisk, but such tactics are not part of the zeitgeist,

Third, the folks under discussion have their culture. That culture is never going to change.

Fourth, Americans will continue to do what they have always done: Concentrate on their job, family, & hobbies. Do the best under the circumstances. There is NO other option.

Have a nice weekend.
Kurt Schlichter asks an obvious question.....if democrats vote for the policies that have destroyed their cities, destroyed the futures of their children, in particular minority children....

Should we, the normal people...care?

But we will care, at least for now, because we are nice people and we think all Americans should live in something like peace and prosperity. It’s hard to get through our heads that not all of our countrymen feel that way. The chaos, violence, and misery that some Americans exist in is actually their choice. It’s a choice that liberals make, and they can make that choice because blue city voters inexplicably elect liberals who choose chaos.

The libs tried giving people money. That failed. Astonishingly, handing people free cash does not magically make things better. Then they tried improving the economies in these places by importing a bunch of foreigners to take all the entry level jobs. Astonishingly, that did not work either. Their current experiment is to make the cities woker by not arresting criminals who make the cities unlivable and releasing the few who are in jail. And – you are not going to believe this – that has also made things worse.

So, even though we do want to help – for now, because eventually there will come a point where non-blue city dwellers just shrug and say, “You’re on your own” – it’s not really clear what we can do gently. About 29 years ago this week, a bunch of soldiers and I tried to make Los Angeles safe again for a few weeks when we deployed in the Rodney King riots. It was quite an interesting time for a suburban guy who never ventured into the tougher parts of South-Central to be rumbling through it with an M16A1 rifle and a basic load of ammo. I got an up-close look at the reality of liberal misrule, though it was largely obscured by flames.
So, there is an answer to the violence. It’s called law and order. In extreme cases, like riots, it consists of massive, overwhelming force. But that’s a choice too, and one our gutless elite is not willing to make. They’d rather let the body count rise. They could end the murder spike tomorrow by backing the cops and dumping the leftist-bought prosecutors for real DAs. They could shut down riots and gangs and drug houses by simply shutting them down.

First, thanks for your service during the Rodney King riots here in Los Angeles.

Second, many people (including me) feel the situation is intractable.

a. Using an iron fist is out of the question because Dem politicians simply are not going to alienate their voters.

b. The courts will not allow such tactics. The nonsense in New York City, for example, could be reduced by Stop & Frisk, but such tactics are not part of the zeitgeist,

Third, the folks under discussion have their culture. That culture is never going to change.

Fourth, Americans will continue to do what they have always done: Concentrate on their job, family, & hobbies. Do the best under the circumstances. There is NO other option.

Have a nice weekend.
"Fourth, Americans will continue to do what they have always done: Concentrate on their job, family, & hobbies. Do the best under the circumstances. There is NO other option.
Have a nice weekend."

I agree with this part. The rest is right wing bullsh#t.
Although, I do not spend much time, lamenting what crazy crap the people put up with in those far flung distant cities, figuring they voted to get themselves into this. They can vote to get themselves out of this.., or not. Being retired, I have no business or pleasure to seek in those cities.
We should buy Greenland like Trump said and sent all the city criminals there to work mining rare earth metals. Might as well send all the elected Democrats there too. Maybe that would be a job they could handle.
We should buy Greenland like Trump said and sent all the city criminals there to work mining rare earth metals. Might as well send all the elected Democrats there too. Maybe that would be a job they could handle.
LOL... yeah, you'd get a valid day's work out of a bed wetter in maybe a week if you're lucky. They're not worth their feed budget, let alone what it would cost to house and clothe them in such an environment. Think about why there were fewer african slaves in the north toiling in mills and industries. They had to bring in slavs, pollacks, krauts, wops and micks in the 1800's before the war. People who would work for pennies an hour, stack themselves in the most squalid conditions known to man outside London.

Blacks wouldn't tolerate those conditions for all the free food, shelter and clothing in such a climate. They weren't stupid enough for that or desperate.

Seriously... Let's just think about this here. No one opened a serious industrial facility in the south and stuffed a bunch of black slaves in there. NOT ONE MOTHER FUCKER, because Blacks would not have tolerated it. You'd think that you'd have all the cotton mills and textile factories CLOSER to the source of final production even with rail roads. Why were all the factories in the North, which forbade slavery and had zero regulations as far as who worked for how much even if it was barely enough to survive on?

Northern industrialists had an endless supply of the cheapest labor, CHEAPER THAN SLAVERY because there was no investment into the individual. If they fell into a machine, it was a slight problem, but if they starved to death, froze to death, died of disease, WHO GAVE A FUCK? There was 1000 more slavs, pollacks, krauts, wops and micks coming in the country tomorrow that would suck dicks for pennies, and required no initial investments.
You have to understand that the "we" as in "should we let cities burn" is in fact the mainstream media. When the media becomes the propaganda arm of the democrat party "we" will let anything happen as long as it benefits the regime.
Kurt Schlichter asks an obvious question.....if democrats vote for the policies that have destroyed their cities, destroyed the futures of their children, in particular minority children....

Should we, the normal people...care?

Nobody thinks a gun fetishist like you is "Normal".

Your position that we destroyed their futures implies they had a future. Was there ever a period in our country's history where being a minority or a poor person didn't totally suck?

The libs tried giving people money. That failed. Astonishingly, handing people free cash does not magically make things better. Then they tried improving the economies in these places by importing a bunch of foreigners to take all the entry level jobs. Astonishingly, that did not work either. Their current experiment is to make the cities woker by not arresting criminals who make the cities unlivable and releasing the few who are in jail. And – you are not going to believe this – that has also made things worse.

Wow... the sad thing is, the people reading him eat this shit up. We don't spend that much money on poor minorities compared to middle class entitlements.

SO lets review. We spent a TWO AND A HALF TRILLION last year on Medicare, Social Security and Unemployment Insurance... MIDDLE CLASS ENTITLEMENTS. So clearly, handing money to people does make their lives better.

Now, you compare that to the 90 Billion we spend on SNAP, or the 25 Billion we spend on Section 8 Housing, um, yeah, that pittance really doesn't do much to fix the problem of grinding poverty, does it?
Kurt Schlichter asks an obvious question.....if democrats vote for the policies that have destroyed their cities, destroyed the futures of their children, in particular minority children....

Should we, the normal people...care?

Nobody thinks a gun fetishist like you is "Normal".

Your position that we destroyed their futures implies they had a future. Was there ever a period in our country's history where being a minority or a poor person didn't totally suck?

The libs tried giving people money. That failed. Astonishingly, handing people free cash does not magically make things better. Then they tried improving the economies in these places by importing a bunch of foreigners to take all the entry level jobs. Astonishingly, that did not work either. Their current experiment is to make the cities woker by not arresting criminals who make the cities unlivable and releasing the few who are in jail. And – you are not going to believe this – that has also made things worse.

Wow... the sad thing is, the people reading him eat this shit up. We don't spend that much money on poor minorities compared to middle class entitlements.

SO lets review. We spent a TWO AND A HALF TRILLION last year on Medicare, Social Security and Unemployment Insurance... MIDDLE CLASS ENTITLEMENTS. So clearly, handing money to people does make their lives better.

Now, you compare that to the 90 Billion we spend on SNAP, or the 25 Billion we spend on Section 8 Housing, um, yeah, that pittance really doesn't do much to fix the problem of grinding poverty, does it?
View attachment 498325

Bravo......that is excellent........thanks.
Kurt Schlichter asks an obvious question.....if democrats vote for the policies that have destroyed their cities, destroyed the futures of their children, in particular minority children....

Should we, the normal people...care?

Nobody thinks a gun fetishist like you is "Normal".

Your position that we destroyed their futures implies they had a future. Was there ever a period in our country's history where being a minority or a poor person didn't totally suck?

The libs tried giving people money. That failed. Astonishingly, handing people free cash does not magically make things better. Then they tried improving the economies in these places by importing a bunch of foreigners to take all the entry level jobs. Astonishingly, that did not work either. Their current experiment is to make the cities woker by not arresting criminals who make the cities unlivable and releasing the few who are in jail. And – you are not going to believe this – that has also made things worse.

Wow... the sad thing is, the people reading him eat this shit up. We don't spend that much money on poor minorities compared to middle class entitlements.

SO lets review. We spent a TWO AND A HALF TRILLION last year on Medicare, Social Security and Unemployment Insurance... MIDDLE CLASS ENTITLEMENTS. So clearly, handing money to people does make their lives better.

Now, you compare that to the 90 Billion we spend on SNAP, or the 25 Billion we spend on Section 8 Housing, um, yeah, that pittance really doesn't do much to fix the problem of grinding poverty, does it?
View attachment 498325
Kurt Schlichter asks an obvious question.....if democrats vote for the policies that have destroyed their cities, destroyed the futures of their children, in particular minority children....

Should we, the normal people...care?

Nobody thinks a gun fetishist like you is "Normal".

Your position that we destroyed their futures implies they had a future. Was there ever a period in our country's history where being a minority or a poor person didn't totally suck?

The libs tried giving people money. That failed. Astonishingly, handing people free cash does not magically make things better. Then they tried improving the economies in these places by importing a bunch of foreigners to take all the entry level jobs. Astonishingly, that did not work either. Their current experiment is to make the cities woker by not arresting criminals who make the cities unlivable and releasing the few who are in jail. And – you are not going to believe this – that has also made things worse.

Wow... the sad thing is, the people reading him eat this shit up. We don't spend that much money on poor minorities compared to middle class entitlements.

SO lets review. We spent a TWO AND A HALF TRILLION last year on Medicare, Social Security and Unemployment Insurance... MIDDLE CLASS ENTITLEMENTS. So clearly, handing money to people does make their lives better.

Now, you compare that to the 90 Billion we spend on SNAP, or the 25 Billion we spend on Section 8 Housing, um, yeah, that pittance really doesn't do much to fix the problem of grinding poverty, does it?
View attachment 498325
I bought mine totally without background check of any kind, only buy spare parts from different vendors and assembling. It's a little nicer than that one, though.

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