Kurt Vonnegut on "Equality"

Actually, [nutballs] seem to get the satire, but not Vonnegut's irony behind the satire.

Vonnegut was a real liberal nothing like the partisan grifters driving today's left into disrepute, and likely Vonnegut held some REAL Libertarian instincts unlike clan Paul and the anti-abortion scum degrading Libertarianism today, which means government takes care of education and roads, national defense, etc., and stays the fuck out of abortion and legislating finish lines.

What the nutballs embarrassing today's Republican party are too stupid to understand is how tax rates in the 90% range created the strongest nation in global history, and the fake-liberals undermining today's Democratic party are too morally degenerate to admit is that an essential right is the right to fail absolutely, then die poor and miserable in the gutter.

Once those differences are reconciled among the partisan scum of the earth, the rest of us can begin to live with less fear of the filthy god damned parasites working in government today.

You really hate Democracy huh?
You will get this country no where by destroying our biggest asset.

OUR kids

(Psssttt....have you taken a gander at the scores "OUR kids" achieve on international tests since the Liberal educrats have taken over?)

Heck....no wonder you're so mad today!!

Bet you're kickin' yourself for voting the way you did in November, huh?
the right wants to waste the talent in this country so their OWN kids have a better chance.

They jsut dont get anything about life

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why you didn't go into teaching!

Considering the state of public education, she may already be a teacher.

Simply more evidence that Conservatism does in fact support economic policies that make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

The freedom to get rich, the freedom to get poor, the freedom to be merely average.... and I support all those but will not support you getting to take from others in some scheme to try and equalize outcome to ANY degree

You don't want the rich to get rich.. beat them at the game... you don't weigh down their playing piece or glue it to the board

Then you are in the wrong country.

This country decided that one long ago

refuse to support the constitution then GET OUT

“Theodore Lowi, a political science eminence at Cornell University, years ago drew a bead on what was wrong with the American polity. In his The End of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States, he claimed that the Founder's constitution of 1787 had been surreptitiously replaced with a new one by the FDR administration, and no one had actually noticed it for seventy-plus years.

In current argot, we have been operating under US Constitution, 2.0 since the Roosevelt era. The contours of the constitution of this "Second Republic" as he deemed it, bears some scrutiny, as the Obama Administration and the 112th Congress go to work bringing even more change--possibly US Constitution 3.0. The preamble and first article of the actual constitution we have been living under, which Lowi acutely discerned, suffice to show where an Obama constitution will be taking off from. "http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/11/americas_third_republic.html

In case you're too busy to pick up Lowi's book, here's part:

PREAMBLE. There ought to be a national presence in every aspect of the lives of American citizens. National power is no longer a necessary evil; it is a positive virtue.

Article I. It is the primary purpose of this national government to provide domestic tranquility by reducing risk. This risk may be physical or it may be fiscal. In order to fulfill this sacred obligation, the national government shall be deemed to have sufficient power to eliminate threats from the environment through regulation, and to eliminate threats from economic uncertainty through insurance.

Article II. The separation of powers to the contrary notwithstanding, the center of this national government is the presidency. Said office is authorized to use any powers, real or imagined, to set our nation to rights making any rules or regulations the president deems appropriate; the president may delegate this authority to any other official or agency. The right to make all such rules and regulations is based on the assumption in this constitution that the office of the presidency embodies the will of the real majority of the American nation.
Has TMN moved from drinking vodka for breakfast to doing speedballs?

Inquiring minds want to know.
You will get this country no where by destroying our biggest asset.

OUR kids

(Psssttt....have you taken a gander at the scores "OUR kids" achieve on international tests since the Liberal educrats have taken over?)

Heck....no wonder you're so mad today!!

Bet you're kickin' yourself for voting the way you did in November, huh?

Dear lying anti American evil brainwashed fool.

Liberals dont run our education system.
Truthmatters loves democracy.

That is because ten men can very democratically drag one little black guy out of his bed and hang him. Why not? Wasn't it the majority?
Truthmatters loves democracy.

That is because ten men can very democratically drag one little black guy out of his bed and hang him. Why not? Wasn't it the majority?
your insane PC

No...you have that backwards.

You're Ms.Truthie\
I'm PC.

...wait...unless you mean "You're insane, PC."
If that's it....you're wrong: Mom had me tested.

Now, let's go over punctuation:
1. Let’s eat Grandma.
2. Let’s eat, Grandma.

Punctuation saves lives.
You will get this country no where by destroying our biggest asset.

OUR kids

(Psssttt....have you taken a gander at the scores "OUR kids" achieve on international tests since the Liberal educrats have taken over?)

Heck....no wonder you're so mad today!!

Bet you're kickin' yourself for voting the way you did in November, huh?

Dear lying anti American evil brainwashed fool.

Liberals dont run our education system.

This post makes Baby Dale Carnegie cry!
You will get this country no where by destroying our biggest asset.

OUR kids

(Psssttt....have you taken a gander at the scores "OUR kids" achieve on international tests since the Liberal educrats have taken over?)

Heck....no wonder you're so mad today!!

Bet you're kickin' yourself for voting the way you did in November, huh?

Dear lying anti American evil brainwashed fool.

Liberals dont run our education system.

"California Teachers "Reaffirm" Support for Cop-Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal

I believe there is a difference between rank-and-file teachers and the leadership of radical teachers’ unions. The trouble is, the rank-and-file sits idly by as the radicals embarrass them, time and time again. Perhaps we’ve reached the point where the rank-and-file can rightfully be accused of being complicit of such behavior.

Why aren’t teachers angrily denouncing a recent resolution passed by the California Federation of Teachers in which the union "reaffirms support for death row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal"?

The American Federation of Teachers, led by Randi Weingarten, has to date issued no statement in opposition to this offensive resolution."
California Teachers "Reaffirm" Support for Cop-Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal - Kyle Olson - [page]
your lies make me want to puke on you

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And you unconstitutionally did so. there is no power held by the federal government to take care of personal needs of individuals.. no matter how much you try and corrupt government to make it so... and you will always have people like me fighting for the freedoms against your oppression

The Constitution provides for the determination of constitutionality. You have no idea what you're talking about.

No.. it really does not...

You have tried this argument before, and failed...

The government does not just get to grant itself power willy nilly.. that is why we have the amendment process that is purposely HARD.. so that the fed cannot easily gain more power

Judicial review is constitutional. Period.
Truthmatters loves democracy.

That is because ten men can very democratically drag one little black guy out of his bed and hang him. Why not? Wasn't it the majority?

Most conservatives support the right of states to segregate based on race don't they?

Isn't that an example of the federal government taking away 'liberty'? To take that power away from the individual states?

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