Kushner & Ivanka representing the US in Israel.

Kushner can't pass a security clearance & Ivanka holds no position. No Trump, No Pence, No Sec Of State.

Trump hangs a new sign on a consulate & gets a couple dozen people killed as predicted.

Why, precisely, do they need security clearances and positions to attend a frigging party?
Its time for this conflict to end...if the Palestinians can't or won't live in peace with its neighbor (because of bigotry) than the world must turn away and allow Israel to end it once and for all....
The United states is not playing anymore....

pretty hard to live in peace when Israel soldiers are using drones to bomb their cities and israel soldiers are shooting unarmed palestine women and children there everyday and when these facts are told,we got to put with crap from you trolls that we are anti-semitic.:rolleyes:

Pretty hard to live in peace when your goal in life is genocide, and blaming the victims for "forcing" you to try to wipe them off the planet.
The sad thing is that professional con man Trump put Kushner as a kind of peace envoy in a move of maximum kakistocracy.

Kakistocracy must mean Moving the Embassy to Jerusalem, defeating Obama's elite ISIL Troops and ending the Korean War, right?
Trump is helping recruit ISIS and Al Qaeda members like crazy through his recent actions.

Riiiiight. He should surrender to our enemies so that they will like us.

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