Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

The “murders” were ruled self defense because they were, in fact, self defense.

The gun charges are irrelevant to the shootings anyway. They have nothing to do with the fact that Rittenhouse was attacked. He was well within his rights to defend himself from angry mobs.
I disagree because the rifle was so provocative, it amounted to "fighting words"
I disagree because the rifle was so provocative, it amounted to "fighting words"
If that were a valid argument then he would have been attacked by everyone just for bearing the firearm. He was not. Not to mention the fact that he wasn’t attacked for bearing the gun, he was attacked for extinguishing a dumpster fire.

I have to ask: At what point do you hold Rosenbaum responsible for his actions, i.e., attacking Rittenhouse? Or do you hold him responsible at all?
Fascists are right wing.
He would not have been at risk if unarmed or not there at all.
First of all, he was not attacked for being armed. Secondly, it is a post hoc fallacy to say that it wouldn’t have happened if he had not been there because it wouldn’t have happened if Rosenbaum hadn’t been there either.

While it’s true it wouldn’t have happened had he not been there, it’s also true that his being there was not the cause.
Fascists are right wing.
He would not have been at risk if unarmed or not there at all.

Fascists are left wing. No government is right wing.
If that were a valid argument then he would have been attacked by everyone just for bearing the firearm. He was not. Not to mention the fact that he wasn’t attacked for bearing the gun, he was attacked for extinguishing a dumpster fire.

I have to ask: At what point do you hold Rosenbaum responsible for his actions, i.e., attacking Rittenhouse? Or do you hold him responsible at all?

Actually, Rosenbaum would have had a built in defense of being mentally ill and lighting a dumpster on fire isn't really much of a crime.

"Mommy, the mean midget yelled at me and I shot him!"

Ghosty has never met a case of white privilege he didn't like.
Actually, Rosenbaum would have had a built in defense of being mentally ill and lighting a dumpster on fire isn't really much of a crime.

"Mommy, the mean midget yelled at me and I shot him!"

Ghosty has never met a case of white privilege he didn't like.
Rittenhouse is a super hero, the way he maneuvered That riffle, the way he lawfully defended him
Self from getting lynched by democrats. That’s how you stop a democrat kkk lynch mob put a bullet in them
Rittenhouse is a super hero, the way he maneuvered That riffle, the way he lawfully defended him
Self from getting lynched by democrats. That’s how you stop a democrat kkk lynch mob put a bullet in them

Except no one was trying to l ynch him, just hold him for the police.
I disagree because the rifle was so provocative, it amounted to "fighting words"
You are confused Moon Bat.

What was provocative was the BLM assholes doing so much destruction in the city and then attacking a 17 year old boy for helping to put out a street fire that they caused.

Many of BLM assholes were also armed included the shithead that first fired a gun that started the whole shit.

It was the duty of the jury to determine if Kyle was provocative or not. They listened to all the evidence and determined that the BLM assholes attacked Kyle did the provocation and then Kyle defended himself.

It was properly legal under Wisconsin law for Kyle as a 17 year to have possession of that AR.

Many of the citizens there were armed with ARs. We heard several testify at the trial. The BLM terrorist cowards didn't pick on any of the adults. Instead they chose to attack what they thought was a weak baby faced kid. Big mistake, wasn't it?
1. A democrat mob chased him
2. They tried to physically do damage to him.
3. and he ended a real life democrat kkk lynch mob on video. Blacks take notice.

He shot an unarmed man.

Other people in the crowd tried to hold him for the police.

He shot more people and ran away.

The racist cops let him walk away from that.

He shot an unarmed man.

Other people in the crowd tried to hold him for the police.

He shot more people and ran away.

The racist cops let him walk away from that.

View attachment 614520
A violent pedophile was chasing him he was a teenager he did not want to get raped. Lol even if he wasn’t a violent pedophile you can’t chase somebody to hurt them that’s what the jury said. Jury of his peers
He shot an unarmed man.

Other people in the crowd tried to hold him for the police.

He shot more people and ran away.

The racist cops let him walk away from that.

View attachment 614520

Grosskreuz WAS armed you simpleton. And he admitted under oath that Kyle only shot him when he pointed his pistol at him.

He shot an unarmed man.

Other people in the crowd tried to hold him for the police.

He shot more people and ran away.

The racist cops let him walk away from that.

View attachment 614520
That is what hateful confused Moon Bat idiots like you believe after listening to all the lies put out by the fake media.

However, a jury after listening to all the evidence, determined that Kyle was acting in self defense during a vicious attack by BLM asshole thugs. The same BLM type asshole thugs that had destroyed Kenosha with fires, looting and attacks on other citizens.

You are simply confused once again Moon Bat.
If that were a valid argument then he would have been attacked by everyone just for bearing the firearm. He was not. Not to mention the fact that he wasn’t attacked for bearing the gun, he was attacked for extinguishing a dumpster fire.

I have to ask: At what point do you hold Rosenbaum responsible for his actions, i.e., attacking Rittenhouse? Or do you hold him responsible at all?

Everyone wanted to attack Rittenhouse because of the provocative rifle.
But clearly what made the rifle provocative was that it was threatening, so almost no one had the nerve to attack him, since they were unarmed.
But once he shot Rosenbaum, no one had any choice any more, and had to attack him, since he was murdering everyone around him.
The only reason more did not attack him is that he ran away.

I have never seen video of the early part with Rosenbaum, so I am not sure how it started, but Rosenbaum was unarmed and Rittenhouse still shot him 4 times, at close range, with a high powered rifle.
That is NOT self defense.
The castle doctrine and stand your ground, do NOT allow for an escalation.
So you can't use a weapon on an unarmed attacker unless you are an invalid or something like that.
We have a right to bear arms you don’t have a right to attack lol

You have a right to defensive arms at home, not in public.
Especially not a rifle during a political protest with civil disobedience.
That is a deliberate implied threat that is attempting to prevent political expression.

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