Kyl;e Rittenhouse will be a billionaire by the time his lawyers are done.

Not what they said in Court.


Actually, EXACTLY what they said in court.

  • Two brothers said they never asked Kyle Rittenhouse or anyone else to guard their Kenosha car dealership.
Two brothers from the family-owned car dealership Kyle Rittenhouse said he was guarding on the night of the Kenosha shootings testified on Friday that neither had requested armed protection that night, from Rittenhouse or anyone else.

Sahil and Anmol Khindri said they both encountered Rittenhouse and other armed men on August 25, 2020, the day of the shooting, but only briefly.

He told the court that he didn't ask the men to protect the business, but he also didn't ask them to leav

Now, um, yeah, Rittenhouse claims he was, and it could be well that the brothers are lying because they don't want to be hit by a civil suit from the people Rittenhouse killed.
Actually, EXACTLY what they said in court.

  • Two brothers said they never asked Kyle Rittenhouse or anyone else to guard their Kenosha car dealership.
Two brothers from the family-owned car dealership Kyle Rittenhouse said he was guarding on the night of the Kenosha shootings testified on Friday that neither had requested armed protection that night, from Rittenhouse or anyone else.

Sahil and Anmol Khindri said they both encountered Rittenhouse and other armed men on August 25, 2020, the day of the shooting, but only briefly.

He told the court that he didn't ask the men to protect the business, but he also didn't ask them to leav

Now, um, yeah, Rittenhouse claims he was, and it could be well that the brothers are lying because they don't want to be hit by a civil suit from the people Rittenhouse killed.

If that were true why wasn't he charged with a curfew violation?

If that were true why wasn't he charged with a curfew violation?


Since the judge threw out the curfew charge on the grounds that the prosecution had failed to provide evidence there WAS a curfew, I think we can dispense with the mindless leftist talking point of, "He violated curfew! He DID, because I was told to know that he did!"

They're so damned dumb, it makes my head hurt.
If that were true why wasn't he charged with a curfew violation?

He was. The inept judge threw it out... Durrrr...

Since the judge threw out the curfew charge on the grounds that the prosecution had failed to provide evidence there WAS a curfew, I think we can dispense with the mindless leftist talking point of, "He violated curfew! He DID, because I was told to know that he did!"

They're so damned dumb, it makes my head hurt.

Dumb is making a hero out of this punk.

Here's the problem Kenosha has... they had a curfew, but the police weren't enforcing it. They saw the "Kenosha Militia" out there and instead of telling them to break it up, they tossed them bottles of water.

Failing to convict the little turd, they've opened themselves to all sorts of liability.
Since the judge threw out the curfew charge on the grounds that the prosecution had failed to provide evidence there WAS a curfew, I think we can dispense with the mindless leftist talking point of, "He violated curfew! He DID, because I was told to know that he did!"

They're so damned dumb, it makes my head hurt.

Indeed! joe blow and the others have their heads so far up their ass it's amazing they can breath.
He was. The inept judge threw it out... Durrrr...

Dumb is making a hero out of this punk.

Here's the problem Kenosha has... they had a curfew, but the police weren't enforcing it. They saw the "Kenosha Militia" out there and instead of telling them to break it up, they tossed them bottles of water.

Failing to convict the little turd, they've opened themselves to all sorts of liability.

Yeah, because the prosecution couldn't provide evidence that there was a curfew

No, because the judge was an idiot who made all sorts of stupid rulings.

Oh? Were the DA's able to prove a curfew in place?

No, no they weren't.

Your fantasy doesn't matter.

You complain every time that you are proven wrong.

Maybe you are just stupid and make bad decisions.
You Nazi fucks tried to lynch him - you failed.

Now you get your filthy demagogue asses sued off.

Why do you think CNN finally cut Fredo Cuomo loose?
Please tell us why the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE JOE BIDEN stood up in front of everybody BEFORE the trial and said he was GUILTY???? Isn’t that JURY TAMPERING??? Would he have done it if Kyle had been Black?? Who the FUCK did he think he was to express disappointment AFTER the Verdict?? That FAT SLOB Whoopie and Joy Blowhart should be first on his list , then BRANDON along with CNN and MSNBC
I give up. You are hopeless.
Joey is a disciple of Alinsky and Goebbels: he likes The Big Lie. He simply keeps repeating it, it will eventually be accepted as truth. He also accuses others of what he is doing.

This is made easier by the fact that his entire life appears to be devoted to defecating in this forum.
Self-defense is justified and the court found Rittenhouse killed two and wounded another in self-defense. No lawyer will touch the case on contingency, lawyers aren't that stupid. Maybe the families can find an ambulance chaser to take it if they pay him hourly with a really big retainer, but there simply isn't a case there.
Or a rich progressive will quietly pay the legal fees simply to try to ruin Kyle's life...
It would be nice if you would get more than one of your facts correct. Rittenhouse, didn't cross state lines with any gun, let alone an illegal one. He didn't start any fights, that was Rosenbaum, and the crowd was trying to kill him, not take him into custody. As for the curfew, everybody there was violating it and even the police didn't seem to be taking it seriously.
Joey cares nothing for facts: he simply re-re-re-re-reposts the same lies...either people give up and stop correcting him, or the lies become accepted as truth. Goebbels 101.
Oh? Were the DA's able to prove a curfew in place?

No, no they weren't.

According to the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin, 94 people were arrested for violating the curfew that Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth declared from Aug. 23 through Sept. 2. Many of those ticketed spent more than a day in jail after they were arrested. While some of those ticketed likely paid the $200 fine or failed to show up to court, others have contested the arrests.

Do you ever get tired of being proven wrong.

The judge just made bad decisions.
Only an enemy democrat would continue litigating this dead case.
Rittenhouse was acquitted. He will never be found guilty. Over and done.

He can and will sue every bastard that slandered him and he will win.

The problem is he doesn't have a case.

How many people did OJ manage to sue for slander? Ummm. None. Even though he was acquitted, most people know he did it. And they didn't even have him on tape.

The problem Rittenhouse has is that civil liability has a much lower standard than a criminal one.
The problem is he doesn't have a case.

How many people did OJ manage to sue for slander? Ummm. None. Even though he was acquitted, most people know he did it. And they didn't even have him on tape.

The problem Rittenhouse has is that civil liability has a much lower standard than a criminal one.
How many people did Nick Sandmann sue for slander? How many times did he win?

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