kyle rittenhouse sueing in defemation suits

He has a lot in common with George Zimmerman. He'll never get over his moment in the spotlight.

Zimmerman legally defended himself against a filthy ass Negro thug and you Moon Bats can't stand it.

Kyle legally defended himself against BLM/ANTIFA shitheads and he is an intelligent well spoken intelligent young man that will soon be very rich.
LOL! The pussies are you stupid uneducated Moon Bats that know you have been caught with your lies and hate.

Kyle will be rich and the hate filled Left assholes that lied about him will be the ones that will be forced to make him rich.

Lies and hate from the Leftest media will have consequences.
He’s a huge pussy
Your turning Kyle into a Socialist Freeloader.
Give me money, people said bad things and my feel feels got hurt.
Or that’s what these Bastard Lawyers are telling me.
I can’t believe you support this attempted money grab.

And your shtick about everyone being moonbats and uneducated is old and obsolete.
But yet accurate.
Your old senile biden/trump like brain doesn't work as well as it probably did in your younger years.
It hurts to acknowledge you are losing it and therefore you attack.

It's ok because the sane people on this board realize just how unhinged a how easily triggered you are.
He has a lot in common with George Zimmerman. He'll never get over his moment in the spotlight.
True, they both successfully defended themselves and won their cases...

with that said, I think Kyle's case was a lot different...and it wasn't Kyle who put himself in the spot was demafacist, race baiters, like the liar in chief Joey Xiden.

Folks don't get to go around slandering someone, it's not right.
Your old senile biden/trump like brain doesn't work as well as it probably did in your younger years.
It hurts to acknowledge you are losing it and therefore you attack.

It's ok because the sane people on this board realize just how unhinged a how easily triggered you are.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are defending vicious hateful dishonest slander against a kid.

That just shows that you are as ignorant of Ethics as you are of History, Economics, Biology, Climate Science and the Constitution.
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are defending vicious hateful dishonest slander against a kid.

That just shows that you are as ignorant of Ethics as you are of History, Economics, Biology, Climate Science and the Constitution.
stupid uneducated Moon Bats

See, you can't come with anything other than stupid uneducated Moon Bats.
That's your sign old man.

This KID should have stayed home.
He doesn't deserve a cent of your money.
You know nothing about my political beliefs or actions except I LOVE to belittle low IQ trump supporters and I believe that Sandman is a POS elitist punk who didn't earn a dime in his life.
Freeloader with his hand out.......Boo Boo.......someone said mean things. Give me money.

Someone said mean things........where have I heard that before?
Of course, I know about your political beliefs. You vomit your ingnorant drivel here daily, just like you are doing here by attacking the kid your authoritarian masters have trained you to attack.
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The kid is a schmuck. The shootings define his life.
You are a subhuman.

What defines yours?

You support the domestic terrorists burning down innocent people's property. You support these terrorists attempting to murder a minor. What you don't support however, is this minor defending himself against this attempted murder.
You are a subhuman.

What defines yours?

You support the domestic terrorists burning down innocent people's property. You support these terrorists attempting to murder a minor. What you don't support however, is this minor defending himself against this attempted murder.

You RWI’s and your buzz words
I’m a Commie like you’re a pussy.
You support Marxist terrororism against the businesses of innocent people, and do nothing but attack those trying to protect the businesses.

What else should he call you, dumb ass?

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