kyle rittenhouse sueing in defemation suits

If you check earlier posts, I clearly said KR would be found innocent.
Fine, verdict came out, I had no problem.
Look it up.

What I'm saying about Kyle is that he is being a FREELOADER.
Someone said mean things.
Grow a pair of balls and move on.
But no, the pussy sues (or is going to sue) and you RWI's support this.

Aubrey's family should get no money
Floyd's family should get no money,
Rittenhouse should get no money.
Sandman, that fucker should get ZERO.

These people ^^^^^^^ all made decisions that brought about their situation.
Why are you ok with them collecting money from YOU, and all other tax payers.

You are so misguided.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are Ethics impaired.

The filthy ass Left media slandered Kyle and under American law he is entitled to compensation.

The boy will be rich here pretty soon and there is nothing you stupid uneducated morally challenged Moon Bats can do about it.

We live in a litigious nation and Kyle has just as much a right to take advantage of that as anybody else.
You know nothing about my political beliefs or actions except I LOVE to belittle low IQ trump supporters and I believe that Sandman is a POS elitist punk who didn't earn a dime in his life.
Freeloader with his hand out.......Boo Boo.......someone said mean things. Give me money.

Someone said mean things........where have I heard that before?
Sandman did nothing wrong. He wore the wrong hat in the wrong place with racist black guys and a native American as players around him. A story was made out of nothing. The same stories that you oppose and constantly bring up from people affected in the past. Malice by the media and TV shows is the norm now. Politicians remarks can make it worse.
Even if he loses the civil suit, he's got multiple big time law suits against media companies, entertainers, athletes and politicians who piled on and slandered him. This a REALLY good thing for America. This is how we balance power now in our fukked up new world.
im for him going after the celebs. they need to put in their place and let know they can not slander people the way they do.
Sandman, that fucker should get ZERO.
My goodness, you do react strongly to a teenage boy just standing in place and smiling placidly as an aggressive, much older bully is trying to intimidate him by beating a drum inches from his face. Have you considered seeing a professional about the extreme and extremely inapproriate emotional resonse this has triggered in you?

At the very least, it looks like you have some very serious issues involving male puberty and older men.

When did that happen?

Sandman is another rotten puke.
awwwww. does it upset you that telling lies about people in the national news media gets your ass sued off?

you liberal morons need to learn how to STFU. Telling lies and promoting false narratives gets EXPENSIVE!!!!

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