kyle rittenhouse sueing in defemation suits

I just loved the acting sandman did when interviewed by FOX.
He acted so wimpy and powerless, like he had actually been beaten.

The whole situation was bullshit.
Sandman deserves NO MONEY.

Fucking Lawyers.

I don’t care about the money. I enjoy leftists being outed for the sick race baiting sheep they are.
I don’t care about the money. I enjoy leftists being outed for the sick race baiting sheep they are.
Sure, you know there are PLENTY of (R) that are worse.
You will deny it. But you know it's true. Deny away.

Plenty of poster here on USMB are (R)/Conservatives and they wreak of hatred and racism.
Sure, you know there are PLENTY of (R) that are worse.
You will deny it. But you know it's true. Deny away.

Plenty of poster here on USMB are (R)/Conservatives and they wreak of hatred and racism.
Then sue them and get some money!!!!

your inability to actually stay on topic because you know the facts is obvious.
awwwww. does it upset you that telling lies about people in the national news media gets your ass sued off?

you liberal morons need to learn how to STFU. Telling lies and promoting false narratives gets EXPENSIVE!!!!
Sorry, still doing to point out your butthurt everyday.

Say, how is george zimmerman doing with his wingnut fame?
Good he should sue everyone of those scum who lied. That’s what needs to happen in order to stop these savages.
Uh huh, yeah you go with that. I'm going with Kyle Rittenhouse is going to be one very, VERY rich and powerful man in a couple of years. Liberal Media, Entertainers and politicians who slandered him don't think it's a nothingburger.

You cannot sue for defamation when you are a public figure. I don't expect a stupid bitch like you to understand that.
Oh my god, he is suing so many god damn people! "Everyone who called him a murderer or a white supremacist". I mean shit, there are LONG montages of people saying that about him in the mainstream media and also on verified celebrity Twitter accounts. His lawyers see blood in the water and they are about to get motherfucking paid. :laugh:

No they are not. They are going to have very long faces. Rittenhouse is a public figure. The media has the right of free speech.
You cannot sue for defamation when you are a public figure. I don't expect a stupid bitch like you to understand that.
Always so angry busy bee!!! You must be one of those aggressive Africanized bees I've heard of. :21: You will notice I never stoop to your base level of name calling because I have class and you don't.
well least rittenhouse has the money to sue. unlike that black chick from victoria secret who use go fund and me and ran with the money. they whole thing was con job. cops never even heard from that chick.
No they are not. They are going to have very long faces. Rittenhouse is a public figure. The media has the right of free speech.
In your legal opinion the attorneys are all wrong and the judge will throw the case out. Is that about it?

Wrong. Rittenhouse is not a public figure.

Even if he was, it will be very easy to do what was done in the Sandmann case, prove actual malice.
You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are defending vicious hateful dishonest slander against a kid.

That just shows that you are as ignorant of Ethics as you are of History, Economics, Biology, Climate Science and the Constitution.
No one ever said leftTARDS are rocket scientists
You have nothing but your feelings of white privilege to blame for that.

He was ill-served as a youth by the adults around him and will be further manipulated as a young adult. For reference see george zimmerman.

He got to beat up girlfriends with his fame.
Asshole. ^^^

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