Kyle Rittenhouse trial...already disproving SO MANY LIES from the left

That's news to me. I never heard or read that. Have a reliable source because I find it hard to believe they didn't check him out first to discover he was a minor and was illegally carrying a firearm.

I'll see if I can find it again.

But for Rittenhouse's appearance in Kenosha, two people would still be alive right now and a third would have a right arm that actually still worked.
Seriously, someone should have funded Kyle's escape and plastic surgery, if necessary. I've got a bad feeling they're going to crucify him no matter what. Even if he somehow manages to get acquitted on all charges, he will be a political target the rest of his life.
He's going to need to change his name and move, and unfortunately so are the jurists as BLM and ANTIFA will continue to try to attack.
I'll see if I can find it again.

But for Rittenhouse's appearance in Kenosha, two people would still be alive right now and a third would have a right arm that actually still worked.

On the other side if they weren't at the riot either they would be alive. All are wrong in this situation because they all went there to start trouble.
I'll see if I can find it again.

But for Rittenhouse's appearance in Kenosha, two people would still be alive right now and a third would have a right arm that actually still worked.
You mean two criminals including a pedophile may or may not still be alive if they hadn't attacked someone else or overdosed on drugs-----still out committing their favorite crimes--robbing people, setting fires and raping little boys. While a third criminal would not have been shot (don't think his arm is as bad as some portray which is unfortunate, because having a bad arm might slow down some of his criminal behavior as well.)

The fact that you see the criminals especially the pedophile as worth having alive alarms me. What is wrong with you---many many young boys won't be raped because the pedo is gone and you think this is a bad thing...

The car dealersip he went to protect turned him away.


Two brothers from the family-owned car dealership Kyle Rittenhouse said he was guarding on the night of the Kenosha shootings testified on Friday that neither had requested armed protection that night, from Rittenhouse or anyone else.

Sahil and Anmol Khindri said they both encountered Rittenhouse and other armed men on August 25, 2020, the day of the shooting, but only briefly.

The Khindri brothers' testimony is significant for prosecutors' efforts to paint Rittenhouse as a vigilante who recklessly and needlessly brought an AR-15 rifle into a dangerous situation. Rittenhouse's defense attorneys have sought to portray their client as a Good Samaritan who was providing much-needed protection to a family business that had requested it.
The brothers don't want to be sued for the deaths of the criminals....ergo their statements mean nothing in this case.
You mean two criminals including a pedophile may or may not still be alive if they hadn't attacked someone else or overdosed on drugs-----still out committing their favorite crimes--robbing people, setting fires and raping little boys. While a third criminal would not have been shot (don't think his arm is as bad as some portray which is unfortunate, because having a bad arm might slow down some of his criminal behavior as well.)

The fact that you see the criminals especially the pedophile as worth having alive alarms me. What is wrong with you---many many young boys won't be raped because the pedo is gone and you think this is a bad thing...

What were the dead guys convicted of?
What were the dead guys convicted of?
What were the dead guys convicted of?
Surada what games are you trying to play now? Have you been reading snopes again and not able to grasp what you have read or what they are trying and failing to do? Snopes is playing you for an idiot...desperately trying to make their silly readers that the criminals weren't criminals as they send off to troll with little understanding.

all three of the men were criminals. Pedophilie, spousal abuse and rape, burglary and other crimes. Not to mention the arson, assaults, and the stealing that they did that final day.
They didn't have guns nor did they hire Rittenhouse.
No, they requested that the community come out to protect their business that certainly would have been burned down and robbed without them there (hence why the three criminals were so mad that the group of boys/young men had protected the business.
Nobody brings a rifle to go shopping. We know what he went there for. Duty to retreat means leave at the first sign of trouble. The trouble was already there and he inserted himself into the trouble.
Said he was there to protect someone's property. The law sure as hell won't do it.
Totally disagree. Again, a responsible weapons owner knows to avoid trouble whenever possible while armed. He did the opposite. He took a firearm illegally and confronted trouble. He deliberately put himself in a likely position of being attacked by somebody if not the entire mob. I don't call that self-defense, I call that looking to start a problem whether he was attacked first or he attacked first.

If there is a mob of people in front of my house fighting, and I go out with my gun and start shooting people, I'm going to be held responsible. I left the safety of my home and went out to confront people in a violent situation that was completely no business of mine.

At this point whether he had the rifle legally or not is up for Andrew Branca and others have pointed out....other than that, he was violently attacked...he did not initiate any of the attacks.......they attacked him each time.
He went to put out a fire......they chased him...he did not approach them.....big difference. Rosenbaum waited in ambush, then chased after him, cornering him........
I can't understand why Ray wants this kid punished so much. I go into the bad side of Fort Worth and Dallas when I have to go get parts, and I carry a gun there. I guess I should go to prison for that.
I can't understand why Ray wants this kid punished so much. I go into the bad side of Fort Worth and Dallas when I have to go get parts, and I carry a gun there. I guess I should go to prison for that.

Was the kid dumb for being there? ...yes. If I was his parent I would not have allowed him to go...

Did he attack anyone? No. Was he attacked...violently? Yes.

He defended himself after being stalked and then attacked....

He ran they kept coming and got the Darwin Awards. Don't chase a guy with a gun idiots.

He ran across an entire parking lot and the guy followed him the whole way.........he was running away and the guy pursued shots had been fired yet, there was no ability to lie about an "Active Shooter," that they are now trying to say allowed them to attack him...

They chased him...
At this point whether he had the rifle legally or not is up for Andrew Branca and others have pointed out....other than that, he was violently attacked...he did not initiate any of the attacks.......they attacked him each time.

Having a rifle and passing through crowds of people is incredibly provocative.
If had been there, on either side, I would have hit him on the back of the head and turned his rifle over to the police.
It was criminally dangerous for him to bring the rifle into a heated crowd.
He not only must have known that, but had done it intentionally, to intimidate.

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