Kyle Rittenhouse was attacked "after" he had already shot someone in the head

You do realize that calling people "terrorists" is not changing the reality that he is innocent and will not stop people from being horrified and outraged if he goes to jail for self defense, right?

You can play pretend all you want, but shit is getting real, marc. Those punks that got themselves shot, I bet they spent a lot of time talking shit to each other.

All that talk, didn't help them, when they went out and decided to put their beliefs into action.
Was the terrorist Rittenhouse, LEGALLY allowed to be carrying, much-less open-carrying at his age? This is the only key fact here.

1. He is not a terrorist you bloodthirsty hack.

2. Don't know, don't care. I am glad he had that gun, legal or not, so that he could defend himself from the barbarians.

3. The key fact is that you are either identify with the bloodthirsty mob, or not. YOU do. YOu look at a blood thirsty mob, and you see yourself reflected.
First shooting
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head.

Second shooting
Mr. Rittenhouse seems to make a phone call and then flees the scene. Several people chase him, some shouting, “That’s the shooter!”

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him. One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

I've heard various comments from people, including Trump, that Kyle Rittenhouse was only "defending" himself from attacks. However, in reality, it appears that Rittenhouse was only attacked "after" he had already shot someone in the head.

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Bullshit. The video evidence is extremely clear. He killed the child rapist when he tried to take his rifle away from him. One shot, point blank, dead pedo. Good riddance.

How many times have we seen the left attack Kyle saying he was 17 so he couldn't have that rifle, but not once did any of them mention that this sex offender couldn't legally possess the rifle he was trying to take.

That is because they know that shit they say, is just shit. It don't mean nothing.
You seem to ignore who the real vigilante is. It's the guy who murdered 2 people and walked right past the police with the murder weapon strapped to his shoulders.
LMAO @ "real vigilante" ....

You extremist Leftist truly have some far out delusions.

Get back to us when that psycho shit gets some traction.
They were chasing him before he shot anyone.

You are giving the mob a pass for their attack on him, and then pretending that your "pass" means that their attack did not happen, thus rittenhouse, in your mind, is not defending himself, when he is defending himself.

If Rittenhouse goes to jail for this, every person in America will know that the mob rules the streets and the dems in government are their backup.

It is the end of democracy and any type of civil rights in this country.

Or law.
Speaking of law...what typically happens to individuals who, while in possession of firearms they weren't LEGALLY allowed to possess, kill others?
That depends on the jurisdiction. In some places, they go to jail for a while, then get released back into the streets, especially if they were underage when the shooting happened. But you knew that.
Depends on the circumstances.

For example if it was self defense, nothing happens to them. ANy minor technicalities on gun control shit, is ignored in the greater good of the criminal thugs getting what they deserved and the innocent citizen being safe.

Assuming the legal system and/or people are good people and not vile monsters looking to rail road innocent men to jail for no reason other than their own sheer demonic evilness.

YOu know, liberals.
Well, if there's good people involved in the ruling, that terrorist's ass will surely FRY for this.

Thanks for agreeing w/me on that.

Self defense is not terrorism. That it looks like that to you, is because you side with the mob.
Ones like Reagan banned - such as AR-15s. Would you have rather I said semi-automatic rifles with large-capacity magazines?

There is a huge difference which you don't seem to recognize between an AR-15 and a M16... I have highlighted the facts for you... Read and learn...

The AR-15 model is basically a consumer version of military-grade assault rifles such as the M-16 or the M-4 carbine. They look almost identical. The big difference: The AR-15 and its variants are semiautomatic; the M-16 and M-4 can be switched to automatic or burst
He did not live in that town.
No, he lived a short distance away. but he was a lifeguard in Kenosha, was helping the local school remove graffiti and volunteered to protect a business. As opposed to the felons and thugs who attacked him and were shot for it.

He was not attacked, he was out after curfew and it was illegal for him to have that weapon. You talk your shit, but your boy killed 2 other whites and shot a third in the arm causing him to lose his arm. Those were the felons and thugs you are talking about. This is an example of white on white killing.
First shooting
While Mr. Rittenhouse is being pursued by the group, an unknown gunman fires into the air, though it’s unclear why. The weapon’s muzzle flash appears in footage filmed at the scene.

Mr. Rittenhouse turns toward the sound of gunfire as another pursuer lunges toward him from the same direction. Mr. Rittenhouse then fires four times, and appears to shoot the man in the head.

Second shooting
Mr. Rittenhouse seems to make a phone call and then flees the scene. Several people chase him, some shouting, “That’s the shooter!”

As Mr. Rittenhouse is running, he trips and falls to the ground. He fires four shots as three people rush toward him. One person appears to be hit in the chest and falls to the ground. Another, who is carrying a handgun, is hit in the arm and runs away.

Mr. Rittenhouse’s gunfire is mixed in with the sound of at least 16 other gunshots that ring out during this time.

I've heard various comments from people, including Trump, that Kyle Rittenhouse was only "defending" himself from attacks. However, in reality, it appears that Rittenhouse was only attacked "after" he had already shot someone in the head.

View attachment 383306
Is it "bravery" to club someone in the head with your skateboard (which can be quite a weapon) while he is down and his gun is down? Or is it cowardly opportunism?
He shot the first guy in the head when that guy crept up behind him and tried to take his rifle. He then called 911. THEN you thug Biden voters started chasing him down the street.

We've been over this many times. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Even if true - he should have been disarmed. Civilians should not be packing guns, let alone assault rifles, at protests for racial justice.

Trump wants his brownshirts to form goon squads and impose vigilante justice. Just like every other problem he faces, if he can't get his way legally, he'll resort to illegal means. Fuck him. And fuck the local police for accommodating his insanity.
Just pointing out the obvious path you are walking down, you and yours.
Just like the racist KKK of old, cowards and yellow-bellied to the last drop.

Can't even be a man about their own words.


I'm man enough to not want to fry a 17 year old man for defending himself from a bloodthirsty mob.

You can talk all the shit you want. You lefties have shown who and what you are with this one.
1. He is not a terrorist you bloodthirsty hack.

2. Don't know, don't care. I am glad he had that gun, legal or not, so that he could defend himself from the barbarians.

3. The key fact is that you are either identify with the bloodthirsty mob, or not. YOU do. YOu look at a blood thirsty mob, and you see yourself reflected.
That's what I thought.

And this is why the terrorist will FRY for this!

Thank you.
He shot the first guy in the head when that guy crept up behind him and tried to take his rifle. He then called 911. THEN you thug Biden voters started chasing him down the street.

We've been over this many times. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Even if true - he should have been disarmed. Civilians should not be packing guns, let alone assault rifles, at protests for racial justice.

Trump wants his brownshirts to form goon squads and impose vigilante justice. Just like every other problem he faces, if he can't get his way legally, he'll resort to illegal means. Fuck him. And fuck the local police for accommodating his insanity.

Your brownshirts got their asses kicked this time out, by a 17 year old boy.

You are the ones now, who are trying to get your way, with the courts after you lost the fight.
1. He is not a terrorist you bloodthirsty hack.

2. Don't know, don't care. I am glad he had that gun, legal or not, so that he could defend himself from the barbarians.

3. The key fact is that you are either identify with the bloodthirsty mob, or not. YOU do. YOu look at a blood thirsty mob, and you see yourself reflected.
That's what I thought.

And this is why the terrorist will FRY for this!

Thank you.

Nothing I said, justifies your stupid and bloodthirsty response.

You are a vile monster.
He shot the first guy in the head when that guy crept up behind him and tried to take his rifle. He then called 911. THEN you thug Biden voters started chasing him down the street.

We've been over this many times. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Even if true - he should have been disarmed. Civilians should not be packing guns, let alone assault rifles, at protests for racial justice.

Trump wants his brownshirts to form goon squads and impose vigilante justice. Just like every other problem he faces, if he can't get his way legally, he'll resort to illegal means. Fuck him. And fuck the local police for accommodating his insanity.

Your brownshirts got their asses kicked this time out, by a 17 year old boy.

I don't have any brownshirts dingleberry.

You are the ones now, who are trying to get your way, with the courts after you lost the fight.

Nope. I'm not involved in the prosecution in any way. Are you on drugs?
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And so the white supremacists here not only endorse violence, but they support white on white crime.

He shot the first guy in the head when that guy crept up behind him and tried to take his rifle. He then called 911. THEN you thug Biden voters started chasing him down the street.

We've been over this many times. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Even if true - he should have been disarmed. Civilians should not be packing guns, let alone assault rifles, at protests for racial justice.

Trump wants his brownshirts to form goon squads and impose vigilante justice. Just like every other problem he faces, if he can't get his way legally, he'll resort to illegal means. Fuck him. And fuck the local police for accommodating his insanity.

Your brownshirts got their asses kicked this time out, by a 17 year old boy.

You are the ones now, who are trying to get your way, with the courts after you lost the fight.

Funny. By definition - "brownshirts" are "fascists". Antifa stands for anti-fascist.
And so the white supremacists here not only endorse violence, but they support white on white crime.


Self defense is a celebration of the value of life.

YOu are a retarded asshole.

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