Kyle Rittenhouse weighs in on Daniel Perry defending himself from a BLM mob

As we know Daniel Perry defended himself from a man who pointed an AK-47 at him back in the summer BLM riots for 2020 …which apparently leftists don’t give a damn about… riots which left 25 people murdered, thousands injured and billions of dollars worth of damage while cities were on fire…..also saw The case of Daniel Perry a US Army Sergeant working for Uber in the summer of 2020 to try and make extra money….was Forced to defend himself against a man armed with an AK-47 ready to kill him.

But a George Soros funded district attorney decided to convict Perry of Murder….. A shocking miscarriage of justice in an upside down world where if the far left has control they will completely disregard justice. And the far left people the far left wing democrats support this they are monsters. Thankfully it looks like governor Abbot is doing something right… he is recommending a pardon to a board of prison workers and it looks like that pardon should work out. So this is actually a case of the far left losing…. it appears that they are powerless to do anything to destroy an innocent mans life.

Here is Kyle Rittenhouse weighing in on the situation.

Of course Rittenhouse is another person the far left wing anti-Americans want to destroy …Rittenhouse a man who defended himself while the far left would have no problem sending him to jail for the rest of his life ….this is how sick in the head far left wingers are …thankfully the far left represents a tiny fraction of this country and they will lose in the end. America always prevails.

Before Rittenhouse there were all kinds of reported attacks on Conservatives by leftists / Democrats, I repeated how it would not stop until some leftist thug picked on the wrong Conservative and ended up getting shot / killed.

Not long after saying / posting this came the Kyle Rittenhouse case. What I predicted came true.

No matter how mad someone makes you, you NEVER have the right to put your hands on / physically assault someone else.

If someone breaks rule #1 you have tbe God-given legal, Constitutionally-protected right of self-defense.

Liberal extremists and Democrats love victims who can not fight back.
- This explains why Democrats continuously attempt to chip away and strip Americans of their 2nd Amendment right.

Democrats, liberal extremists, antifa, BLM ... they pillage, deface, damage, firebomb, destroy, attack, and murder while calling it all



Democrats, as we saw, defend, protect, and encourage / incite this and more violence. So when Democrats and the police refused to do anything to protect Americans, Americans protected themselves:




Suddenly Liberal Extremists / Democrats found themselves facing Americans not willing to take their shit and willing to protect themselves.

So what do you do if you are a modern day wolf going after modern sheep who have armed themselves for self-defense?

What do the people in the 3 photos above have in common?

They all were threatened by liberal extremists, antifa, BLM Democrat Domestic terrorists, and when they acted in self-defense the Democrats went after them legally, attempting to deny them their right of self-defense, and put THEM in jail.

DEMOCRATS went after their violent extremists' VICTIMS.

DEMOCRATS are more worried about giving perpetrators more rights than their victims.

Bragg, for example, has allowed pedophiles, murderers, and other violent criminals walk or reduced their felony crimes to misdemeanors while attempting to keep a political campaign promise to be THE man who arrests and sends Trump to prison. To do this he is having to elevate a misdemeanor crime to a Felony.

Democrats have turned our Judicial system into that of a corrupt 3rd world banana they are trying to do with our entire country.

Their enemies are any American who speaks out against / opposes their Socialist authoritarian edicts, policies, perversions, and failed policies.

Biden has been exposed as a lying corrupt, criminal, compromised, treasonous POS directing raids and attacks on his political opponent IOT eliminate the threat.

He has attempted to silence Americans while spreading disinformation and propaganda.

His partisanly weaponized govt agencies have been exposed as targeting Conservatives, Christians, parents - any who reject and oppose their agendas, methods, and policies.
We should probably make openly carrying a firearm illegal since it’s so threatening to everyone.
Democrats would have agreed with 'self defense' if he had allowed the proven violent liberal extremist to shoot - potentially fatally - 1st.
That there innocent man seems to have driven into the middle of the crowd on purpose. So that he could kill someone.
Not the case my friend not even close. But I’m still trying to figure out if you like the other guy marener is trying to troll … you don’t care about innocent people.?

I keep remembering that I am and others are saying when it comes to the j six event by the way or the Black Lives Matter riots even a BLM member who trespass illegal into a building shd get a few weeks in jail but your side is filled with blood thirsty anti-Christian savages who want to send people to jail for four years for illegally trespassing. Then on that topic all you guys ever do is troll the shit out of it and keep on making peoples viewpoints…. I think anybody a Black Lives Matter person or January 6 person who punched the cops should go to jail for a year or two. But all you guys ever do is just lie and constantly lie whether it’s January 6 or this topic right here ….and it is sickening. Not you per se but certainly people in this thread don’t give a shit about innocent people’s lives

Back to this topic …The army sergeant saw that there was some kind of a blm riot going on an anti-police protest with rioting and he Called it out (freedom of speech)and then all of a sudden a mob converged onto his car ….you saw the picture a man raised his rifle at him and he defended himself.

Please do not be brainwashed by sick people Democrats who are sick in the head and who do not care about freedom. This is a country where self-defense is allowed
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Marener , these types of brainwashed people with monstrous thinking simply do not care that the lead detective in the case said the shooting was justified

Some Democrats are just savage beasts.

The democratic party the party of Andrew Jackson, Franklin Roosevelt and John F Kennedy these great Americans they are looking down from heaven ….wondering what the hell happened to the Democratic Party. Make no mistake the party will correct itself and we will be back.
Marener , these types of brainwashed people with monstrous thinking simply do not care that the lead detective in the case said the shooting was justified

Some Democrats are just savage beasts.
I’m okay with the lead detective having an opinion.

But his opinion is not what matters. The jury had a different opinion. That’s what matters.

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