Kyle will be judged, as not guilty, thoughts.

Yeah, YOU are lying. He killed a pedo who was trying to kill him. He then ran towards the police line and your commie buddy, KNEW that. In fact he testified that Kyle told him that's where he was heading. The douchebag with the skateboard tried to kill Kyle before he could turn himself in.

YOU are either a completely ignorant person, or a true asshole.
As if on cue.

A conservative ā€˜justifyingā€™ murder of a political opponent based on a false claim of ā€˜self-defense.ā€™
And Rosenbaum had a weapon. (According to the testimony of three)
He had the safety chain from the trailer he had set on fire and was swinging it around.
Ok, I just looked up the video, I was wrong on that. But he was still unarmed, a short chain isnā€™t anything compared to a gun.
Not referring to Kenosha.

Rightists will see it as a ā€˜precedentā€™ allowing them to murder political opponents engaged in lawful, peaceful protest with impunity ā€“ relying on false claims of ā€˜self-defense.ā€™
Ya, they probably will.
The judge has ruled he was not illegally armed

There you again. Seriously. Why do this? For one, how about talking about what I say. Not what ā€œyou people sayā€? Novel idea huh?

Second, it doesnā€™t make a bit of difference what past records any of those people had, they still have the same damn rights as you, me, and Kyle at that point in time! Whatā€™s more you you donā€™t even have it right. Whatever Huber was convicted of, rape was not one of the charges, so why are you so keen on making them as bad as possible (is it to somehow justify extrajudicially killing them?). Rosenbaum was messed up and a pedo (who, for what itā€™s worth had been victimized by his stepfather as a kid). Huber wasnā€™t perfect either. But being flawed does not mean you lose your rights or that somebody can take it upon themselves to be judge, jury and executioner.

I can reasonably believe that Rittenhouse believed he was afraid for his life. I also fully believe Huber and Grosskreutz were trying to stop what tbey felt was an active shooter. But every time you go on about how horrible the three people he shot were, you lose me. Because that is irrelevant.

Kyle got himself into a situation he could not handle. Multiple posters here have made the point that when you choose to enter a situation with a firearm that changes both the expectations of responsibility and self defense. None of the other armed men needed to shoot anyone. They werenā€™t kids. They had good judgement, maturity and experience that Kyle lacked. That is why there are age restrictions on firearms. Kyle is no hero nor is he any great villain. Heā€™s a messed up kid.
westwall always finds bad behavior and cites it to justify his own embarrassing behavior. Apparently he is not embarrassed by the defense of "I cannot co trol myself and so others' behavior controls me". When really, he is just a childish person who behaves poorly.
Interesting thought here.

All this noise about how the protesters on Jan 6 were unarmed (because though they carried metal poles, bats, bear spray and tazersā€¦.they didnā€™t carry guns)ā€¦.yet in Kenosha, it is reversedā€¦.a guy without a gun but carrying a chain is ā€œarmedā€ā€¦
Interesting thought here.

All this noise about how the protesters on Jan 6 were unarmed (because though they carried metal poles, bats, bear spray and tazersā€¦.they didnā€™t carry guns)ā€¦.yet in Kenosha, it is reversedā€¦.a guy without a gun but carrying a chain is ā€œarmedā€ā€¦
Naturally. These people do not think like rational adults. They are just reflexively reacting to stimulus with the shallowness of thought of an amoeba.
Ok, I just looked up the video, I was wrong on that. But he was still unarmed, a short chain isnā€™t anything compared to a gun.
Im shocked to you admitting that you were wrong about the chain.

But it actually is a listed weapon from the list of weapons charges in Wisconsin.
Ok, I just looked up the video, I was wrong on that. But he was still unarmed, a short chain isnā€™t anything compared to a gun.
You are right Johndbā€¦Iā€™m being an ass. He had a weapon.
You'd be a fucking idiot. But then again, most righties on this board are. Note, I say most, not all. You have to take some responsibility for your own actions. To deliberately go to anther state, armed, is just pathetic and you would deserve to take responsibility for your actions. I find it laughable that common sense (ie DON'T go to a dangerous part of town where there is a Walmart) is thrown out the window and that somehow justifies your idiotic actions. I would certainly have a lot less sympathy for you if you were to do so and something bad happened to you.
still doesn't mean you should allow someone to attack you, and take your weapon.....or kill you with another blunt object.

But I understand liberals have very strong "feelings" about these things.
You are right Johndbā€¦Iā€™m being an ass. He had a weapon.

I do try for accuracy...I know that this is mainly a political site but I'm really not a politics driven person...but I have friends I tolerate politics. Meh...I like my friends. What ya gonna do eh?
I do try for accuracy...I know that this is mainly a political site but I'm really not a politics driven person...but I have friends I tolerate politics. Meh...I like my friends. What ya gonna do eh?
Youā€™re a sweetie :). You give me space to say ya, I was wrong. Hard around here.
Rittenhouse stated he knew he was unarmed, but didnā€™t he also say he saw the chain?
The chain became not relevant when Rosenbaum grabbed Kyle's firearm... even though Rosenbaum didn't have great control of the firearm he was fighting for control of the firearm. The firearm became dually in possession. (Fighting for control)

So in the eyes of the law Rosenbaum was armed with a firearm. And it has to be this way for a wide range of possibilities.
(I'm sure that the Defense will mention this)

No matter what Kyle is going to walk on all charges. (So long as the jury follows the instructions...and if they don't the judge will fix it)
As if on cue.

A conservative ā€˜justifyingā€™ murder of a political opponent based on a false claim of ā€˜self-defense.ā€™

When he's acquited you are going to admit you were wrong...

Million dollar questionā€¦why in tbe hell is no one blaming the police? Why have curfew that you not only allow protesters to violate but you frigging invite vigilanteā€™s over to violate and even provide refreshments?! If they had done their job, none of this would have happened.

The mayor told them to stand down.
1) Kyle will walk. I probably AGREE (Now on 11/11). In My Opinion from watching the Trial.

2) Not enough evidence, and I truly NOW (11/11) believe Kyle was stupid to go to Kenosha, but he did, he found himself in that 3am spot (not really 3am) and reacted, and reactions have consequences.

3) The young man put himself in a position he could have easily avoided. (by not going)
But he didn't, and that has consequences.

4) I truly believe he was scared, but, he put himself in that position.

5) He killed a man, FACT, at the gas station. FACT. Self defense, Sure (Maybe) . But, he DID kill a man.

6) True or Not? On # 5. (not on Self Defense, but on the FACT that a man was Killed by Kyle.)

7) Then, he got chased for killing that man.
Why was there a chase down the street, because he previously killed a man, Self Defense or not.
Because he killed a man at the gas station.

My Conclusion: I think Kyle will be Acquitted, or some type of Mistrial.
I Don't think this (upcoming acquittal) will be incorrect, I truly NOW believe that he went there for ONE PURPOSE, and it ENDED DIFFERENTLY.

Putting all Politics aside, can you discuss ANY of the 7 talking points.
That Gaige guy is an idiot and a liar. The rest is on video. Looters should not have been looting. Kyle decided to put the law in his own hands. He is lucky to be alive. He is likely innocent of murder or manslaughter but guilty of making stupid decisions and his parents should be held accountable too as he was a minor.
still doesn't mean you should allow someone to attack you, and take your weapon.....or kill you with another blunt object.

But I understand liberals have very strong "feelings" about these things.
Oh, sure, what not have everybody walking around with an AK47 or AR-15 around their shoulder. You know, like every other third-world shithole. What a country to aspire to be..
Oh, sure, what not have everybody walking around with an AK47 or AR-15 around their shoulder. You know, like every other third-world shithole. What a country to aspire to be..
Only when communist cucks decide to act like third worlders should we decide to walk around with AKs.

When leftist shit heads decide to try and take us down the path of a third world nation we should definitely respond with appropriate force!!!!!

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