Kyle will be judged, as not guilty, thoughts.

Rittenhouse stated he knew he was unarmed, but didn’t he also say he saw the chain?
Yes. But he had a rifle, so he was emboldened to get right into the mix. The more mature Militia cosplayers had more discipline and did not use their rifles as a ticket or excuse to put themselves into dangerous situations.

So really, the lesson learned will be to bring rifles, try to impose your will, shoot anyone who attacks. Protestors willpick up on this too. Gonna be a grand old time.
Yes. But he had a rifle, so he was emboldened to get right into the mix. The more mature Militia cosplayers had more discipline and did not use their rifles as a ticket or excuse to put themselves into dangerous situations.

So really, the lesson learned will be to bring rifles, try to impose your will, shoot anyone who attacks. Protestors willpick up on this too. Gonna be a grand old time.

Before Rittenhouse had hit the street, your rioters had murdered 30 people, and done 2 billion in damage.

Thinking people understand that Rittenhouse is a result of YOUR rioters killing, burning, and looting.

Before Rittenhouse had hit the street, your rioters had murdered 30 people, and done 2 billion in damage.

Thinking people understand that Rittenhouse is a result of YOUR rioters killing, burning, and looting.

I didn't do or encourage any of that. You are really turning into a nasty little moron in your old age.

And it's not a good excuse for vigilantism anyway.

And your concern and pearl clutching is fake anyway. Just a drama queen putting on a little performance, until he pauses to defend the lobotmized hillbillies who attacked our democracy. The fact is, you enjoy the violence. It makes your little old pecker hard.
I didn't do or encourage any of that. You are really turning into a nasty little moron in your old age.

And it's not a good excuse for vigilantism anyway.

And your concern and pearl clutching is fake anyway. Just a drama queen putting on a little performance, until he pauses to defend the lobotmized hillbillies who attacked our democracy. The fact is, you enjoy the violence. It makes your little old pecker hard.

Vigilantism is when you hunt down criminals and kill them. Rittenhouse was cleaning grafiti, rendering first aid, and putting out fires.

He killed to save his life from violent rioters.

Well you will be happy to know that is nowhere in the democrat platform and has been refuted by the party leadership. So irrelevant. Does not excuse vigilatism.

Sure it is. Kameltoe was advocating bailing rioters out of jail, you clod.
Sure it is. Kameltoe was advocating bailing rioters out of jail, you clod.
Irrelevant. Does not excuse vigilantism. Sorry. Why even waste your time digging for excuses that just embarrass you? We know why you love it. You love violence. Only when It doesn't involve you, naturally.
Irrelevant. Does not excuse vigilantism. Sorry. Why even waste your time digging for excuses that just embarrass you? We know why you love it. You love violence. Only when It doesn't involve you, naturally.

Completely relevent because it proves your claim is a lie.

From Google

law enforcement undertaken without legal authority by a self-appointed group of people.
Irrelevant. Does not excuse vigilantism. Sorry. Why even waste your time digging for excuses that just embarrass you? We know why you love it. You love violence. Only when It doesn't involve you, naturally.
The gubberment could have called out the national guard complete with riot deterrent systems and water cannons...

But they didn't...they chose to be inept at this deliberately.
So that "Defund the police" could happen through attrition of police officers.

So the remaining officers herded the rioters towards the private security...of which Kyle was a member of.

And people died

So this whole notion of the "innocent rioters" is ludicrous. Kyle is innocent and the Democrats of that city (especially DA) should be in jail.
the entire night is chaos, the trial has been over since the dude said he pointed his gun at kyle

seems everyone there was stupid to be there...and yes he was just 17 ...but guess what people that age go to jail daily..and yes he found himself in a 3 am spot (have not heard that term in a long time) have a young man or immature chaos armed with a rifle..he could have simply walked away when he realized he was in over his head.. 17 is a stupid age...another saying..young dumb and full of cum...

where are the consequences for his mother? she transported him there? somehow i just cant image that...i am a mother...i would never take my son to a riot (hell he is still upset he had to go with me to see bill clinton speak, i did not ask him to but he felt like there could be trouble) When my son was other saying....he does not start trouble but is there to give it a hand once it starts...

his post interviews show a hubris ...he may have been scared that night but since then has been enabled by his supporters who have made this political as has his detractors but none of that matters...only his actions that night...the outcome is simple...and will unfortunately i am afraid cause riots no matter who wins or loses.

self defense? he could have simply walked away...the videos show people in the fore ground simply walking around...removing himself from the chaos would have removed him and preventing the needless killing of another person.

kyle lied about this...about the shouting "get him" and the chasing...he was chased once it was realized he has killed did he really tell the police he shot a man and they told him to go home?
He really didnt have to lie or for that matter take the stand? do you think it was a mistake to put him on the stand? were his tears real or total bs?

i fear he will become a martyr if convicted and a hero if not. It is like....let the riots matter the verdict. I hope I am wrong. I do not see a real conviction with the chaos of that night. Will he become a social outcast or a hero to other young men...only time will tell..
I am glad to see an objective attempt to look at this through a non partisan lens. The notion that his whereabouts or reasons for being there are relevant to his charges is partisan, these considerations should be excluded from an objective analysis.
Before Rittenhouse had hit the street, your rioters had murdered 30 people, and done 2 billion in damage.

Thinking people understand that Rittenhouse is a result of YOUR rioters killing, burning, and looting.

It takes a special combination of stupidity and dishonesty to support the domestic terrorists assaulting small businesses. Of course, it goes without saying that intelligence and honesty are foreign concepts to the ultra-conformist woke sheeple.

Any actual liberal would support the rights of those small businesspeople to live their life free from such an assault, but these subhumans are not liberal.
And it would be appropriate to properly label Antifa and their supporters as domestic terrorists.
I've seen nothing from them to disuabuse me of that notion.

Why is the FBI not taking them to Guantanamo?
Do you a link because I find anything saying that.

Im on the phone, but that was the common thread for ALL of the riots.

You can look it up quite easily.
Im on the phone, but that was the common thread for ALL of the riots.

You can look it up quite easily.
It wasn’t common to all the riots. I cannot find a single thing for that on Kenosha. I tried all kinds of words in searches. That is why I’m asking you. Now I’ll grant when it comes protests and demonstrations (of all kinds, including rightwingers) police are loathe to be too heavy handed because of free speech rights, and I agree in general with that. That is not telling them to “Stand down”. But when it becomes a riot, and you have a curfew you need to enforce it…they have all the rest of the day to protest. Clear them out at curfew, don’t invite outside unaccountable militias to the party.

If the curfew were enforced, and all the outsiders told to go home for the night, no one would have died.

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