LA, Ca To Name-Shame Hotels Who Won't Let Homeless Stay - Plans To Possibly Seize Control Of Them To Do So


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Los Angeles City Council Wednesday voted to identify hotels refusing to take in the homeless during the coronavirus pandemic and said they could possibly be “commandeered.”

"Each hotel brings new hope, each room could save a life," Mayor Eric Garcetti said

“If hotels are making a distinction among people classifying housed and unhoused differently in terms of accommodations that they’re going to be repaid for, that the city and county will pay for with reimbursements, then I think there’s a potential civil rights violation. If the problems are on the hotel end, the public should know why, and then we should consider commandeering as they’ve talked about in other cities."

"The motion, co-authored by Bonin, says, some hotels have been "unwilling to participate, reneged on initial interest, citing security concerns, liability issues, objections from corporate management or fear of lost revenue from being branded a 'homeless hotel'"

Resort Condos are included in the hotels listed as those who must comply:

"The condo residence’s homeowner’s association cited security, health and property value concerns in a letter to homeowners saying they would resist housing the homeless. Art Avaness, broker and owner of RE/MAX DTLA who manages six units in the building, told FOX 11 they were “shocked and offended” the hotel might be forced to participate.

“In theory, it’s a great idea, I support the program but in practice specifically for this property, it just isn’t, because you want to house hundreds of homeless people in a structure that’s literally in the same building with 224 homeowners? Having it in your own home basically is just a little too much, in fact, it’s offensive.”

So the Los Angeles County Council has decided that hotels MUST TAKE IN / PROVIDE ROOMS TO HOMELESS PERSONS. To punish those who refuse, the Council will:
1. Name-Shame them
2. Penalize all hotels who recently received a tax break
3. Seize control of the hotel from the owners and force the hotels to comply with the mandate to house homeless persons.

The LA CC says it will pay these hotels to house Homeless:
-- At the 'going/standard' rate or a lower rate decided upon by the Council?

Is the LA CC going to pay for COVID-19 testing prior to allowing homeless persons stay in the hotels / condos?

Is the LA CC going to pay for damages...for security?

Is the LA CC going to pay hotel / condo staff additional money (potentially 'hazard pay') for cleaning / sterilizing / etc ... the hotel / rooms, potentially endangering their own health to take care of / clean up after homeless persons?

'Reimburse hotels'? California is broke and living on deficit dollars - CASH UP FRONT, no IOUs.

Then there are the Constitutional / Legal questions....such as...Can the LA CC 'Commandeer' / Seize Control of a privately owned hotel / condo and FORCE them to take in homeless persons?

arent there enougn motel 6's in Callyfornia to house the homeless? cant they squeeze in 5 per room?

Is the compensation going to be same no matter what type of hotel?

Watch this become a permanent solution to California's homeless problem.

Is it any wonder why California is broke?


If they crap in the streets/ alleys etc what the hell makes ppll think they won't be shooting uup , crapping, and pissing all over the place in those hotels too.


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The city is trying to move the homeless to five star hotels like the Ritz Carlton. People paying $569 a night don't want to use a poop map to get to their room.

They should set up tents and have a soup kitchen it'd be cheaper than renting rooms.

The homeless will go there if they choose just like they would if offered a hotel room.


The city is trying to move the homeless to five star hotels like the Ritz Carlton. People paying $569 a night don't want to use a poop map to get to their room.
what if they work there way into these hotels and none of them have TP? and TP is still in short supply?
If they crap in the streets/ alleys etc what the hell makes ppll think they won't be shooting uup , crapping, and pissing all over the place in those hotels too.
Because many homeless people are not crazy. And if they have a bathroom, they will use it. Do you think they enjoy shitting in public or behind a bush or their pants???
Shooting up happens in multi million dollar homes. Being homeless does not make you an addict.
Totalitarian state in CA. The tyrannical govt in CA will now beat the people to a pulp. This is what they voted for. I have no sympathy.
I agree. Kinda hard to have sympathy when they get what they have voted for for decades.
I didn't. I didn't vote for a sanctuary state either. Dems have taken over and mostly by CHEATING. There are many conservatives here. Our voices don't count. We don't cheat.
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They should set up tents and have a soup kitchen it'd be cheaper than renting rooms.

The homeless will go there if they choose just like they would if offered a hotel room.



If tents are good enough for our soldiers they're damn sure good enough for these sidewalk shitting miscreants.

Really really REALLY tired of the lumping of human beings as ALL being miscreants. Been there, done that, could wind up there again. And there are many just like me. Not crazy. Not an addict. Not an alcoholic. Not insane. Just old, poor and trying to survive in cities/towns where they want 3 times the amount of rent asked in what you make in social security or in a job. Think about that. THREE TIMES the amount of rent. Usual rent is $1200.00 per month...give or take. That means you MUST make $3600.00 PER MONTH. Plus the deposit. Plus utilities. Plus food.

At least add the word SOME in your (general *your*) rants. Doesn't make me feel like a non human because I lived it and might again. And so might YOU.

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