LA gangster who shot and paralyzed a 16-year-old girl now works for California's Department of Public Safety after Gavin Newsom slashed his 162 year

No. What I said is densely populated areas have always had more crime...since forever, and that red states tend to have higher murder rates, higher obesity and less education.
I know what you said but when you say “densely populated areas” don’t you really mean ‘multicultural and diverse Democrat shitholes’?
Aren’t blacks and Mexicans the most obese among us? Is that why they’re so hostile and savage?
Don’t red state / republican voters out-earn you Uber intelligent purple haired folks in blue shitholes and don’t you generally tie crime to income?

Are these those Berkeley kids with that higher education you always seem to boast about?
I know what you said but when you say “densely populated areas” don’t you really mean ‘multicultural and diverse Democrat shitholes’?
Aren’t blacks and Mexicans the most obese among us? Is that why they’re so hostile and savage?
Don’t red state / republican voters out-earn you Uber intelligent purple haired folks in blue shitholes and don’t you generally tie crime to income?
View attachment 863791

Are these those Berkeley kids with that higher education you always seem to boast about?
View attachment 863795
No. I mean densely populated areas like throughout time.

Does that clear it up for you?
No. I mean densely populated areas like throughout time.

Does that clear it up for you?
Cool personal theory.
But doesn’t the 13 percentile commit 50% of violent crime? Do you really believe that has to do with where they reside geographically?
How many “Republicans” can you spot at this link?
Are you sure crime isn’t just a dark person culture thing?
What is the main reason for prison terms?
That depends.

It is supposed to rehabilitate. But it is also supposed to punish. It is also supposed to deter others by using your long-ass term of imprisonment as a lesson.

As is all too often the case, you are being far too simplistic.
Cool personal theory.

It's not personal history, it's global.

Densely populated areas have always had more crime.

You didn't know that?

But doesn’t the 13 percentile commit 50% of violent crime? Do you really believe that has to do with where they reside geographically?

No. I think it has to do with population density.

Are you having trouble understanding?

How many “Republicans” can you spot at this link?

Not sure. I don't see a political affiliation label in your cute meme.

Do you expect me to look them all up?

Are you sure crime isn’t just a dark person culture thing?
Not sure. Do you want to outlaw tanning beds or something?

What I do know is that red states tend to have more obesity, lower education and higher murder rates.
That depends.

It is supposed to rehabilitate. But it is also supposed to punish. It is also supposed to deter others by using your long-ass term of imprisonment as a lesson.

As is all too often the case, you are being far too simplistic.

And it's to keep people who can't play by societies rules out of society.
And it's to keep people who can't play by societies rules out of society.

Odds are this guy will commit another crime.....

We don't have a gun problem in the U.S...we have a democrat party problem in this country. They keep releasing the most violent criminals onto our streets over and over again.......
Red states tend to lead blue states in murder rates, obesity and lower education.

Fun fact: Blue states have blue cities too.

Red states have blue cities that drive the gun murder rate......

And the blue cities in blue states are even worse...
Red states have blue cities that drive the gun murder rate......

Blue states have blue cities that drive up the murder rates.

That's why I posted my fun fact earlier.

And the blue cities in blue states are even worse...
Wow. That makes the fact that red states tend to have higher murder rates, lower education and higher obesity even more remarkable.

Thanks for that!
Utter destruction? Lol.

Why is it red states tend to lead in murder rates, lower education and obesity?
While you play the red vs blue states bullshit, the WEF is destroying our country. Just like Trudeau is doing to Canada. Ca. has turned into a literal shit hole. And Newsom doesn't give a shit, unless some dictator he admires comes to town...
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While you play the red vs blue states bullshit, the WEF is destroying our country.

I didn't start it. I just responded. Try to keep up.

Just like Trudeau is doing to Canada.

While I enjoy visiting Canada, I can't speak to it's politics.

Ca. has turned into a literal shit house. And Newsom doesn't give a shit, unless some dictator he admires comes to town...
Then why do so many red states have higher murder rates, lower education and higher obesity then California?
Blue states have blue cities that drive up the murder rates.

That's why I posted my fun fact earlier.

Wow. That makes the fact that red states tend to have higher murder rates, lower education and higher obesity even more remarkable.

Thanks for that! for the truth....

While state legislatures enact the criminal penalties for different offenses, local governments set the policies that determine whether someone is arrested and convicted. Cities and counties set spending on police and sheriff departments and policing policies. Most states have local elections for district attorneys and trial court judges. In the last few years, many Democrat district attorneys have been accused of going soft on violent criminals. They may also not request bond for criminals. Judges have also released large numbers of inmates from many local jails over the last few years.
While the murder rates in Trump counties in the states Trump won are only slightly higher than those in Trump counties in states Biden won, the Biden counties in Trump states had an 83% higher murder than in Biden states. This may say more about law enforcement and demographics than it does about state gun control laws.
For example, African Americans commit half the murders in the United States, though they comprise only 13.6% of the population. The counties that Biden won have almost four times the percentage of black voters. That gap is even larger in the counties in the states that Trump carried than the states that Biden carried.
Breaking out large counties with over 100,000 people, which is where 88% of murders in the U.S. occur, shows a similar, though even more extreme, difference. The murder rate data for counties that Biden won is much higher than for those that Trump won.
The difference between Biden and Trump states is again driven by the Biden counties in the Republican states having much worse murder rates than those in the Democrat states and those are also the counties with the largest black populations.
The murder rates are much higher for Democrat counties both in states that voted for Biden and states that voted for Trump, but it is the high murder rates in Democrat counties that are causing the higher murder rates in Republican states in 2020. The Biden counties in Republican states averaged a murder rate of almost eight per 100,000 people, up from 4.4 in Democrat states. The Trump counties had only slightly higher murder rates in the Republican states.

Murder, They Spun: Selective Stats Leave Suspicious Fingerprints All Over the Crime Debate

and welfare....

Now it’s true that the average taxpayer in blue states pays a higher per capita income tax than the average taxpayer in red states. But that’s because those states — particularly Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and California — have more rich people. Don’t the Democrats want the rich paying their fair share?

As for blue states allegedly getting back less, what numbers are they looking at? It is true that red states receive 35.75 percent on average of their budgets from the federal government, while blue states receive 30.80 percent.

But this is because the blue states’ budgets are far larger due to all the bloat and waste.

The 10 states in the best fiscal condition are almost all red states.

The 10 states with the worst numbers in the red are almost all blue states.
The higher the taxes, the more mismanaged a state is. CNBC examined the infrastructure of every state — roads, airports, water systems and ports — and found that the places with the worst-rated infrastructure are six Democratic states, which also rank among the highest in taxes collected per resident: Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.
Kyle Sammin at The Federalist found that if you look at the amount of money the federal government gives to states on a per capita basis instead, blue states get more; $2,124 per resident. Red states receive just $1,879 on average.

Matt Palumbo writing at The Dan Bongino Show found that even if red states receive more in federal welfare, it’s not going to Republicans. Those on public assistance, as well as long-term unemployment, are overwhelmingly Democrats.

Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States
I didn't start it. I just responded. Try to keep up.

While I enjoy visiting Canada, I can't speak to it's politics.

Then why do so many red states have higher murder rates, lower education and higher obesity then California?

Nope......democrats destroy everything they touch....

Red states blue cities...

One problem with that: In most of these red states, the high murder rates are driven by the lethal violence in their blue cities.

Take Missouri. Yes, it voted for Trump. But it is also home to two of the most dangerous U.S. cities -- St. Louis and Kansas City -- both of which are run by Democrats. Earlier this year, CBS News did an analysis of the "deadliest U.S. cities" using the latest FBI and other crime data. In 2019, it found, St. Louis had the highest murder rate in the nation, with 64.54 murders per 100,000 residents. Kansas City, meanwhile, had the eighth-highest murder rate, with 29.88 murders per 100,000. According to the FBI, the state had about 520 murders in major metropolitan areas that year, 20 in cities outside metropolitan areas, and 28 in nonmetropolitan counties. So, the vast majority of Missouri's homicides took place in its Democrat-run cities.
The same is true for Louisiana, which has two of the most lethal Democratic-run cities in the country: Baton Rouge, which in 2019 had the sixth-highest murder rate in the nation with 31.72 murders per 100,000 residents, and New Orleans, which had the seventh-highest rate with 30.67 murders per 100,000. Without those cities, the state's murder rate would significantly drop.
That's not all. Tennessee's homicide rate was driven up by Democratic-run Memphis, which ranked ninth in the country with 29.21 homicides per 100,000 residents. Also powering the state's murder rate: then-Democratic-led Chattanooga (No. 29) with 18.15 murders per 100,000 in 2019 (note: the city elected an independent in 2021); Democratic-run Nashville (No. 59) with 12.08 per 100,000; and Democratic-run Knoxville (No. 62) with 11.66 per 100,000.
The same goes for other red states: In Alabama, Democratic-run Birmingham, which ranked third with 50.62 murders per 100,000 citizens, drove up the state murder rate, as did Democratic-run Tuscaloosa (No. 21) with 20.77 per 100,000. Kentucky's murder rate was run up by its largest city, Democratic-run Louisville, which had the 46th-highest murder rate in 2019, with 13.92 homicides per 100,000 residents. Arkansas's rate was driven up by Democratic-run Little Rock, the capital and largest city, which had the 24th-highest murder rate with 19.15 homicides per 100,000 residents. Mississippi's was driven up by the homicides in its Democratic-run capital Jackson, which had a murder rate of 46.5 per 100,000 in 2019.

See a pattern here?
Third Way also claims that 3 of the 5 states with the largest increase in murder rate between 2019 and 2021 were "decidedly rural" red states -- "Trump-voting Wyoming at 91.7%, South Dakota at 69%, and Nebraska at 59.1%." Sounds terrible. Here's what they left out: According to FBI data, Wyoming had a grand total of 13 murders in 2019, or 2.2 per 100,000 residents, while South Dakota had 17 and Nebraska had 45. So even if Wyoming's murder rate nearly doubled, it still saw fewer than 30 murders in 2021. What else are these red states missing besides large murder numbers? Large, crime-ridden, Democratic-run cities.
Third Way does not provide city-by-city data for 2020 in its report, perhaps because this would undermine its red state murder narrative. But the Manhattan Institute's Rafael Mangual gathered data on the 2020 murder rates in the 50 largest U.S. cities -- 34 of which had Democratic mayors, while 14 were led by Republicans (two were led by independents). "The homicide rate in the blue cities was 15.8 per 100,000, compared to 9.4 per 100,000 in the red cities," he found.
And in a May report, his Manhattan Institute colleagues Robert VerBruggen and Christos Makridis examined the growth in the homicide rate per capita in the largest U.S. counties between 2019 and 2020 -- and then compared the rates in GOP-leaning and Democratic-leaning counties. They found that "counties with higher shares of GOP voters have a much lower homicide death rate and a lower number of deaths in 2020" and "also a lower growth in homicide rates."

The 'Red State Murder Problem'? That's Just A Democratic-Driven Myth.

The Heritage authors' data analysis revealed that, if the homicide rates of Democrat-run cities and counties in Republican-led states are subtracted, the overall homicide rates for those states are dramatically reduced.

As noted earlier, however, most crime is hyperlocalized, so the funda- mental flaw with the study and the reason it does not deserve any serious consideration is that the “murder rate” in each state is largely a function of the large number of murders in a state’s biggest city or cities.21 A super majority of those cities, even in otherwise red states, are deep blue and runby left-wing ideologues.

When you remove the crime-infested, homicide-riddled cities from the state murder rate featured in the Third Way study, you dramatically lower the murder rate for that state, upending their conclusions and exposing the piece for what it really is: a straightforward attempt at political projection dressed up as a “study.”

Said another way, Kessler and Murdock did their level best as political operatives to blame their political opponents for the very thing—rising crime—that leftist policies at the city and county levels have caused.

While a state’s murder rate is perhaps politically interesting, a more accurate reflection of what is actually happening on the ground is gained by reviewing localized murder rates, such as murder rates in a city or county. What does this review show?

Table 1 lists the 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the United States as of June 30, 2022.
Not surprisingly, of those 30 cities, 27 have Democratic mayors, the exceptions being Lexington and Jacksonville, which have Republican mayors, and Las Vegas, whose mayor is an Independent. And within those 30 cities there are at least 14 Soros-backed or Soros-inspired rogue prosecutors. Those Soros bought-and-paid-for or inspired rogue prosecutors include:

Study debunks ‘red state murder’ claim from Hillary Clinton, Democrats
================= for the truth....

While state legislatures enact the criminal penalties for different offenses, local governments set the policies that determine whether someone is arrested and convicted. Cities and counties set spending on police and sheriff departments and policing policies. Most states have local elections for district attorneys and trial court judges. In the last few years, many Democrat district attorneys have been accused of going soft on violent criminals. They may also not request bond for criminals. Judges have also released large numbers of inmates from many local jails over the last few years.
While the murder rates in Trump counties in the states Trump won are only slightly higher than those in Trump counties in states Biden won, the Biden counties in Trump states had an 83% higher murder than in Biden states. This may say more about law enforcement and demographics than it does about state gun control laws.
For example, African Americans commit half the murders in the United States, though they comprise only 13.6% of the population. The counties that Biden won have almost four times the percentage of black voters. That gap is even larger in the counties in the states that Trump carried than the states that Biden carried.
Breaking out large counties with over 100,000 people, which is where 88% of murders in the U.S. occur, shows a similar, though even more extreme, difference. The murder rate data for counties that Biden won is much higher than for those that Trump won.
The difference between Biden and Trump states is again driven by the Biden counties in the Republican states having much worse murder rates than those in the Democrat states and those are also the counties with the largest black populations.
The murder rates are much higher for Democrat counties both in states that voted for Biden and states that voted for Trump, but it is the high murder rates in Democrat counties that are causing the higher murder rates in Republican states in 2020. The Biden counties in Republican states averaged a murder rate of almost eight per 100,000 people, up from 4.4 in Democrat states. The Trump counties had only slightly higher murder rates in the Republican states.

Murder, They Spun: Selective Stats Leave Suspicious Fingerprints All Over the Crime Debate

and welfare....

Now it’s true that the average taxpayer in blue states pays a higher per capita income tax than the average taxpayer in red states. But that’s because those states — particularly Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and California — have more rich people. Don’t the Democrats want the rich paying their fair share?

As for blue states allegedly getting back less, what numbers are they looking at? It is true that red states receive 35.75 percent on average of their budgets from the federal government, while blue states receive 30.80 percent.

But this is because the blue states’ budgets are far larger due to all the bloat and waste.

The 10 states in the best fiscal condition are almost all red states.

The 10 states with the worst numbers in the red are almost all blue states.
The higher the taxes, the more mismanaged a state is. CNBC examined the infrastructure of every state — roads, airports, water systems and ports — and found that the places with the worst-rated infrastructure are six Democratic states, which also rank among the highest in taxes collected per resident: Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.
Kyle Sammin at The Federalist found that if you look at the amount of money the federal government gives to states on a per capita basis instead, blue states get more; $2,124 per resident. Red states receive just $1,879 on average.

Matt Palumbo writing at The Dan Bongino Show found that even if red states receive more in federal welfare, it’s not going to Republicans. Those on public assistance, as well as long-term unemployment, are overwhelmingly Democrats.

Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States
Does all that change the fact that red states tend the have higher murder rates, obesity and lower education then blue states?
Does all that change the fact that red states tend the have higher murder rates, obesity and lower education then blue states?

Statistics can be misused. 1 in 5 babies born in the world is Chinese. Does that mean if a white couple has 5 kids one has to be Chinese?

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