LA Mayor Orders Face Masks. "My Body, My Choice"?

Are you for real? Were it a valid comparison You would have women wear a mask for the rest of their lives because you think God said so. What kind of religious fanatic would make a woman cover her face while out in public for no good reason?

Mark another Leftist down as anti-freedom....oh, unless, of course, that woman wants to kill her own baby in her womb
Oh look another hypocrite that loves fetuses but does not give a fuck about actual children.

Prove that I do not give a F about actual children.

I notice that thus far, no one can refute what I've said. Democrats WILL boss your body and LOVE to boss your body. They just won't boss it if you want to kill your own child in the womb.
You're a republican. When it comes budget time education and child services get cut first without the slightest show of remorse. Where's your outrage what that stuff happens? You're putting it all on poor women who have to face an impossible choice because they have no one to count on, especially not you people who would demand they have a baby and then tell them they are on their own. Reconcile this horrific bait and switch and then I might believe you care.

You're a robot who can't think anymore. The government is an utter failure when it comes to charity, there's your answer. I GUARANTEE if we compared my charitable giving, in time and money, with yours over our adult life, I would come out ahead. Liberals are horrifically poor givers, we know this.

it's apparent you don't know much at all.
If people wish to drink and drive and do 90mph on their way to buy more beer without wearing a mask they should be allowed to do it, and no one should be allowed to stop them.

Drinking and driving kills and it's against the law. However, LAWFUL driving kills 100+ American every DAY and we tolerate this. Every. Day. Day after day, week after week, year after year.

So to remain consistent, you are never going to drive again, right? Let me come up with a list of other things you must stop doing because someone's "safety" might be at risk.
Do you know the difference between an "accident" and "negligence"?
If people wish to drink and drive and do 90mph on their way to buy more beer without wearing a mask they should be allowed to do it, and no one should be allowed to stop them.

But here is what you said:

You can not use your own subjective opinion and interpretation of "freedom" to jeopardize the safety of others.

If safety of others trumps freedom, then you better give up your car. Or wait, Camp. Is it a balance? A balance of freedom and safety of others?
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

Its the same in Florida. Yes Democrats are all for my body , my choice, but they follow the laws. Its you republicans and zealots that think you don't need to follow laws.

So if someone made a law that you're to wrap yourself in a tablecloth every day, you would be cool with it. It's the law.

Or that you wear a swimsuit around all day, every day, with never any outerclothes. Again, it's the law, so cool.

Wow, the brain capacity on this board.


I'm going to be honest. You're not informed enough to know you're making a bad argument. You don't just get to whine about "false equivalence" and that's the end of it. Sorry.

lol.... you're the one whining troll thread girl. we all recognize this for what it is & you with what you're doing.
Are you for real? Were it a valid comparison You would have women wear a mask for the rest of their lives because you think God said so. What kind of religious fanatic would make a woman cover her face while out in public for no good reason?

Mark another Leftist down as anti-freedom....oh, unless, of course, that woman wants to kill her own baby in her womb
Oh look another hypocrite that loves fetuses but does not give a fuck about actual children.

Prove that I do not give a F about actual children.

I notice that thus far, no one can refute what I've said. Democrats WILL boss your body and LOVE to boss your body. They just won't boss it if you want to kill your own child in the womb.
You're a republican. When it comes budget time education and child services get cut first without the slightest show of remorse. Where's your outrage what that stuff happens? You're putting it all on poor women who have to face an impossible choice because they have no one to count on, especially not you people who would demand they have a baby and then tell them they are on their own. Reconcile this horrific bait and switch and then I might believe you care.

You're a robot who can't think anymore. The government is an utter failure when it comes to charity, there's your answer. I GUARANTEE if we compared my charitable giving, in time and money, with yours over our adult life, I would come out ahead. Liberals are horrifically poor givers, we know this.

it's apparent you don't know much at all.

If you can't keep up beyond stupid pictures and name-calling just leave the thread already
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what


speaking of cowboys - why don't you fly out to idaho & join the 'liberty' movement brewing out there, headed by ammon bundy?

he would just looooooove you to come 'n help the movement! him & his ilk seem to be right up yer alley.

Another Leftist, still no argument.

Not one has explained to me why it's okay for Big Daddy Government to tell me what to put on MY BODY and more importantly, why they are clamoring for that when their battle cry for decades has been "MY BODY MY CHOICE"

Well now I'm taking it up and you're all name-calling me for it. A gal can't win! hahahaha
Maybe you are right and should have a Constitutional Right for infecting anyone you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. 'Merica.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what
As a matter of fact I am.
I don't want to die.
I have an album that I'm half done with and I would like to complete it.
I'm taking a layoff from work because of all the stress this thing has caused me.
So, yeah, I am very worked up about this.
The one thing you trumpers need to understand is that it's not about you.

Here's the thing though. You didn't have much control over your life before this pandemic and you surely don't have much now--in terms of when you might die and how. Taking your rage out on how others MIGHT affect your death is counterproductive. It is unhealthy. It affects your heart, immune system, everything.
As of now, I have total control.
No one comes in to my house unprotected.
I don't leave the house unless I need to.
I think people who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health.

You don't.

You could have cardiac arrest from a heart problem you didn't even know about. You could have a stroke, a seizure or an aneurysm. You never know. None of us do.

So, you won't be driving a car anymore right? Because as I just said, 100+ Americans die in car accidents every single day. That activity puts other people at risk, so I'm going to count on you to stop doing it. I'll make a list of other things you should stop doing, or go to prison.
Absolutely not driving at all. When i need food I walk to the store which is about a mile away.
It's called being responsible.
It's also good exercise. Good for the heart.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

Its the same in Florida. Yes Democrats are all for my body , my choice, but they follow the laws. Its you republicans and zealots that think you don't need to follow laws.

So if someone made a law that you're to wrap yourself in a tablecloth every day, you would be cool with it. It's the law.

Or that you wear a swimsuit around all day, every day, with never any outerclothes. Again, it's the law, so cool.

Wow, the brain capacity on this board.


I'm going to be honest. You're not informed enough to know you're making a bad argument. You don't just get to whine about "false equivalence" and that's the end of it. Sorry.

lol.... you're the one whining troll thread girl. we all recognize this for what it is & you with what you're doing.

IOW you have no answers and no argument. Which I knew. Because your worldview is busted, vapid and senseless.

I knew that too
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what


speaking of cowboys - why don't you fly out to idaho & join the 'liberty' movement brewing out there, headed by ammon bundy?

he would just looooooove you to come 'n help the movement! him & his ilk seem to be right up yer alley.

Another Leftist, still no argument.

Not one has explained to me why it's okay for Big Daddy Government to tell me what to put on MY BODY and more importantly, why they are clamoring for that when their battle cry for decades has been "MY BODY MY CHOICE"

Well now I'm taking it up and you're all name-calling me for it. A gal can't win! hahahaha
Maybe you are right and should have a Constitutional Right for infecting anyone you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. 'Merica.

Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what


speaking of cowboys - why don't you fly out to idaho & join the 'liberty' movement brewing out there, headed by ammon bundy?

he would just looooooove you to come 'n help the movement! him & his ilk seem to be right up yer alley.

Another Leftist, still no argument.

Not one has explained to me why it's okay for Big Daddy Government to tell me what to put on MY BODY and more importantly, why they are clamoring for that when their battle cry for decades has been "MY BODY MY CHOICE"

Well now I'm taking it up and you're all name-calling me for it. A gal can't win! hahahaha
Maybe you are right and should have a Constitutional Right for infecting anyone you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. 'Merica.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what
As a matter of fact I am.
I don't want to die.
I have an album that I'm half done with and I would like to complete it.
I'm taking a layoff from work because of all the stress this thing has caused me.
So, yeah, I am very worked up about this.
The one thing you trumpers need to understand is that it's not about you.

Here's the thing though. You didn't have much control over your life before this pandemic and you surely don't have much now--in terms of when you might die and how. Taking your rage out on how others MIGHT affect your death is counterproductive. It is unhealthy. It affects your heart, immune system, everything.
As of now, I have total control.
No one comes in to my house unprotected.
I don't leave the house unless I need to.
I think people who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health.

You don't.

You could have cardiac arrest from a heart problem you didn't even know about. You could have a stroke, a seizure or an aneurysm. You never know. None of us do.

So, you won't be driving a car anymore right? Because as I just said, 100+ Americans die in car accidents every single day. That activity puts other people at risk, so I'm going to count on you to stop doing it. I'll make a list of other things you should stop doing, or go to prison.
Absolutely not driving at all. When i need food I walk to the store which is about a mile away.
It's called being responsible.
It's also good exercise. Good for the heart.

So you actually want to go down this road, do you? That "People who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail..."

Okay. Ever eat peanuts or tree nuts in public? Jail for you.
If people wish to drink and drive and do 90mph on their way to buy more beer without wearing a mask they should be allowed to do it, and no one should be allowed to stop them.

Drinking and driving kills and it's against the law. However, LAWFUL driving kills 100+ American every DAY and we tolerate this. Every. Day. Day after day, week after week, year after year.

So to remain consistent, you are never going to drive again, right? Let me come up with a list of other things you must stop doing because someone's "safety" might be at risk.
Do you know the difference between an "accident" and "negligence"?

apparently she does not.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

An emotional outburst is not an argument, Tommy.

Our daughter learned this by...gosh, by the time she was 16 or so. And she's a highly emotional young lady.
Your right to spread the virus is subservient to my right to life. I don't really know what you want Sue. Are you arguing for no restrictions ? Or are you just whining because your way of life is just inconvenienced for a little while ? What do you actually want ?
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what


speaking of cowboys - why don't you fly out to idaho & join the 'liberty' movement brewing out there, headed by ammon bundy?

he would just looooooove you to come 'n help the movement! him & his ilk seem to be right up yer alley.

Another Leftist, still no argument.

Not one has explained to me why it's okay for Big Daddy Government to tell me what to put on MY BODY and more importantly, why they are clamoring for that when their battle cry for decades has been "MY BODY MY CHOICE"

Well now I'm taking it up and you're all name-calling me for it. A gal can't win! hahahaha
Maybe you are right and should have a Constitutional Right for infecting anyone you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. 'Merica.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what
As a matter of fact I am.
I don't want to die.
I have an album that I'm half done with and I would like to complete it.
I'm taking a layoff from work because of all the stress this thing has caused me.
So, yeah, I am very worked up about this.
The one thing you trumpers need to understand is that it's not about you.

Here's the thing though. You didn't have much control over your life before this pandemic and you surely don't have much now--in terms of when you might die and how. Taking your rage out on how others MIGHT affect your death is counterproductive. It is unhealthy. It affects your heart, immune system, everything.
As of now, I have total control.
No one comes in to my house unprotected.
I don't leave the house unless I need to.
I think people who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health.

You don't.

You could have cardiac arrest from a heart problem you didn't even know about. You could have a stroke, a seizure or an aneurysm. You never know. None of us do.

So, you won't be driving a car anymore right? Because as I just said, 100+ Americans die in car accidents every single day. That activity puts other people at risk, so I'm going to count on you to stop doing it. I'll make a list of other things you should stop doing, or go to prison.
Absolutely not driving at all. When i need food I walk to the store which is about a mile away.
It's called being responsible.
It's also good exercise. Good for the heart.

So you actually want to go down this road, do you? That "People who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail..."

Okay. Ever eat peanuts or tree nuts in public? Jail for you.
I just told you I barely leave my house.
How am I going to eat peanuts in public if I stay home 24/7?
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it

what a pitiful argument, suzy - it's an epic false equivalency.

a female terminating a pregnancy will not affect you whatsoever. nothing she does can put you at risk for infection.



does not equal:

View attachment 320561

^^^ that ^^^

It affects me if I am the baby's father, grandmother, aunt, cousin, etc. So yes, it does, and it results in a KNOWN DEATH every time. Whereas wearing face coverings isn't even CLOSE to being proven to be effective.

But I'll put you down as another one who is NOT in favor of "My body, my choice". Got it

nope it doesn't, cause *you* wouldn't even know about it & it wouldn't make *you* sick, nor could it *kill* you, nor could it turn *you* into a petri dish carrier.

remember when i said you're trying to sell a false equivalency?

you really suck at it.

Well I missed the biggest one: it affects the life growing in the mother's womb. Remember, the argument is MY BODY MY CHOICE. I completely stand behind that btw, 100%. You do not. You are pro-gov telling people what to wear ON THEIR BODY.

I can stand by that because what is growing in a mother's body is not her body. It's another human life, not hers.

you really need to join up with the liberty fighters, suze. pack yer bags & head out to potatoland - they really need to beef up their membership to give the rebellion some legs!!!
Last edited:
If people wish to drink and drive and do 90mph on their way to buy more beer without wearing a mask they should be allowed to do it, and no one should be allowed to stop them.

Drinking and driving kills and it's against the law. However, LAWFUL driving kills 100+ American every DAY and we tolerate this. Every. Day. Day after day, week after week, year after year.

So to remain consistent, you are never going to drive again, right? Let me come up with a list of other things you must stop doing because someone's "safety" might be at risk.
Do you know the difference between an "accident" and "negligence"?
If people wish to drink and drive and do 90mph on their way to buy more beer without wearing a mask they should be allowed to do it, and no one should be allowed to stop them.

But here is what you said:

You can not use your own subjective opinion and interpretation of "freedom" to jeopardize the safety of others.

If safety of others trumps freedom, then you better give up your car. Or wait, Camp. Is it a balance? A balance of freedom and safety of others?
Again, do you recognize a difference between an accident and negligence? Do you understand when a person causes an "accident" through "negligence" they are punished?
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

Its the same in Florida. Yes Democrats are all for my body , my choice, but they follow the laws. Its you republicans and zealots that think you don't need to follow laws.

So if someone made a law that you're to wrap yourself in a tablecloth every day, you would be cool with it. It's the law.

Or that you wear a swimsuit around all day, every day, with never any outerclothes. Again, it's the law, so cool.

Wow, the brain capacity on this board.


I'm going to be honest. You're not informed enough to know you're making a bad argument. You don't just get to whine about "false equivalence" and that's the end of it. Sorry.

lol.... you're the one whining troll thread girl. we all recognize this for what it is & you with what you're doing.

IOW you have no answers and no argument. Which I knew. Because your worldview is busted, vapid and senseless.

I knew that too

i see you mastered the fine art of repeating yerself to CONvince yerself, just like yer chosen one. does that make you a stable genius too? :heehee:
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what


speaking of cowboys - why don't you fly out to idaho & join the 'liberty' movement brewing out there, headed by ammon bundy?

he would just looooooove you to come 'n help the movement! him & his ilk seem to be right up yer alley.

Another Leftist, still no argument.

Not one has explained to me why it's okay for Big Daddy Government to tell me what to put on MY BODY and more importantly, why they are clamoring for that when their battle cry for decades has been "MY BODY MY CHOICE"

Well now I'm taking it up and you're all name-calling me for it. A gal can't win! hahahaha
Maybe you are right and should have a Constitutional Right for infecting anyone you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. 'Merica.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what
As a matter of fact I am.
I don't want to die.
I have an album that I'm half done with and I would like to complete it.
I'm taking a layoff from work because of all the stress this thing has caused me.
So, yeah, I am very worked up about this.
The one thing you trumpers need to understand is that it's not about you.

Here's the thing though. You didn't have much control over your life before this pandemic and you surely don't have much now--in terms of when you might die and how. Taking your rage out on how others MIGHT affect your death is counterproductive. It is unhealthy. It affects your heart, immune system, everything.
As of now, I have total control.
No one comes in to my house unprotected.
I don't leave the house unless I need to.
I think people who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health.

You don't.

You could have cardiac arrest from a heart problem you didn't even know about. You could have a stroke, a seizure or an aneurysm. You never know. None of us do.

So, you won't be driving a car anymore right? Because as I just said, 100+ Americans die in car accidents every single day. That activity puts other people at risk, so I'm going to count on you to stop doing it. I'll make a list of other things you should stop doing, or go to prison.
Absolutely not driving at all. When i need food I walk to the store which is about a mile away.
It's called being responsible.
It's also good exercise. Good for the heart.

So you actually want to go down this road, do you? That "People who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail..."

Okay. Ever eat peanuts or tree nuts in public? Jail for you.
I just told you I barely leave my house.
How am I going to eat peanuts in public if I stay home 24/7?

Okay so you're a hermit. So forget about you, let's apply your sentence to the entire public. Here it is again:

"People who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health."

Anyone who has eating any food-allergic foods in public--JAIL

Anyone who drives a car--JAIL

Anyone who wears any kind of fragrance--JAIL

Anyone who has a pet (allergies)--JAIL

Anyone who smokes (secondhand smoke on clothes)--JAIL

Anyone who ever goes anywhere with the slightest sniffle, because some people are immune compromised--JAIL

In your world who is NOT in jail??? Who?
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what


speaking of cowboys - why don't you fly out to idaho & join the 'liberty' movement brewing out there, headed by ammon bundy?

he would just looooooove you to come 'n help the movement! him & his ilk seem to be right up yer alley.

Another Leftist, still no argument.

Not one has explained to me why it's okay for Big Daddy Government to tell me what to put on MY BODY and more importantly, why they are clamoring for that when their battle cry for decades has been "MY BODY MY CHOICE"

Well now I'm taking it up and you're all name-calling me for it. A gal can't win! hahahaha
Maybe you are right and should have a Constitutional Right for infecting anyone you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. 'Merica.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what
As a matter of fact I am.
I don't want to die.
I have an album that I'm half done with and I would like to complete it.
I'm taking a layoff from work because of all the stress this thing has caused me.
So, yeah, I am very worked up about this.
The one thing you trumpers need to understand is that it's not about you.

Here's the thing though. You didn't have much control over your life before this pandemic and you surely don't have much now--in terms of when you might die and how. Taking your rage out on how others MIGHT affect your death is counterproductive. It is unhealthy. It affects your heart, immune system, everything.
As of now, I have total control.
No one comes in to my house unprotected.
I don't leave the house unless I need to.
I think people who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health.

You don't.

You could have cardiac arrest from a heart problem you didn't even know about. You could have a stroke, a seizure or an aneurysm. You never know. None of us do.

So, you won't be driving a car anymore right? Because as I just said, 100+ Americans die in car accidents every single day. That activity puts other people at risk, so I'm going to count on you to stop doing it. I'll make a list of other things you should stop doing, or go to prison.
Absolutely not driving at all. When i need food I walk to the store which is about a mile away.
It's called being responsible.
It's also good exercise. Good for the heart.

So you actually want to go down this road, do you? That "People who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail..."

Okay. Ever eat peanuts or tree nuts in public? Jail for you.

uh-oh.... here comes the frothing!!!!
If people wish to drink and drive and do 90mph on their way to buy more beer without wearing a mask they should be allowed to do it, and no one should be allowed to stop them.

Drinking and driving kills and it's against the law. However, LAWFUL driving kills 100+ American every DAY and we tolerate this. Every. Day. Day after day, week after week, year after year.

So to remain consistent, you are never going to drive again, right? Let me come up with a list of other things you must stop doing because someone's "safety" might be at risk.
Do you know the difference between an "accident" and "negligence"?
If people wish to drink and drive and do 90mph on their way to buy more beer without wearing a mask they should be allowed to do it, and no one should be allowed to stop them.

But here is what you said:

You can not use your own subjective opinion and interpretation of "freedom" to jeopardize the safety of others.

If safety of others trumps freedom, then you better give up your car. Or wait, Camp. Is it a balance? A balance of freedom and safety of others?
Again, do you recognize a difference between an accident and negligence? Do you understand when a person causes an "accident" through "negligence" they are punished?

Immaterial. Should we make a law that no one drives cars, because cars cause death, and if you drive when then you're negligent?
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what


speaking of cowboys - why don't you fly out to idaho & join the 'liberty' movement brewing out there, headed by ammon bundy?

he would just looooooove you to come 'n help the movement! him & his ilk seem to be right up yer alley.

Another Leftist, still no argument.

Not one has explained to me why it's okay for Big Daddy Government to tell me what to put on MY BODY and more importantly, why they are clamoring for that when their battle cry for decades has been "MY BODY MY CHOICE"

Well now I'm taking it up and you're all name-calling me for it. A gal can't win! hahahaha
Maybe you are right and should have a Constitutional Right for infecting anyone you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. 'Merica.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what
As a matter of fact I am.
I don't want to die.
I have an album that I'm half done with and I would like to complete it.
I'm taking a layoff from work because of all the stress this thing has caused me.
So, yeah, I am very worked up about this.
The one thing you trumpers need to understand is that it's not about you.

Here's the thing though. You didn't have much control over your life before this pandemic and you surely don't have much now--in terms of when you might die and how. Taking your rage out on how others MIGHT affect your death is counterproductive. It is unhealthy. It affects your heart, immune system, everything.
As of now, I have total control.
No one comes in to my house unprotected.
I don't leave the house unless I need to.
I think people who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health.

You don't.

You could have cardiac arrest from a heart problem you didn't even know about. You could have a stroke, a seizure or an aneurysm. You never know. None of us do.

So, you won't be driving a car anymore right? Because as I just said, 100+ Americans die in car accidents every single day. That activity puts other people at risk, so I'm going to count on you to stop doing it. I'll make a list of other things you should stop doing, or go to prison.
Absolutely not driving at all. When i need food I walk to the store which is about a mile away.
It's called being responsible.
It's also good exercise. Good for the heart.

So you actually want to go down this road, do you? That "People who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail..."

Okay. Ever eat peanuts or tree nuts in public? Jail for you.

uh-oh.... here comes the frothing!!!!

It's pathetic that you can't engage me at all, but are reduced to being a cheerleader.

Get in the ring or get lost
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what


speaking of cowboys - why don't you fly out to idaho & join the 'liberty' movement brewing out there, headed by ammon bundy?

he would just looooooove you to come 'n help the movement! him & his ilk seem to be right up yer alley.

Another Leftist, still no argument.

Not one has explained to me why it's okay for Big Daddy Government to tell me what to put on MY BODY and more importantly, why they are clamoring for that when their battle cry for decades has been "MY BODY MY CHOICE"

Well now I'm taking it up and you're all name-calling me for it. A gal can't win! hahahaha
Maybe you are right and should have a Constitutional Right for infecting anyone you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. 'Merica.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what
As a matter of fact I am.
I don't want to die.
I have an album that I'm half done with and I would like to complete it.
I'm taking a layoff from work because of all the stress this thing has caused me.
So, yeah, I am very worked up about this.
The one thing you trumpers need to understand is that it's not about you.

Here's the thing though. You didn't have much control over your life before this pandemic and you surely don't have much now--in terms of when you might die and how. Taking your rage out on how others MIGHT affect your death is counterproductive. It is unhealthy. It affects your heart, immune system, everything.
As of now, I have total control.
No one comes in to my house unprotected.
I don't leave the house unless I need to.
I think people who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health.

You don't.

You could have cardiac arrest from a heart problem you didn't even know about. You could have a stroke, a seizure or an aneurysm. You never know. None of us do.

So, you won't be driving a car anymore right? Because as I just said, 100+ Americans die in car accidents every single day. That activity puts other people at risk, so I'm going to count on you to stop doing it. I'll make a list of other things you should stop doing, or go to prison.
Absolutely not driving at all. When i need food I walk to the store which is about a mile away.
It's called being responsible.
It's also good exercise. Good for the heart.

So you actually want to go down this road, do you? That "People who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail..."

Okay. Ever eat peanuts or tree nuts in public? Jail for you.
I just told you I barely leave my house.
How am I going to eat peanuts in public if I stay home 24/7?

Okay so you're a hermit. So forget about you, let's apply your sentence to the entire public. Here it is again:

"People who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health."

Anyone who has eating any food-allergic foods in public--JAIL

Anyone who drives a car--JAIL

Anyone who wears any kind of fragrance--JAIL

Anyone who has a pet (allergies)--JAIL

Anyone who smokes (secondhand smoke on clothes)--JAIL

Anyone who ever goes anywhere with the slightest sniffle, because some people are immune compromised--JAIL

In your world who is NOT in jail??? Who?

^^^ full tilt frothing ^^^
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what


speaking of cowboys - why don't you fly out to idaho & join the 'liberty' movement brewing out there, headed by ammon bundy?

he would just looooooove you to come 'n help the movement! him & his ilk seem to be right up yer alley.

Another Leftist, still no argument.

Not one has explained to me why it's okay for Big Daddy Government to tell me what to put on MY BODY and more importantly, why they are clamoring for that when their battle cry for decades has been "MY BODY MY CHOICE"

Well now I'm taking it up and you're all name-calling me for it. A gal can't win! hahahaha
Maybe you are right and should have a Constitutional Right for infecting anyone you want, anytime you want, anywhere you want. 'Merica.
Starting Friday, any worker in any establishment in LA can refuse you service if you're not wearing a face mask.

Gosh, and here I thought the Democrats were all about "My body, my choice". But that's only human life that grows in a woman's body that is not ACTUALLY her body, but has separate DNA and everything. When it comes to your ACTUAL body, yes, the Democrats want to boss that around too.

As my daughter would say, "We been knew".

If customers are acting in a dangerous manner they should be refused service. Why do you want to kill Americans ?

So, to be clear. You are PRO "my body, my choice", but only when a woman wants to kill her own growing baby in her womb.

Got it
You want to risk infecting a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Jesus would be so proud of you.

Strange, it's actually only people who hate Christianity and Christians who always tell me exactly what Jesus thinks of me.

They don't even believe Jesus exists, so that's strange.
For the record, I don't hate Christianity. I hate the people who hate in the name of Christianity.
People who kill in the name of God.
Up until the day I met my full blooded Cherokee Grandmother i was a Christian.
Aunt Theresa was a Nun.
Uncle Pete was a priest.
I was an altar boy.
I went to Catholic schools my entire life.
To this day I thing Jesus was a pretty cool dude.
Based on what I've seen of you, you are no Christian at all.
You want to risk infecting people with a dangerous so you can stroll into a restaurant and get lunch without wearing a mask?
Thats just selfish and irresponsible.
I'm pretty sure Jesus would not approve of this.

You are really worked up about this. Scared? Or what
As a matter of fact I am.
I don't want to die.
I have an album that I'm half done with and I would like to complete it.
I'm taking a layoff from work because of all the stress this thing has caused me.
So, yeah, I am very worked up about this.
The one thing you trumpers need to understand is that it's not about you.

Here's the thing though. You didn't have much control over your life before this pandemic and you surely don't have much now--in terms of when you might die and how. Taking your rage out on how others MIGHT affect your death is counterproductive. It is unhealthy. It affects your heart, immune system, everything.
As of now, I have total control.
No one comes in to my house unprotected.
I don't leave the house unless I need to.
I think people who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail for endangering the public health.

You don't.

You could have cardiac arrest from a heart problem you didn't even know about. You could have a stroke, a seizure or an aneurysm. You never know. None of us do.

So, you won't be driving a car anymore right? Because as I just said, 100+ Americans die in car accidents every single day. That activity puts other people at risk, so I'm going to count on you to stop doing it. I'll make a list of other things you should stop doing, or go to prison.
Absolutely not driving at all. When i need food I walk to the store which is about a mile away.
It's called being responsible.
It's also good exercise. Good for the heart.

So you actually want to go down this road, do you? That "People who put other people at risk should be thrown in jail..."

Okay. Ever eat peanuts or tree nuts in public? Jail for you.

uh-oh.... here comes the frothing!!!!

It's pathetic that you can't engage me at all, but are reduced to being a cheerleader.

Get in the ring or get lost

get a plane ticket to idaho.

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