Labor Fighting Back

Huh? My brother isn't even the VP anymore. Or he wasn't. He just retired. They gave him a year severance. $1.5 million to sit home for a year.

Anyways, so he's not even the real VP for the last 4 or 5 years but he still made VP money. So not only does his boss (a diversity candidate female who makes double what he makes) make $2.5 million, she has other top execs who make a lot right underneath her. And then she quit, so they had to find a new diversity candidate. The found a black guy who makes 4 x what my brother makes. Because diversity candidates are hard to find.

So you keep telling yourself whatever you want to tell yourself. Bottom line, workers need a seat at the table. If CEO pay went up 1322% and theirs only 18% why are you even arguing with me? No wonder the gap between them and us is getting bigger. It's dummies like you.
Because the sheer cost of raising workers pay is so much larger than the cost of raising executive pay. Do the math. Let's say the Ford employees average $80,000/year. If you give 177,000 workers making that an 18% raise, how much more money are you spending every year? I'll tell you in case your engineering career doesn't include math, it's $31,860 per worker, or $5.6 Billion. Let's say you have 200 executives averaging $236,000/year and you want to give them a 1,300% raise. How much more are you spending per year? Again with the math, $236 Million. Now, that's average, there will be some higher and some lower, but you start to see the gist of the problem. You simply can't give all the workers the same percentage increases without spending a LOT of money, and it's obvious that Ford already spends far more on worker pay than it does on executive pay, even with the high percentage increases, and that's taking the HIGHEST percentage increases and applying them to all the executives. I can guarantee not too many executives saw that big of an increase.

The point remains, you're falling for the oldest trick in the book and believing that the executives are getting all the pay while the workers are getting nothing. The reverse is true, the workers get the bulk of the pay while the executives don't, due to sheer numbers.
Ever since the Bush Great Recession, Ford employees didn't get any raises. All the profits went to the CEO's. This is why unions are so important.

The UAW made strong wage gains after a six-week strike at selected plants run by Ford, General Motors and Jeep maker Stellantis.

Top-scale factory workers won 33% raises in a contract that runs through April of 2028, taking their top wage to around $42 per hour.

They ain't cryin about inflation.
Neither was GM until things fell apart and they were saddled with greedy union contracts that sucked the blood out of the company.

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