Labor gets Trump elected...

...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say.

The truth hurts???

You dumb asses deserve everything that Trump is going to do to you.

Don't be fooled. The hardcore conservatives like hadit HATE labor. They HATE unions. All of their pretending that they supported Trump out of support for America's working class was hot steaming horseshit.
...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.

Put another, when Breitbart AND Bernie Sanders agree that Trump has made a terrible appointment,

who's left to defend Trump?

Oh, right, the ESTABLISHMENT GOP. (you know, that thing Trump pretended he was running against.)
Yeah, I'm pretty establishment, and I like the labor guy.

The treasury guy is pretty offensive. It's sort of like some things you don't advertise.

How can you like the labor guy who sees labor as the enemy?
...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say.

The truth hurts???

You dumb asses deserve everything that Trump is going to do to you.

Don't be fooled. The hardcore conservatives like hadit HATE labor. They HATE unions. All of their pretending that they supported Trump out of support for America's working class was hot steaming horseshit.
Exactly. And cheap Mexican labor is the bomb. So long as we don't let them vote. And getting rid of birthright citizenship would be the ticket.
...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.

Put another, when Breitbart AND Bernie Sanders agree that Trump has made a terrible appointment,

who's left to defend Trump?

Oh, right, the ESTABLISHMENT GOP. (you know, that thing Trump pretended he was running against.)
Yeah, I'm pretty establishment, and I like the labor guy.

The treasury guy is pretty offensive. It's sort of like some things you don't advertise.

How can you like the labor guy who sees labor as the enemy?
Personally, I don't like labor. I think the country would be better off if workers got paid more, but I benefit personally from cheaper goods.

I didn't vote for Trump, but if he protects my access to cheap goods .... I'm not gonna say no. (-:
Trump outsourcing jobs to China didn't win him the labor vote. The democrats pushing rainbow crap on working class values got the labor vote shoved into the GOP by default.

The GOP could've run a stale cheese sandwich on the "fuck the dems" platform and won on that alone..


They won because the DNC backed a stupid, careless and incompetent Hillary.

They would have done better to talk Biden into running. He was VP for eight years and was more qualified that that POS Hillary will ever be.

They also thought Trump was a joke.

Tell me again. Who's the President elect??

So you admit that Trump couldn't have possibly beaten a decent Democratic candidate.
...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.

So they should continue to vote democrat even though they are ignored?

Ignored? lolol, ignored, if that were true, would be the lesser of two evils here.

When did a Democratic president ever appoint a Labor secretary more anti-labor than this Puzder guy?

It's not about the appointments, its about the campaign. Hillary went hard left, hard identity politics, and just assumed labor would fall in line.

And considering leftist policies are why companies are leaving in droves, maybe its time to try something different.

Really, that's why?

It's not cheap-ass labor costs in Malaysia, China, Mexico, India, etc.? It's not automation? It's just those imaginary tax hikes that Obama has never been able to get through Congress?
Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

What did Hillary offer? "White people bad, know your place, peasants..."

So to be clear, you agree there was no reason for labor to vote for Trump.
When you vote solid democrat for decades and get less every time, why continue voting democrat?

Because the alternative was much, much worse. At least Democrats pushed things like pay equity, universal health care, and environmental protection, to help everyday people, but Republicans resist such measures, and they keep the House and Senate by gerrymandering the districts to ensure a perpetual majority, while their share of the vote dwindles.

Republicans tell you lies because if they told you they were going to cut business taxes, raise the unemployment rate, cause the stock market to crash and the environment to become toxic, while forcing you to pay an ever increasing share of your wages to support the underpaid workers of the most profitable corporations in America, would you still vote for them?

Because that is what they're doing. We've been telling you for months - he's conning you.
Obama, Unions On Opposite Sides Of The (Fast) Track For Trade Deals

"We're going all out" to stop Obama's trade agenda, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told reporters on Tuesday. The next day, the labor organization announced it would freeze all political action committee donations to federal candidates until further notice — saying it had to "conserve resources for the historic legislative battle" against fast track.

Obama vs. teachers unions: It's still on

But as deputy education secretary under Arne Duncan, whom he will replace in December, and before that as the top education official in New York state, King’s relations with unions have been as rocky as Duncan’s—and for that matter Obama’s. The unions often argue that the deep problems of urban education have their roots outside the school, with impoverished and crime-ridden neighborhoods stripped of hope.

Reality...bites Democrats again and again.

See, right on cue, another Trumptard trying to convince us that the GOP is the new pro-labor party.
Nothing new about it.

So how long have the Republicans been the party of labor? lol listen to this one.
Labor would not exist without something to labor on. Most people understand that. By allowing both labor providers and consumers the freedom to provide and consume, Republicans are smart enough to not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Democrats, not so much.

Reagan's Tax Code is what killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. That's when wealth began to flow unabated, to the top. The working class have been cleaned out and the middle class is struggling. Trump acted like he cared. Except any careful examination of the lies he peddled would have unmasked him.

The unquestioning loyalty of the voters who don't check their sources, and just go with anything that panders to their fears and biases got Trump elected. The MSM media hasn't been lying to you, but Trump has lied to you and he wants to continue to dismantle your country to his own economic benefit and that of his friends both in the US and abroad.

Trump doesn't want you to listen to the mainstream media, or anyone else who criticizes his moves. He lies about the merits of his accomplishments, like the Carrier deal, where he negotiated a bad deal at the expense of Indiana taxpayers. He attacks the creditability of anyone who disagrees with him, and he does it in reality show terms, so that you are distracted by his cabinet appointments which range from bizarre, to concerning.
...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say.

What a remarkably substanceless post you've made.

Substanceless ??? (That ain't even word, dude!)

Sounds to me like it was concise, succinct, and right on point.
Labor includes the people that create the profits. Their vouce should not be heard. That's extortion. To see any relevance in this is anti american. Pure anti life. Hatred of the people doing any actual work.
...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.

So they should continue to vote democrat even though they are ignored?

Ignored? lolol, ignored, if that were true, would be the lesser of two evils here.

When did a Democratic president ever appoint a Labor secretary more anti-labor than this Puzder guy?

It's not about the appointments, its about the campaign. Hillary went hard left, hard identity politics, and just assumed labor would fall in line.

And considering leftist policies are why companies are leaving in droves, maybe its time to try something different.

Really, that's why?

It's not cheap-ass labor costs in Malaysia, China, Mexico, India, etc.? It's not automation? It's just those imaginary tax hikes that Obama has never been able to get through Congress?

No, it's the leftist belief that you get businesses to do what you want them to do by continuing to punish them, i.e. make their costs of production more expensive.
Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

What did Hillary offer? "White people bad, know your place, peasants..."

So to be clear, you agree there was no reason for labor to vote for Trump.

Yes there was a reason, it's called the chance of actual change, which you would not have gotten with Hillary.
...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.

So they should continue to vote democrat even though they are ignored?

Ignored? lolol, ignored, if that were true, would be the lesser of two evils here.

When did a Democratic president ever appoint a Labor secretary more anti-labor than this Puzder guy?

It's not about the appointments, its about the campaign. Hillary went hard left, hard identity politics, and just assumed labor would fall in line.

And considering leftist policies are why companies are leaving in droves, maybe its time to try something different.

Really, that's why?

It's not cheap-ass labor costs in Malaysia, China, Mexico, India, etc.? It's not automation? It's just those imaginary tax hikes that Obama has never been able to get through Congress?

No, it's the leftist belief that you get businesses to do what you want them to do by continuing to punish them, i.e. make their costs of production more expensive.

You have a choice between letting the People run the country, or letting the corporations run the country.

We are aware which one you've chosen.
So they should continue to vote democrat even though they are ignored?

Ignored? lolol, ignored, if that were true, would be the lesser of two evils here.

When did a Democratic president ever appoint a Labor secretary more anti-labor than this Puzder guy?

It's not about the appointments, its about the campaign. Hillary went hard left, hard identity politics, and just assumed labor would fall in line.

And considering leftist policies are why companies are leaving in droves, maybe its time to try something different.

Really, that's why?

It's not cheap-ass labor costs in Malaysia, China, Mexico, India, etc.? It's not automation? It's just those imaginary tax hikes that Obama has never been able to get through Congress?

No, it's the leftist belief that you get businesses to do what you want them to do by continuing to punish them, i.e. make their costs of production more expensive.

You have a choice between letting the People run the country, or letting the corporations run the country.

We are aware which one you've chosen.

Government bureaucrats are not "the people".

It's amazing how afraid of corporations progressives are, yet they are butt fucking in love with excessive government power, as if people in government automatically become incapable of doing wrong.

Remember which of the two controls most of the weapons, right?
...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say.

The truth hurts???

You dumb asses deserve everything that Trump is going to do to you.
Forcing employers to pay wages higher than the value of the work is nothing more than using them as welfare distributors. You do realize that, right?
Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

What did Hillary offer? "White people bad, know your place, peasants..."

So to be clear, you agree there was no reason for labor to vote for Trump.

Yes there was a reason, it's called the chance of actual change, which you would not have gotten with Hillary.
The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.
The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.

A Hillary presidency would have seen the working poor get overtime if they earn less than $47,000, which the Republicans are cancelling, and an increase in the minimum wage, which the Republicans have said they're not interested in.

So far, Trump has spent $7 million of Indiana taxpayers' money, to keep 780 Carrier jobs in the US, and Carrier is still shipping 1,000 jobs to Mexico.
The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.

A Hillary presidency would have seen the working poor get overtime if they earn less than $47,000, which the Republicans are cancelling, and an increase in the minimum wage, which the Republicans have said they're not interested in.

So far, Trump has spent $7 million of Indiana taxpayers' money, to keep 780 Carrier jobs in the US, and Carrier is still shipping 1,000 jobs to Mexico.

Your view of the rule changes to OT is rather limited.

Here is an article describing what was actually going on.

4 ways the new overtime rules may affect your paycheck

and "exempt" doesn't automatically mean "no overtime", In my case I still get paid over 40 hrs, just its straight time, not time and a half.
The Trump presidency is a crap shoot, a Hillary presidency would have just been crap.

A Hillary presidency would have seen the working poor get overtime if they earn less than $47,000, which the Republicans are cancelling, and an increase in the minimum wage, which the Republicans have said they're not interested in.

So far, Trump has spent $7 million of Indiana taxpayers' money, to keep 780 Carrier jobs in the US, and Carrier is still shipping 1,000 jobs to Mexico.
Without which there would have been 1,780 jobs shipped to Mexico. 1,780 > 1,000. Would you have preferred Trump, like Obama, do nothing and see all the jobs disappear?

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