Labor gets Trump elected...

Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

Yup and we'll see if Trump does what he says he will do.

If he does there will be loads of crow eating.
Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

What did Hillary offer? "White people bad, know your place, peasants..."

Very true...Hillary offered them nothing and it cost her the election

Better to offer grandiose promises than to offer nothing

Promises that you have no idea, like the rest of us, that he will be able to keep or not.

One thing is for certain though, unlike previous Presidents, if EITHER party tries to block some of his programs, he will scream bloody murder and put any rejection at the feet of those who try to stop him. That is something we haven't seen before, and honestly I have no idea what will then happen.

Trump: Well I proposed X,Y,Z, but A,B,C decided they didn't want to do it.
Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

What did Hillary offer? "White people bad, know your place, peasants..."
So they should continue to vote democrat even though they are ignored?

Ignored? lolol, ignored, if that were true, would be the lesser of two evils here.

When did a Democratic president ever appoint a Labor secretary more anti-labor than this Puzder guy?

It's not about the appointments, its about the campaign. Hillary went hard left, hard identity politics, and just assumed labor would fall in line.

And considering leftist policies are why companies are leaving in droves, maybe its time to try something different.
When you vote solid democrat for decades and get less every time, why continue voting democrat?

Leftist policies are not what are causing jobs to leave.

When you regulate certain industries with the goal of causing them to shrink, that's leftist. When you push minimum wage increases that lead to ripple wage increases, causing certain manufacturing and service jobs to not be worth the expenditure, that's leftist. When you don't fight unchecked immigration, increasing the pool of people who will work for less, that's leftist.

I'll also correct one thing, when you make agreements with other countries making it easier for their goods to enter the US, that's Establishment, so the left gets a pass on that one.

So you believe we can get the jobs back when we match the wages of the third world.

Okay, that's free trade Republicanism. That is NOT what Trump sold as his bill of goods.
Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

What did Hillary offer? "White people bad, know your place, peasants..."
Ignored? lolol, ignored, if that were true, would be the lesser of two evils here.

When did a Democratic president ever appoint a Labor secretary more anti-labor than this Puzder guy?

It's not about the appointments, its about the campaign. Hillary went hard left, hard identity politics, and just assumed labor would fall in line.

And considering leftist policies are why companies are leaving in droves, maybe its time to try something different.
When you vote solid democrat for decades and get less every time, why continue voting democrat?

Leftist policies are not what are causing jobs to leave.

When you regulate certain industries with the goal of causing them to shrink, that's leftist. When you push minimum wage increases that lead to ripple wage increases, causing certain manufacturing and service jobs to not be worth the expenditure, that's leftist. When you don't fight unchecked immigration, increasing the pool of people who will work for less, that's leftist.

I'll also correct one thing, when you make agreements with other countries making it easier for their goods to enter the US, that's Establishment, so the left gets a pass on that one.

So you believe we can get the jobs back when we match the wages of the third world.

Okay, that's free trade Republicanism. That is NOT what Trump sold as his bill of goods.

No, we may need to check out things like tarriffs, and other things that the feds can control like shipping regulations.

It's not just the wages, its the overall cost of making things. By streamlining regulations, by maybe messing with tarriffs a bit, by cuttting down on the labor pool via better immigration controls, and by playing hardball with the nations we prop up via trade deficits, he might be able to do something.
Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

Yup and we'll see if Trump does what he says he will do.

If he does there will be loads of crow eating.

Why? If he actually does what he promised, he'll be effectively carrying out in large part the liberal pro-labor, protectionist, agenda.

I'd be happy if he accomplished that. But starting out by appointing the most anti-labor guy you can find is not an encouraging sign,

to say the least.

Again - Trump is now in the grips of the whole Republican Party, the anti-labor, anti-union, free trade supporting Republican Party.
Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

What did Hillary offer? "White people bad, know your place, peasants..."
It's not about the appointments, its about the campaign. Hillary went hard left, hard identity politics, and just assumed labor would fall in line.

And considering leftist policies are why companies are leaving in droves, maybe its time to try something different.
When you vote solid democrat for decades and get less every time, why continue voting democrat?

Leftist policies are not what are causing jobs to leave.

When you regulate certain industries with the goal of causing them to shrink, that's leftist. When you push minimum wage increases that lead to ripple wage increases, causing certain manufacturing and service jobs to not be worth the expenditure, that's leftist. When you don't fight unchecked immigration, increasing the pool of people who will work for less, that's leftist.

I'll also correct one thing, when you make agreements with other countries making it easier for their goods to enter the US, that's Establishment, so the left gets a pass on that one.

So you believe we can get the jobs back when we match the wages of the third world.

Okay, that's free trade Republicanism. That is NOT what Trump sold as his bill of goods.

No, we may need to check out things like tarriffs, and other things that the feds can control like shipping regulations.

It's not just the wages, its the overall cost of making things. By streamlining regulations, by maybe messing with tarriffs a bit, by cuttting down on the labor pool via better immigration controls, and by playing hardball with the nations we prop up via trade deficits, he might be able to do something.

And you think his Labor appointment is on board for being in the vanguard of that charge?
Labor voted for Trump because of his wild promises to bring back coal and steel production along with manufacturing from China
Trump promised infrastructure construction jobs and decreased environmental regulations that will allow more oil drilling and more decrepit factories to stay in business

Labor bought it

Yup and we'll see if Trump does what he says he will do.

If he does there will be loads of crow eating.

Why? If he actually does what he promised, he'll be effectively carrying out in large part the liberal pro-labor, protectionist, agenda.

I'd be happy if he accomplished that. But starting out by appointing the most anti-labor guy you can find is not an encouraging sign,

to say the least.

Again - Trump is now in the grips of the whole Republican Party, the anti-labor, anti-union, free trade supporting Republican Party.

LMAO Get ready to eat some crow asshole.
What did Hillary offer? "White people bad, know your place, peasants..."
When you vote solid democrat for decades and get less every time, why continue voting democrat?

Leftist policies are not what are causing jobs to leave.

When you regulate certain industries with the goal of causing them to shrink, that's leftist. When you push minimum wage increases that lead to ripple wage increases, causing certain manufacturing and service jobs to not be worth the expenditure, that's leftist. When you don't fight unchecked immigration, increasing the pool of people who will work for less, that's leftist.

I'll also correct one thing, when you make agreements with other countries making it easier for their goods to enter the US, that's Establishment, so the left gets a pass on that one.

So you believe we can get the jobs back when we match the wages of the third world.

Okay, that's free trade Republicanism. That is NOT what Trump sold as his bill of goods.

No, we may need to check out things like tarriffs, and other things that the feds can control like shipping regulations.

It's not just the wages, its the overall cost of making things. By streamlining regulations, by maybe messing with tarriffs a bit, by cuttting down on the labor pool via better immigration controls, and by playing hardball with the nations we prop up via trade deficits, he might be able to do something.

And you think his Labor appointment is on board for being in the vanguard of that charge?

Who knows? Again, we won't know whats going on until we see his overall program. I doubt he is going to let the guy do things against his overall program.
...and he thanks them by appointing the most anti-labor Labor Secretary he can find.

A very good example of why labor should never vote Republican, no matter how good the lies sound.

Being Anti-Union isn't the same as being anti-labor

Stating that they are one and the same is a lie.

An absolute lie.

And lying is what cost dimocrp scum the election. Period
Very true...Hillary offered them nothing and it cost her the election

It wasn't / hasn't been just Hillary. The entire DNC was taken over by a movement, a group of people who knew the political direction they wanted to go and the agenda they wanted to push, the will of the people be damned. They were determined to drag the American people kicking and screaming if they had to.

The ACA was a perfect example of this. The ACA was a MINORITY-supported idea / piece of legislation rammed down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want IT - specifically the ACA.

Democrats stopped listening to what people wanted, refused to engage in 'representative government' anymore, and ignored for years the polls that were saying most Americans thought we were going in the wrong direction. I believe some of the Liberals even voted for Trump not because they liked Trump or believed in the GOP's views but in part their own party was not listening to them any more.

In 2014 Barry declared the election was all about HIM - HIS policies, HIS agenda, etc. As a result the Democrats suffered an historic, record-setting loss. They did not learn - they doubled-down. So this election, Barry again declared this election was about HIM and the direction HE and Hillary were determined to take the country, not the direction people wanted to go....and they suffered another huge loss.

They still haven't learned. in his 'out the door' interview recently Harry Reid declared his party did / does not have to change ANYTHING, that they need to keep plugging along in the same direction.....continuing to drag people kicking and screaming. Yeah, good luck with that.

The Democrats need to get younger, more modern faces that archaic dinosaurs that represent a by-gone time. Hell, they could probably re-package the same ideas with a more 'youthful' spin and a new face and still do better than they have been the last 4 - 6 years.

One thing is for sure, after 2 'historic, record-setting losses', the Liberals better wake up or they will be going the way of the 'Dixie-crats'.
So you believe we can get the jobs back when we match the wages of the third world.

Okay, that's free trade Republicanism. That is NOT what Trump sold as his bill of goods.

I just don't know how many times I have to tell you morons this -- Wages have very little, next to nothing, to do with why Companies leave the US.

Labor in manufacturing is between 3% and 6% of the cost to bring the product to market.

It takes a total of 30 Man Hours to build a car. Total.

Labor is insignificant in the cost of production. I'm counting Blue Collar Labor since Engineering, R&D, Administration, Marketing, etc, will stay here.

What really matters is the cost of materials, transportation, etc.

Companies leave America for one reason and one reason only -- dimocrap scum.

Your Unions, your STOOPID regulations, your IGNORANT environMENTAL crap, your anti-business attitudes and the inevitable shutdowns when you don't get your way and want to stamp your feet and hold your breath.

The COST of labor is SHIT in modern manufacturing.

You people in the dimocrap scum sphere of influence ?? You're just fucking stupid.

You really are.
Obama, Unions On Opposite Sides Of The (Fast) Track For Trade Deals

"We're going all out" to stop Obama's trade agenda, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told reporters on Tuesday. The next day, the labor organization announced it would freeze all political action committee donations to federal candidates until further notice — saying it had to "conserve resources for the historic legislative battle" against fast track.

Obama vs. teachers unions: It's still on

But as deputy education secretary under Arne Duncan, whom he will replace in December, and before that as the top education official in New York state, King’s relations with unions have been as rocky as Duncan’s—and for that matter Obama’s. The unions often argue that the deep problems of urban education have their roots outside the school, with impoverished and crime-ridden neighborhoods stripped of hope.

Reality...bites Democrats again and again.
Obama, Unions On Opposite Sides Of The (Fast) Track For Trade Deals

"We're going all out" to stop Obama's trade agenda, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told reporters on Tuesday. The next day, the labor organization announced it would freeze all political action committee donations to federal candidates until further notice — saying it had to "conserve resources for the historic legislative battle" against fast track.

Obama vs. teachers unions: It's still on

But as deputy education secretary under Arne Duncan, whom he will replace in December, and before that as the top education official in New York state, King’s relations with unions have been as rocky as Duncan’s—and for that matter Obama’s. The unions often argue that the deep problems of urban education have their roots outside the school, with impoverished and crime-ridden neighborhoods stripped of hope.

Reality...bites Democrats again and again.

trump Labor Sec. thread - BOOM - deflect to Obama
Obama, Unions On Opposite Sides Of The (Fast) Track For Trade Deals

"We're going all out" to stop Obama's trade agenda, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told reporters on Tuesday. The next day, the labor organization announced it would freeze all political action committee donations to federal candidates until further notice — saying it had to "conserve resources for the historic legislative battle" against fast track.

Obama vs. teachers unions: It's still on

But as deputy education secretary under Arne Duncan, whom he will replace in December, and before that as the top education official in New York state, King’s relations with unions have been as rocky as Duncan’s—and for that matter Obama’s. The unions often argue that the deep problems of urban education have their roots outside the school, with impoverished and crime-ridden neighborhoods stripped of hope.

Reality...bites Democrats again and again.

See, right on cue, another Trumptard trying to convince us that the GOP is the new pro-labor party.

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