“We must close Union Offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries and take away their right to strike."

Adolph Hitler - May 2, 1933


When unions become instrumental in the demise of the companies for which its members work, the unions should be abandoned. The UAW brought a lot of pain an suffering to its members and non-members alike with its bullshit demands for huge pensions and pay for non-working members.

Unions breed leeches...just like those attached to our so-called welfare system. The only benefits unions bring to the table today are those programs that train skilled labor to perform the work. Electricians, HVAC, plumbing....etc. This is nothing more than what can be had from a few quality TRADE SCHOOLS, with significantly fewer labor related problems and corruption schemes.
“We must close Union Offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries and take away their right to strike."

Adolph Hitler - May 2, 1933

If only the man were a better strategist and not fag, we might regard him as a hero.

“We must close Union Offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries and take away their right to strike."

Adolph Hitler - May 2, 1933


yep, and of course you can list for me a Bunch of Republicans that are saying the same thing right?

The People of Wisconsin Not wanting to struggle to Pay their bills, while their Taxes go to Public Workers so they Can Retire at 50 With a Full Pension is Hardly the Same as People wanting to Abolish All Unions.

The Real Hate is Projected against Government Sector Unions, Because of the Unique Nature of how they get to Negotiate with Friendly, Not Profit Motivated Political appointees, And Scratch the Democrats backs by Taking Member Dues and Giving back to the Dems as a thank you for the Sweet Benefit Packages.
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LilOlLady, do you know what a NAZI is?

National Socialist German Workers' party.

Republicans Socialists?
Republicans a Worker's party?
Try DemocRATs.

Afros are too stupid to understand anything except name-calling, which is why they overwhelming support the Democrat party. But, Liberals want to control everything. When Unions work for them, they love Unions and want government to protect and empower Unions. If they ever saw Unions as competition to the government, they'd want to ban Unions.

As for myself, I don't want Unions banned or protected. It's called freedom, something the Afro race of congenital slaves and parasites knows nothing about.

“We must close Union Offices, confiscate their money and put their leaders in prison. We must reduce workers salaries and take away their right to strike."

Adolph Hitler - May 2, 1933

Fake quoting is the best you can do? :lol:

But true to some extent. Hitler did not like competition.

The National Socialist German Workers Party was THE consummate labor union.
America is the birthplace of socialism. Where was republicanism invented? It was Greece and look at how they are doing.
America is the birthplace of socialism. Where was republicanism invented? It was Greece and look at how they are doing.

Republicanism invented in Greece huh and I always heard Greece was the birthplace of Democracy.

And Mr. Stupid himself showed up...

What the hell kind of post is that Lakhota? I still have not met 1 person on these boards that is against all Unions, have you? Do you have a list of names or are you going to continue crapping out your mouth?

And Mr. Stupid himself showed up...

What the hell kind of post is that Lakhota? I still have not met 1 person on these boards that is against all Unions, have you? Do you have a list of names or are you going to continue crapping out your mouth?

The people republicans vote for and the deep pockets that own them are totally anti-union so I too thought republicans are bent on destroying the political and economic power collectively called "labor". One only has to look to Mexico in factories that used to be here where a whisper of organization is met with armed goons to see the true face of conservative attitudes towards the drones.

And Mr. Stupid himself showed up...

What the hell kind of post is that Lakhota? I still have not met 1 person on these boards that is against all Unions, have you? Do you have a list of names or are you going to continue crapping out your mouth?

The people republicans vote for and the deep pockets that own them are totally anti-union so I too thought republicans are bent on destroying the political and economic power collectively called "labor". One only has to look to Mexico in factories that used to be here where a whisper of organization is met with armed goons to see the true face of conservative attitudes towards the drones.

Another full blown idiot... sweet.

Lets get real, you vote for rich Democrats that own you and have deep pockets. Democrats that want to destroy free people and kill their children and eat them... they hate clean water and air, wait that's a Dem-don't-givea-crap talking point... Hmm, what other trailer trash bullshit can I spew out of my mouth instead. . . . . .

It couldn’t possibly be that the public unions were helping bankrupt states while taking tax payer money that they get in mass quantities due to a monopoly in bargaining power so that they could donate some of that tax payer money to politicians that gave the Unions more money/power, could it?

All Walker had to do was allow people the right, the freedom to leave a Union that once had a monopoly on people paychecks to where they could take Union dues out and spend it on politicians, politicians many in the Unions might not want their money going to support maybe????

It's not as if anyone made it illegal to be in or have a Union.... right????? Just a slight amount of honesty and maybe this country could move forward, just maybe.

I suppose this make me a Republican sellout that’s doing the bidding of my cooperate masters or some such shit, eh?
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Christopher Lasch was the great Conservative commentator who defended unions and the New Deal from the Right. [He was critical of unions in cases where they over-reached, but also noted the upsides for the American family]

He started from the uncontroversial assumption that by seeking the highest possible returns, capital logically drives labor costs down to levels seen in the 3rd world (where workers live in abject poverty). He saw this trend in the 80s when Reagan declared war on unions. As Reagan began to drive down labor costs, the American family could no longer be supported on the just father's wage. The mom had to enter the work force, and the father often had to take a second job. This tore the family apart because the parents could no longer be home to raise the kids. As a result, kids were raised by MTV and gangs and big government "after-school" programs.

Lasch thought the American family was more sacred than profit, and that the economy should be regulated on behalf of pro-family principals - and that it was a crime that a few families had dynastic wealth and the freedom that comes with it, while the great bulk of families lived on subsistence wages without affordable college costs and the hope of upward mobility. He believed that by lowering wages and benefits, Reagan forced American families into ever-higher levels of debt in order to provide for their children. Lasch also stood in staunch opposition to abortion and gay marriage, and he thought the country was founded partly upon Christian principals.

He wanted the country to return to the pre-Reagan days of the 1950s when unions protected a wage system that allowed parents to be home to raise their children. He thought Reagan's pro-family rhetoric was garbage, because Ronnie was instrumental to creating a wage/benefit system which tore the American family apart
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Christopher Lasch was the great Conservative commentator who defended unions and the New Deal from the Right. [He was critical of unions in cases where they over-reached, but also noted the upsides for the American family]

He started from the uncontroversial assumption that by seeking the highest possible returns, capital logically drives labor costs down to levels seen in the 3rd world (where workers live in abject poverty). He saw this trend in the 80s when Reagan declared war on unions. As Reagan began to drive down labor costs, the American family could no longer be supported on the just father's wage. The mom had to enter the work force, and the father often had to take a second job. This tore the family apart because the parents could no longer be home to raise the kids. As a result, kids were raised by MTV and gangs and big government "after-school" programs.

Lasch thought the American family was more sacred than profit, and that the economy should be regulated on behalf of pro-family principals - and that it was a crime that a few families had dynastic wealth and the freedom that comes with it, while the great bulk of families lived on subsistence wages without affordable college costs and the hope of upward mobility. He believed that by lowering wages and benefits, Reagan forced American families into ever-higher levels of debt in order to provide for their children. Lasch also stood in staunch opposition to abortion and gay marriage, and he thought the country was founded partly upon Christian principals.

He wanted the country to return to the pre-Reagan days of the 1950s when unions protected a wage system that allowed parents to be home to raise their children. He thought Reagan's pro-family rhetoric was garbage, because Ronnie was instrumental to creating a wage/benefit system which tore the American family apart

What's with all the people making dumb ass posts today?

So he wanted women to stay in the kitchen... nice...

I see 2 people working as the logical next step, that ass hole thinks a woman should stay at home. Did you think prices would stay the same and everyone would just have twice as much money forever?
Unions had their place in America long ago, now they are a way for Union Leaders to make a living.

I have a story of how useful unions are.

I had a friend who worked on Overhead Cranes about 20 years ago, one day the Crane Broke down, this was a Crane Responsible for Shipping all the Pipe produced at Acipco (American Cast Iron Pipe Co.)

After climbing onto the Crane, he traced the trouble to a defective gear in gearbox of the Crane.

A light bulb was burned out that would allow enough light to safely disassemble the gearbox and replace the gear. A flashlight would nor be sufficient for this process.

Being that Acipco was Union, he had to call for an Electrician to replace the Bulb. He could not replace the Bulb as he was not in that part of the Union.

After filling out the paperwork and waiting for a Electrical Union Member to replace the Bulb for over 5 hours, he was able to start replacing the gear. (the bulb was a 100 watt bulb like we have in most of our light fixtures at home, take 30 seconds to replace)

Because this was the main Load Out Crane, production stopped for over 5 hours, which left about 450 workers idle for 5 hours.

All because of a stupid Union.........

This just one example of why Unions are ruining America.

They had their place long, long ago as I said, the last 40 years they are a Joke, just an expensive Joke.

Without balance (as in checks and balance) all economies will eventually fail. The human element of greed will always prevail over those less concerned with finance or material possessions and ultimately result in either revolution or collapse.

I too have a union story. Many years ago, as an hourly employee, I was a member of the UAW. Initially I didn not want to pay dues, and considered not signing to join during my probationary period, but did so anyway. After a few years, I was even elected as chief committeeman for my local, which was one of the oldest in the USA.
I won't try to discredit other comments about unbalanced, extreme actions, but my experience was much different. As a skilled tradesman, I worked alongside other proud craftsmen that commonly crossed the lines ot their job descriptions to help each other to get the machines running as quickly as possible.
The privately held company I worked for was extrememly innovative and had patented many features that positioned us well beyond our competetition - it was an exciting and comfortable experience.
Then we were bought out by a capital investment firm. Our patent rights were sold to our competitors. Business fell. At successive contract renewals we gave up 10% of our wages, then agreed to concessions on our healthcare and pension. Within 6 years, our wages were about 60% of what they once were, engineers becan to come and go, and orders stopped coming in. Then the "owner" sent in a director that introduced himself to us as the largest liquidator in North America. It wasn't long before our suppliers stopped providing components because we had stopped paying our bills. Then the doors closed.
Luckily I soon found another job, and played a key role in helping keeping unions out - which resulted in me being offered a salaried position - that was nearly 20 years ago and I have changed employers, and hold a pretty high-level management position.
Here is the balance issue.
20 years ago, made about 10% more that the hourly employees where I worked. 10 years ago I was making twice as much as the same hourly employees, and today, in 2012, I make 4 times the amount of the hourly workers. I have watched the wages of hourly employees fall from nearly $24 per hour (during which time the company made enourmous profits) to a little over $9 per hour, and the company is now making record profits.
The problem? Those making $9 per hour can't buy anything more that the bare essentials, so all their money goes to WalMart and the gas station. That means layoffs for employees in those other sectors. It is a viscious cycle that without IMPOSED checks and balances will destroy this great nation.

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