Ladies...c-section question

GotZoom said:
After reading your other posts in the thread, I'm not so sure your two ex-wives were calling you every name in the book because of child-birth pain.

No shit.
Fuzzy is concerned about the delivery of her child, and would like to talk with us about it

This is entirely off the subject, but I'll bite.
archangel said:
gimmee a break I am not a "metro man"..I am aware of the consequences of playing the sex game...
Sex is NOT a game. And if you view it as such, you might want to seek counselling.

Some women in here seem to think that after the orgasim...well golly gee lets just blame it on the guy for all of our pain during if they are so un-aware of the consequences/sex ed 101..if ya can't take the pain then don't play the game...
If you are referring to what a woman says during childbirth then you are WAY out of line here. This is a VERY hard & exhausting and hormonally triggered event. You cannot hold all women up to the standards of your wives.

blame the guy is socially and biologically un-acceptable...
I don't understand where this is coming from.
what happened to 'buzzof dude' leg spread for ya...this was common in my day what happened to the good old girl saying..NO! I am simply amazed by this BS...
,I too, am amazed, that with such eloquent terms as "no leg spread for ya" you ever were able to get close enough to a woman to have children. You have a very little respect for women.

I went home on many occassions in my youth with the my croutch hurts syndromne....Live with it boys and girls....
Bet it wasn't for lack of trying. What about you taking some of the responsibilty?? Is this where you get "it's the guy's fault"?
GotZoom said:
After reading your other posts in the thread, I'm not so sure your two ex-wives were calling you every name in the book because of child-birth pain.
GotZoom said:
After reading your other posts in the thread, I'm not so sure your two ex-wives were calling you every name in the book because of child-birth pain.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Shattered said:

Ya got you personal orgasim with your neg rep of me for my comments...I can accept that and I feel sorry for you and got zoom...who patronized you...I will not stoop to your and his level with a mutual neg rep!....Have a nice night!
archangel said:
Ya got you personal orgasim with your neg rep of me for my comments...I can accept that and I feel sorry for you and got zoom...who patronized you...I will not stoop to your and his level with a mutual neg rep!....Have a nice night!

Gotzoom patronized me?

Remind me to thank him.

In fact, I think I'll do that now.

Hey, Zoomie! :kiss2:
Shattered said:
Gotzoom patronized me?

Remind me to thank him.

In fact, I think I'll do that now.

Hey, Zoomie! :kiss2:

I'm not so sure I know how I patronized you.....but hell, if it gets a hug and a kiss from you...

Kathianne said:
As long as not my typo, the :rotflmao: don't bother me a bit. ;)

i figured you did it on purpose ...male / female spellings .... tried to rep but couldn't :beer:
Joz said:
Fuzzy is concerned about the delivery of her child, and would like to talk with us about it

This is entirely off the subject, but I'll bite.
Sex is NOT a game. And if you view it as such, you might want to seek counselling.

If you are referring to what a woman says during childbirth then you are WAY out of line here. This is a VERY hard & exhausting and hormonally triggered event. You cannot hold all women up to the standards of your wives.

I don't understand where this is coming from.
,I too, am amazed, that with such eloquent terms as "no leg spread for ya" you ever were able to get close enough to a woman to have children. You have a very little respect for women.

Bet it wasn't for lack of trying. What about you taking some of the responsibilty?? Is this where you get "it's the guy's fault"?

I am off if ya all weren't... give me a honesty all that hard to accept? Y'all come across as if you are so innocent in lifes way of dealing with your BS! You play and then blame everyone but that to the bank when ya cash in...end of times ring a for today dudes! :cheers2:
archangel said:
I am off if ya all weren't... give me a honesty all that hard to accept? Y'all come across as if you are so innocent in lifes way of dealing with your BS! You play and then blame everyone but that to the bank when ya cash in...end of times ring a for today dudes! :cheers2:

Dude.. WTF are you talking about?

Put the damned bottle down and go to bed already.

archangel said:
I am off if ya all weren't... give me a honesty all that hard to accept? Y'all come across as if you are so innocent in lifes way of dealing with your BS! You play and then blame everyone but that to the bank when ya cash in...end of times ring a for today dudes! :cheers2:

You are starting to sound more and more like Paula Abdul on American Idol.
wife had two c sections....awake for both....i sat next to her head and talked her through it....she suggested you ask for a meeting with the anethesiologist ahead of time....and your obgyn to talk through wife is from the school that if the blow you off....get a new doctor
GotZoom said:
You are starting to sound more and more like Paula Abdul on American Idol.

Jackass...I actually met her..did you?She has more on the line than you or your minions will ever have! :laugh:
archangel said:
Jackass...I actually met her..did you?She has more on the line than you or your minions will ever have! :laugh:

It's all becoming clear.

Drinking buds no doubt.
GotZoom said:
It's all becoming clear.

Drinking buds no doubt. ex was a back-up for many go play with shattered and her BS...I am so done with you! :gross2:
manu1959 said:
wife had two c sections....awake for both........she suggested you ask for a meeting with the anethesiologist ahead of time....and your obgyn to talk through wife is from the school that if the blow you off....get a new doctor
Yep, I would agree. Fuzzy if ya do freak they'll have ya out before you can count to 10.

*I'm not a Doctor but I play one on the TV show ER...Guess* :scratch:
archangel said: ex was a back-up for many go play with shattered and her BS...I am so done with you! :gross2:

Arch...that was pretty Cold Hearted...Straight Up bro...

(I just kill me sometimes...)

Done with me? Do you promise?

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