Lady BlahBlah On Health Care Reform

Sarah Palin's answer to the health care problem in America:

t's President Obama and his supporters who will not allow the Republicans to usher in free market, patient-centered, doctor-patient relationship links to reform health care.""

This silly woman has never, ever put forth a concrete, tangible proposal in her life.

It think you're missing the point:

True Conservatives don't propose their own "concrete, tangible" GOVERNMENT solution. They simply repeal and remove Government altogether. No plan is the best plan.

For instance, a local Libertarian ran with the slogan:

"I'm not running to pass new laws, I'm running to repeal old ones."

Ah yes, do nothing. The lazy face of the modern day GOP. Good for you.
We are on this board and people are still trying to make this nicey nicey?

Are we in neverland here?

This is huge. This fuck up is huge.

Never said the ACA wasn't a fuck up, but it helps no one to have Palin spout off her rambling incoherent answers. The queen of platitudes.

Deciphering Ms. Palin, I think she's saying, "It's none of the government's fucking business and they (and the lawyers) should take a long walk off a short pier." Speaking of Platitude Masters, how's Mr. Obama's week going?

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