lady ga ga to sing at super bowl

Read somewhere she started in show business as a stripper.

Should have stuck with it.
I want to throw up that they are making sports a spectacle and a show.
The commercialization and emphasis on pop culture is dumbing down our society and killing it.
We are the infants of the planet (the US)
I love Lady Gaga. You guys are just haters. Cuz I was born this way.

exactly. its a damn football game. enough with the nonsense. at least book a rock band .
and make tickets exorbitant so down to earth real fans can never see their team play in or win the Super Bowl.
I personally do not like Ga Ga. But take her away from all the pop shit and she can still sing. She is very talented and it should be fine so long as she does not try to make some half-assed political statement.
The Stupor Bowl seems to get worse every year. There is so much money involved now it's ridiculous.

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