Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' Album Banned In Lebanon

Lady Gaggag hot?

When she's dressed the way they will be dictating, then she can come.


LOL she may dress like that next to appeal to her Muslim fans.

And she's going to be damned hot. :razz::razz:
Gagag has studied pop culture and does know how to play the game for BIG bucks.
I can see them beheading her for doing it too!
I can see them beheading her for doing it too!

Perhaps she has been beheaded and her rebirth was with the baptismal fire that she is empowered by now. She is a showgirl. She should be highly admired for her grind to the grit of show biz. :eusa_whistle:

Though this fits many in the way of it... even politicians nowadays... I wrote this thinking of how like her many of us potentially are:

'Clown her'

Soaring the heights of distant peaks

Rites of destiny provoke the words she speaks

The pawn of a broken heart dwells still

Rancid acid rains upon her window's sill

Madness driven from deep within

Deliverance of self shamefully labeled sin

Freeing the minds of souls hell bound

Depletes her days of life yet found

Does she sing or does she dance?

It seems 'it all' comes by time and chance

Success brings upon her way

A mended heart her words display

Quietly her sorrow stays deep

She recognizes the importance to weep

Mask secure yet her body bared

Her empowered words and passion flared

She owns the air by which others breathe

Their minds her movements doth deceive

With her body glistening lights of gold

Her voice heals their pain most untold

'Tis a show to most yet not to her heart

She becomes a cupid aiming love's dart

As lights dim and imaginations gain

She reveals their healing not in vain

Ask a man and she's a vixen

Ask a woman and she may be trickin'

Whatever it be that she does so well

So few understand let their way tell

Raising their glasses to drink yet more

The ease of their paths she does restore

Distracted by her beauty's bold way

Many forget the pain of their spent day

In the morning sun she is not forgotten

As glasses raise to her work begotten

"Behold the show of a knight,

she's in for the spirit's fight."
I started a thread in Music regarding her new album being banned....but I used to call her Lady GagMe. Then one night I watched her on Larry King Live, and she was dressed ordinary, and she spoke intelligently, and I saw a different version of her.
And actually, I was ashamed of myself for judging her, without really listening to her music or to her.
She spoke of the reasons why she dresses as she does and the words she sings. She does it for the attention, and she wants women to feel the same as she does, and be themselves, be free and not be afraid to be what they want.
She also spoke highly of her Father, and she has respect for him, because she mentioned how he asked her to please keep something about her body, as normal as possible ~LoL~
So she chose to only have tattoos on her left side, her right side of her body, is totally inkless, to respect her Father's wishes. She actually spoke respectfully about both of her parents, and she was raised a Catholic. She was a freak in school, not very popular. So, I guess she decided to be whatever the hell she wanted to be, and she is.
There are a couple videos where she appears to be wearing little make-up, not all caked on like most of her vids, and I think she is very pretty...she should leave her face with less make-up, but she glams it up.
This is a funny part, she was quoted as saying, that the only time she is called by her real name (Stephani) when she is in bed with a partner :)
Did you have any doubts it would fly there? Imagine..telling girls they are alright...just they way they are.

Its not like it matters anyways with the internet the kids can just download it, its crazy though because Lebanon has a very interesting night life and there are gay night clubs there.

As with everything... sometimes the message is what they fear the most. Any excuse to ban something will be used.

I like her. I like her in the face attitude.

Aww, are you one of her "little monsters"? Lets get one thing straight, Gaga is a fucking coward. She thinks shes being brave by bashing catholics, but this isnt 1980. Bashing catholics is easy and everyone does it. If she truly had balls and was looking out for the best interests of gays and women, why hasnt she taken on Islam? The reason of course is... shes a fucking coward. Theres nothing that catholics are doing that Muslims arent already, but muslims take it to the next level and stone these people to death, among other barbaric practices.

Gaga is a fraud. Shes just out to make money by pretending to be edgy.
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Its not like it matters anyways with the internet the kids can just download it, its crazy though because Lebanon has a very interesting night life and there are gay night clubs there.

As with everything... sometimes the message is what they fear the most. Any excuse to ban something will be used.

I like her. I like her in the face attitude.

Aww, are you one of her "little monsters"? Lets get one thing straight, Gaga is a fucking coward. She thinks shes being brave by bashing catholics, but this isnt 1980. Bashing catholics is easy and everyone does it. If she truly had balls and was looking out for the best interests of gays and women, why hasnt she taken on Islam? The reason of course is... shes a fucking coward. Theres nothing that catholics are doing that Muslims arent already, but muslims take it to the next level and stone these people to death, among other barbaric practices.

Gaga is a fraud. Shes just out to make money by pretending to be edgy.

I can't answer for Syrenn, but I can answer for me. I'm not muslim, I'm not catholic and I sure as hell don't have balls. But I listen to some of her music, and I don't understand why you call her a coward?? I don't see your ass up on a stage half naked for all the world to see :lol:
Hey, if she's got it, she might as well flaunt it, amirite??
She is doing something right, her CDs don't sell themselves.
As with everything... sometimes the message is what they fear the most. Any excuse to ban something will be used.

I like her. I like her in the face attitude.

Aww, are you one of her "little monsters"? Lets get one thing straight, Gaga is a fucking coward. She thinks shes being brave by bashing catholics, but this isnt 1980. Bashing catholics is easy and everyone does it. If she truly had balls and was looking out for the best interests of gays and women, why hasnt she taken on Islam? The reason of course is... shes a fucking coward. Theres nothing that catholics are doing that Muslims arent already, but muslims take it to the next level and stone these people to death, among other barbaric practices.

Gaga is a fraud. Shes just out to make money by pretending to be edgy.

I can't answer for Syrenn, but I can answer for me. I'm not muslim, I'm not catholic and I sure as hell don't have balls. But I listen to some of her music, and I don't understand why you call her a coward?? I don't see your ass up on a stage half naked for all the world to see :lol:
Hey, if she's got it, she might as well flaunt it, amirite??
She is doing something right, her CDs don't sell themselves.

Then reread my post. She is taking on easy fake issues, while ignoring ones that really exist and hurt people every day.
Aww, are you one of her "little monsters"? Lets get one thing straight, Gaga is a fucking coward. She thinks shes being brave by bashing catholics, but this isnt 1980. Bashing catholics is easy and everyone does it. If she truly had balls and was looking out for the best interests of gays and women, why hasnt she taken on Islam? The reason of course is... shes a fucking coward. Theres nothing that catholics are doing that Muslims arent already, but muslims take it to the next level and stone these people to death, among other barbaric practices.

Gaga is a fraud. Shes just out to make money by pretending to be edgy.

I can't answer for Syrenn, but I can answer for me. I'm not muslim, I'm not catholic and I sure as hell don't have balls. But I listen to some of her music, and I don't understand why you call her a coward?? I don't see your ass up on a stage half naked for all the world to see :lol:
Hey, if she's got it, she might as well flaunt it, amirite??
She is doing something right, her CDs don't sell themselves.

Then reread my post. She is taking on easy fake issues, while ignoring ones that really exist and hurt people every day.

I wasn't aware musicians were out there for any issues. I thought they were entertaining us. What does Eminem have to say that's so fucking important??
Or the Beach Boys for that matter. Why must they be taking on 'fake issues' as you call it??
If you don't like her music, you don't have to listen to it, just change the radio station or something.
Its not like it matters anyways with the internet the kids can just download it, its crazy though because Lebanon has a very interesting night life and there are gay night clubs there.

As with everything... sometimes the message is what they fear the most. Any excuse to ban something will be used.

I like her. I like her in the face attitude.

Aww, are you one of her "little monsters"? Lets get one thing straight, Gaga is a fucking coward. She thinks shes being brave by bashing catholics, but this isnt 1980. Bashing catholics is easy and everyone does it. If she truly had balls and was looking out for the best interests of gays and women, why hasnt she taken on Islam? The reason of course is... shes a fucking coward. Theres nothing that catholics are doing that Muslims arent already, but muslims take it to the next level and stone these people to death, among other barbaric practices.

Gaga is a fraud. Shes just out to make money by pretending to be edgy.

No ones little monster...but others nightmare i think.

I really don't give a shit what religions she bashes. Though the hubba it causes is quite amusing...just as your answer to me is amusing.

Its not a brave or not brave thing...its artistic expression.

Funny you should ask a question like that "why hasn't' SHE taken on islam. How do you know she is not. Being a woman..not to be afraid to be a woman....IS taking on islam . Being a sexual woman is in islams face. Everything she does is in islams face. Her being banned is a great indication of that.
Aww, are you one of her "little monsters"? Lets get one thing straight, Gaga is a fucking coward. She thinks shes being brave by bashing catholics, but this isnt 1980. Bashing catholics is easy and everyone does it. If she truly had balls and was looking out for the best interests of gays and women, why hasnt she taken on Islam? The reason of course is... shes a fucking coward. Theres nothing that catholics are doing that Muslims arent already, but muslims take it to the next level and stone these people to death, among other barbaric practices.

Gaga is a fraud. Shes just out to make money by pretending to be edgy.

I can't answer for Syrenn, but I can answer for me. I'm not muslim, I'm not catholic and I sure as hell don't have balls. But I listen to some of her music, and I don't understand why you call her a coward?? I don't see your ass up on a stage half naked for all the world to see :lol:
Hey, if she's got it, she might as well flaunt it, amirite??
She is doing something right, her CDs don't sell themselves.

Then reread my post. She is taking on easy fake issues, while ignoring ones that really exist and hurt people every day.

Do tell...why should she take up any issues at all? It is her right to do as she chooses and pleases.
Aww, are you one of her "little monsters"? Lets get one thing straight, Gaga is a fucking coward. She thinks shes being brave by bashing catholics, but this isnt 1980. Bashing catholics is easy and everyone does it. If she truly had balls and was looking out for the best interests of gays and women, why hasnt she taken on Islam? The reason of course is... shes a fucking coward. Theres nothing that catholics are doing that Muslims arent already, but muslims take it to the next level and stone these people to death, among other barbaric practices.

Gaga is a fraud. Shes just out to make money by pretending to be edgy.

I can't answer for Syrenn, but I can answer for me. I'm not muslim, I'm not catholic and I sure as hell don't have balls. But I listen to some of her music, and I don't understand why you call her a coward?? I don't see your ass up on a stage half naked for all the world to see :lol:
Hey, if she's got it, she might as well flaunt it, amirite??
She is doing something right, her CDs don't sell themselves.

Then reread my post. She is taking on easy fake issues, while ignoring ones that really exist and hurt people every day.

What is it that this poster seems to expect of her... I must ask.

Perhaps she is doing a lot with the 'little' she appears to stand for. She is very provoking to a great many. She is also very controversial regardless of being a supposed 'coward'.

She seems to reveal a lot of things within her way, within her music that so few seem to yet. She seems to have enough 'haters' who only prove such.
I can't answer for Syrenn, but I can answer for me. I'm not muslim, I'm not catholic and I sure as hell don't have balls. But I listen to some of her music, and I don't understand why you call her a coward?? I don't see your ass up on a stage half naked for all the world to see :lol:
Hey, if she's got it, she might as well flaunt it, amirite??
She is doing something right, her CDs don't sell themselves.

Then reread my post. She is taking on easy fake issues, while ignoring ones that really exist and hurt people every day.

What is it that this poster seems to expect of her... I must ask.

Perhaps she is doing a lot with the 'little' she appears to stand for. She is very provoking to a great many. She is also very controversial regardless of being a supposed 'coward'.

She seems to reveal a lot of things within her way, within her music that so few seem to yet. She seems to have enough 'haters' who only prove such.

You could call Lady Gaga alot of things, a coward definently isn't one of them.

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