Laid Off

Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

The USA has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Was your friend a union member? Why is there no US tax penalty for sending jobs overseas?

How do you propose to stop outsourcing when its the only way some companies can survive?
No he was not union...unfortunately this happened in one of these fancy "right to work states" he has no rights.
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.
I am not a republican neither is he.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.
I have NEVER enjoyed nor wanted capitalism...
Has he considered moving to the Philippines?
I suggested that but they said no lol...
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
I'd bet the average sixth grader in the Philippines would score higher on an ACT type test than the typical American 12th grader.

I'd bet the entry level worker in the Philippines knows to get to work on time.

Your friend needs to retool, he obviously can't even compete with "slaves".

Tell your friend to embrace globalism and diversity, and get on management track at a fast food place.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.
It isn't capitalism leaving American workers behind, it is Entitlement Syndrome.

Americans have too high of an opinion of what they are worth.

We are all 1%ers,compared to the rest of the world, but look at the bitching and whining from the losers.

If you can't make it here, you can't make it anywhere.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
I'd bet the average sixth grader in the Philippines would score higher on an ACT type test than the typical American 12th grader.

I'd bet the entry level worker in the Philippines knows to get to work on time.

Your friend needs to retool, he obviously can't even compete with "slaves".

Tell your friend to embrace globalism and diversity, and get on management track at a fast food place.
Are all republicans as cold hearted assholes as you? No wonder you people have lost 2 going on 3 presidential elections.
Companies very seldom leave the US because of wages. Hardly ever.

In labor intensive industries...? Sure. But who wants to work in the textile industry anyway? For any wage?

Companies leave the US mostly because of goobermint regulation or Unions. Seldom, VERY seldom, because of wages.

Let me run this by you for about the 20th time.....

Know how many man-hours it takes to make a Car?

Of course you don't. That's why I'm here.

It takes around 30 man-hours to make a car. Top to bottom. Everything from the engine to the lug nuts. 30 man hours.

So you ship that factory to..... China..... Or today, it's more likely to be India.

30 Man-Hours. Think about that. 30

If we pay our workers on average $50 an hour and the Chinese or Indians pay there's, on average. $10 an hour, that's a savings of $1,200.

Not a lot of money. Especially when you consider that you lose control of your product and it costs a lot to get your product back to America.

The only thing that makes it worthwhile is to avoid goobermint intervention and Union bullshit.

In the Tech Industry? Know what fellas? Maybe, the truth is, maybe......

Those Flips are smarter and harder working than Americans.

Have you seen our average PISA Scores? Thanks to the scum of the earth dimocraps, we are either at or near the bottom in the entire fucking world in education. Just a fact.

Our kids SUCK. Our educational system just simply SUCKS. And our kids are coming out of schoOl DUMB AS A BOX OF FUCKING ROCKS.

So any CEO worth a shit is going to look at how STUPID our 'educational' system is (dimocrap filth don't educate, they indoctrinate) and move his company to somewhere that the educators actually produce educated people.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth, people.

They destroy everything they touch.


They're like a swarm of locusts.
CEO moves company to indentured servant land,lays off entire department he was made to pay decent wages so he can pay indentured servants low low wages CEO keeps making his million dollar salary. When oh when we will we get a leader who puts the companies in their place.
For whatever reason, this is a problem for IT in America.

Last year I took a shipment of roofing materials to K.C.

The foreman told me that the forklift operator was a "new guy" which I took to mean limited experience.

The "new guy" told me he had been an IT guy that had worked at a company that had also dissolved their IT department, he had worked at the roofing place 10 years previous and had gotten his old job back.

He told me that there were no IT jobs available in K.C., and that he was lucky to have gotten back on as a forklift operator.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

The USA has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Was your friend a union member? Why is there no US tax penalty for sending jobs overseas?

How do you propose to stop outsourcing when its the only way some companies can survive?
No he was not union...unfortunately this happened in one of these fancy "right to work states" he has no rights.
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.
I am not a republican neither is he.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.
I have NEVER enjoyed nor wanted capitalism...
Has he considered moving to the Philippines?
I suggested that but they said no lol...

As you neither want nor enjoy capitalism, try relocating to beautiful North Korea!
When excessive regulation makes it impossible to maintain a staff in The U.S. companies have the choice between going offshore or going out of business.

Looks like one made a choice to survive.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

It IS wrong and it should be stopped. Get rid of the unions and the taxes on businesses, institute a business friendly atmosphere in this country and the jobs will come back or stay. Continue with the anti-business attitude of the left and all our jobs will go.
I'm not calling the OP a liar - at least not directly, but the number of I.T. jobs in America are expanding.

While Obama's FascistCare is driving thousands of percent increases in the cost of health care, that massive increase in money out of your pocket will fund the biggest (and most useless) bureaucracy in human history. This bureaucracy will be heavily computerized - meaning ever more jobs for computer professionals. And no, most of this will not be outsourced. Outside of help desk jobs, outsourcing has been a complete disaster for the IT field.

The Government monopolies of BlueCross (George Soros) and Kaiser have thousands of IT jobs for qualified candidates.

25. Computer software and systems software engineers

Projected increase in 2016: 28.2 percent

Number employed in 2006: 350,000

Median pay in 2006: $87,250

Education/training: A bachelor’s degree and experience with a variety of software and systems are a must. However, engineers are expected to continue to educate themselves in the latest technology.

Job outlook: This occupation will grow as the demand for computer networking skills, particularly at companies, increases. The need for new Internet applications, system safety, and upgrading are a few of the specific needs this job handles.}
In the year 2016 The 30 fastest-growing jobs - Jobs -
Liberals keep telling us that obama fixed the economy and that jobs are available. Until it benefits them to say that jobs aren't and the economy isn't. Progressives are liars of the first order.
He will regroup. Take some time off, collect your earned unemployment, and slowly look for a better job than the one he had. If a company moves overseas then it probably is a bad company to begin with.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
i believe it is better to practice money management as if Perfection were a "holy grail".

Unemployment insurance by the private sector should not be overlooked when potentially, "harassing a Judge" for recourse to unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in Any at-will employment State.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Blame obummer care. It's going to be one of THE biggest killers of jobs ever.
You are gonna blame what, capitalism caused your friend's husband to be laid off? The government is always hiring computer geeks. Not enough money? Welcome to socialism.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
America hasn't had a capitalist economic system for years now...maybe when we dump Obama and get a real president things will get better for us all.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
This could be a good thing. Have your husband take unemployment and then use that to look for work and start his own business. I'm willing to bet that there are companies out there in need of good independent contractors.
I'm not trying to be a jerk but that's how I started my own business. I tried calling companies for jobs and they stated that they weren't looking for employees but that they were seeking independent contractors or small businesses. Good luck!

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