Laid Off

CEO moves company to indentured servant land,lays off entire department he was made to pay decent wages so he can pay indentured servants low low wages CEO keeps making his million dollar salary. When oh when we will we get a leader who puts the companies in their place.

Riiiiight. The CEO made the decision to make a very expensive, involved, time-consuming move to another country unilaterally, strictly for the purpose of lining his own personal pockets.

Do the lobotomy scars itch? Do you have to style your hair differently to cover them? Inquiring minds want to know.
For whatever reason, this is a problem for IT in America.

Last year I took a shipment of roofing materials to K.C.

The foreman told me that the forklift operator was a "new guy" which I took to mean limited experience.

The "new guy" told me he had been an IT guy that had worked at a company that had also dissolved their IT department, he had worked at the roofing place 10 years previous and had gotten his old job back.

He told me that there were no IT jobs available in K.C., and that he was lucky to have gotten back on as a forklift operator.

The reason is because IT doesn't require the person doing it to be in any particular location to get the job done.
CEO moves company to indentured servant land,lays off entire department he was made to pay decent wages so he can pay indentured servants low low wages CEO keeps making his million dollar salary. When oh when we will we get a leader who puts the companies in their place.

I think Hillary is the answer, she has Wall St. in her pocket, she gets millions from them. When she gets elected, she will just tell them to stop it.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
I'd bet the average sixth grader in the Philippines would score higher on an ACT type test than the typical American 12th grader.

I'd bet the entry level worker in the Philippines knows to get to work on time.

Your friend needs to retool, he obviously can't even compete with "slaves".

Tell your friend to embrace globalism and diversity, and get on management track at a fast food place.

Get to work on time? Yes... They however will only do the min required AND they will not stay to finish any work not done. Terrible work ethic.
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.

Or the left need to realize that it's their own policies that is causing this rather than Capitalism.
It isn't just about lower pay.
It has most to do with other countries that has;
Easy Business set up
Simple Tax system
Less Regulations.
Punishing our Businesses does not help to keep them here in the USA.
What business regulations do you feel are the ones pushing businesses away? In my sophomoric opinion , it's the lower cost of labor thus the lower cost of production is what drives them overseas.

Well, that's certainly your opinion. Not really certain why we're supposed to be interested in the opinion of someone who clearly has never been part of running a business.
LOL, I guess that you didn't read my other post................:)

Reading your post and believing it are two different things. If you have to ask what business regulations push companies out of the country, you just told me you know fuck-all about running a business, regardless of whatever bullshit Internet "resume" you subsequently want to claim.

shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.

Or the left need to realize that it's their own policies that is causing this rather than Capitalism.
It isn't just about lower pay.
It has most to do with other countries that has;
Easy Business set up
Simple Tax system
Less Regulations.
Punishing our Businesses does not help to keep them here in the USA.
What business regulations do you feel are the ones pushing businesses away? In my sophomoric opinion , it's the lower cost of labor thus the lower cost of production is what drives them overseas.
All of them. Are you even aware that regulations cost business over two trillion dollars a year? Ask the IT guy who just lost his job if he'd still have that job if the business environment promoted competition rather that stifling innovation and growth.
tell your make believe friend to go get a good job in the healthcare industry... sustained future growth, and good pay...

Best Health Care Jobs Best Jobs US News Careers
Not so fast. One of the biggest Healthcare distributors in the nation recently outsourced office work to the Philippines, India and Mexico. They are not immune to outsourcing.

Depends on the healthcare job in question. The people who actually provide treatment still have to be in the same place as the patient.

But yeah, the back-office stuff can be done anywhere that has suitable telephone and Internet connectivity.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
I'd bet the average sixth grader in the Philippines would score higher on an ACT type test than the typical American 12th grader.

I'd bet the entry level worker in the Philippines knows to get to work on time.

Your friend needs to retool, he obviously can't even compete with "slaves".

Tell your friend to embrace globalism and diversity, and get on management track at a fast food place.

Get to work on time? Yes... They however will only do the min required AND they will not stay to finish any work not done. Terrible work ethic.

Because American workers these days are so famous for their company loyalty and willingness to go above and beyond?
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.

Or the left need to realize that it's their own policies that is causing this rather than Capitalism.
It isn't just about lower pay.
It has most to do with other countries that has;
Easy Business set up
Simple Tax system
Less Regulations.
Punishing our Businesses does not help to keep them here in the USA.
What business regulations do you feel are the ones pushing businesses away? In my sophomoric opinion , it's the lower cost of labor thus the lower cost of production is what drives them overseas.

Well, that's certainly your opinion. Not really certain why we're supposed to be interested in the opinion of someone who clearly has never been part of running a business.
LOL, I guess that you didn't read my other post................:)

Reading your post and believing it are two different things. If you have to ask what business regulations push companies out of the country, you just told me you know fuck-all about running a business, regardless of whatever bullshit Internet "resume" you subsequently want to claim.

LOL, if you can't or refuse to answer the question, what does that say about you? What regulations are pushing Title Insurance companies and Abstractors out of this country? :)
Or the left need to realize that it's their own policies that is causing this rather than Capitalism.
It isn't just about lower pay.
It has most to do with other countries that has;
Easy Business set up
Simple Tax system
Less Regulations.
Punishing our Businesses does not help to keep them here in the USA.
What business regulations do you feel are the ones pushing businesses away? In my sophomoric opinion , it's the lower cost of labor thus the lower cost of production is what drives them overseas.

Well, that's certainly your opinion. Not really certain why we're supposed to be interested in the opinion of someone who clearly has never been part of running a business.
LOL, I guess that you didn't read my other post................:)

Reading your post and believing it are two different things. If you have to ask what business regulations push companies out of the country, you just told me you know fuck-all about running a business, regardless of whatever bullshit Internet "resume" you subsequently want to claim.

LOL, if you can't or refuse to answer the question, what does that say about you? What regulations are pushing Title Insurance companies and Abstractors out of this country? :)

In this case, it says I don't waste time answering rhetorical questions. People who say, "Why?" and then proceed to tell you what they've already decided the answer is have no interest in actually hearing what you have to say, so saying it would be a waste of time.

Thus, I focused on what actually needed addressing, which was your striking paucity of real-world information and experience.

If, in fact, you would actually like to know what I have to say on the subject, rather than simply looking for an opportunity to spout your own talking points, say so.
I remember as a draftsman, getting structural steel drawing from India, which were never very good. We assumed it was because the detailer lived in a mud hut.
tell your make believe friend to go get a good job in the healthcare industry... sustained future growth, and good pay...

Best Health Care Jobs Best Jobs US News Careers
Not so fast. One of the biggest Healthcare distributors in the nation recently outsourced office work to the Philippines, India and Mexico. They are not immune to outsourcing.

Depends on the healthcare job in question. The people who actually provide treatment still have to be in the same place as the patient.

But yeah, the back-office stuff can be done anywhere that has suitable telephone and Internet connectivity.

They laid off over 300 positions. Sending their Credit/Collections and Accts Payable over seas. They are in the process if transitioning out about a hundred or so more in Customer Service next. Then they sold off a portion of their misc other office work to Xerox... Who moved it to Mexico.
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It's the nature of the capitalist to seek out the cheapest labor. I'm sorry for what has happened. In regards to the corporate tax bullshit, capitalists have always been actively looking for the cheapest labor, trying to overthrow labor laws, encouraged slavery for profit, child labor, paying out laughable wages that can't provide nutritious needs... The corporate tax of various first world countries is a tiny part when looking at history.
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.

Or the left need to realize that it's their own policies that is causing this rather than Capitalism.
It isn't just about lower pay.
It has most to do with other countries that has;
Easy Business set up
Simple Tax system
Less Regulations.
Punishing our Businesses does not help to keep them here in the USA.
Yeah, like the fucking third world countries where workers are barely paid enough to meet the most bare minimum food needs in regards to nutrition, or not at all, the horrid work conditions in India, china.. We need regulations, you fucking moron.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

The USA has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Was your friend a union member? Why is there no US tax penalty for sending jobs overseas?

How do you propose to stop outsourcing when its the only way some companies can survive?
No he was not union...unfortunately this happened in one of these fancy "right to work states" he has no rights.
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.
I am not a republican neither is he.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.
I have NEVER enjoyed nor wanted capitalism...
Has he considered moving to the Philippines?
I suggested that but they said no lol...

You have never enjoyed capitalism? That's too bad. It seems the company and, apparently the Phillipines, enjoy capitalism. How about the fact that we are edging toward socialism, which is causing this unfortunate situation for your friend?
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

The USA has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Was your friend a union member? Why is there no US tax penalty for sending jobs overseas?

How do you propose to stop outsourcing when its the only way some companies can survive?
No he was not union...unfortunately this happened in one of these fancy "right to work states" he has no rights.
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.
I am not a republican neither is he.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Funny how everyone's so cool about capitalism until it bites them in their own ass.
I have NEVER enjoyed nor wanted capitalism...
Has he considered moving to the Philippines?
I suggested that but they said no lol...

You have never enjoyed capitalism? That's too bad. It seems the company and, apparently the Phillipines, enjoy capitalism. How about the fact that we are edging toward socialism, which is causing this unfortunate situation for your friend?
Oh god... Capitalism literally cannot sustain itself as time goes on, it's inevitable we progress towards socialism.

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