Laid Off

You have never enjoyed capitalism? That's too bad. It seems the company and, apparently the Phillipines, enjoy capitalism. How about the fact that we are edging toward socialism, which is causing this unfortunate situation for your friend?
Oh god... Capitalism literally cannot sustain itself as time goes on, it's inevitable we progress towards socialism.
I"m sure you meant regress. Socialism is NEVER progress.[/QUOTE]
Keep circlejerking.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
"You snooze, you loose" ... People have to stay ahead of the curve to survive in a Capitalistic system.

Perhaps they just need to understand that everyone cannot keep up.
It is still a matter of what you do when your part breaks ... Because it will (even if it is your own business).
It is also a matter of how you view the break ... And what it means to your ability to overcome.

Plenty of people get pissed off when their air conditioner fails ... They just fix it and move on.
They don't try to reorder the nature of events to eliminate the possibility of failure.

Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
This could be a good thing. Have your husband take unemployment and then use that to look for work and start his own business. I'm willing to bet that there are companies out there in need of good independent contractors.
I'm not trying to be a jerk but that's how I started my own business. I tried calling companies for jobs and they stated that they weren't looking for employees but that they were seeking independent contractors or small businesses. Good luck!

My daughter got laid off from her IT job several months ago and did the same. While looking for another job she found that several companies were looking for independent contractors that do drafting. Since she is quite skilled at drafting she started her own business and now has three clients that she contracts for and is interviewing people to hire to help with the work load.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

The USA has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Was your friend a union member? Why is there no US tax penalty for sending jobs overseas?

How do you propose to stop outsourcing when its the only way some companies can survive?

U.S. Corps make more money.

And U.S. Corps have more loopholes, tax rebates, and tax avoidance mechanisms.

U.S. Corps could continue to operate in the U.S., employ people here, provide health care, and still make a profit. They COULD if they wanted to.

They just wouldn't be able to pay out they type of dividends to stock holders they do. Or pay their CEO's as much.

That is the reality.
My daughter got laid off from her IT job several months ago and did the same. While looking for another job she found that several companies were looking for independent contractors that do drafting. Since she is quite skilled at drafting she started her own business and now has three clients that she contracts for and is interviewing people to hire to help with the work load.

I know it is anecdotal, but my sister did somewhat the same thing.

She was a paramedic and wrecked her back chunking huge folks in the ambulance.
While down from back surgery, she taught herself everything she could and the IT world ... Then started her own business.
Starting small she built websites for people ... Then moved on to two national corporations and their websites.
Did plenty of side jobs Photoshopping pageant pictures for beauty pageants as well ... And many more.

Now she has more work than she can handle and is hiring help.
It doesn't matter what reason you lose your job ... What you do with the opportunity is what matters.

I fired an entirely competent and ambitious employee at one time ... And he asked me why I was firing him.
I indicated that I hoped it would give him the courage to do what he needed to do ... I was sick of him wasting time trying to make my business his.
Told him I would help with finances and investment ... But that he had to take the steps necessary to achieve his goals.

He claimed unemployment ... And I don't have the slightest clue what he is doing now.

Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

The USA has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Was your friend a union member? Why is there no US tax penalty for sending jobs overseas?

How do you propose to stop outsourcing when its the only way some companies can survive?

U.S. Corps make more money.

And U.S. Corps have more loopholes, tax rebates, and tax avoidance mechanisms.

U.S. Corps could continue to operate in the U.S., employ people here, provide health care, and still make a profit. They COULD if they wanted to.

They just wouldn't be able to pay out they type of dividends to stock holders they do. Or pay their CEO's as much.

That is the reality.

total horseshit. Do you really think a US company prefers to operate in china or fricken bangla desh rather than in the USA?

Fix the US tax code, tell unions to fuck off, and manufacturing jobs will return to this country. Why did the textile industry leave S. carolina, georgia, tenn, and alabama? any idea? Why is there no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA any more? any idea? Why are many parts of US cars made in foreign countries? any idea?

Its the US tax code, highest corporate tax rate in the world. Its not corporate greed, its government greed. you have the whole thing backwards, as liberals do on most things.
Fix the US tax code, tell unions to fuck off, and manufacturing jobs will return to this country. Why did the textile industry leave S. carolina, georgia, tenn, and alabama? any idea? Why is there no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA any more? any idea? Why are many parts of US cars made in foreign countries? any idea?

Pay American workers what Chinese workers make and jobs will come flooding back.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
Fix the US tax code, tell unions to fuck off, and manufacturing jobs will return to this country. Why did the textile industry leave S. carolina, georgia, tenn, and alabama? any idea? Why is there no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA any more? any idea? Why are many parts of US cars made in foreign countries? any idea?

Pay American workers what Chinese workers make and jobs will come flooding back.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

Thats not even close to what I said. But its typical of a libtardian response to a serious topic.

Manufacturing jobs have left this country for several reasons: taxes, unions, regulations.

Now, look at the car assembly plants in the south, BMW, Mercedes, VW, Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai. Those factories got tax breaks from the states, they are non-union, and the employees are making good salaries with good benefits. While in Detroit liberals and the UAW have virtually destroyed that once great city and those once great US car companies. Funny how capitalism actually works when the govt gets it filthy hands off of it.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
"You snooze, you loose" ... People have to stay ahead of the curve to survive in a Capitalistic system.

Perhaps they just need to understand that everyone cannot keep up.
It is still a matter of what you do when your part breaks ... Because it will (even if it is your own business).
It is also a matter of how you view the break ... And what it means to your ability to overcome.

Plenty of people get pissed off when their air conditioner fails ... They just fix it and move on.
They don't try to reorder the nature of events to eliminate the possibility of failure.
Yes, you snooze you loose. Why should someone pay you to snooze? Capitalism made the US number one in the world, it's the competitive drive that got us there, being innovators and hard workers. As we increasingly move towards funding the snoozers the economy shrinks. Why can't some people understand that?
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
"You snooze, you loose" ... People have to stay ahead of the curve to survive in a Capitalistic system.

Perhaps they just need to understand that everyone cannot keep up.
It is still a matter of what you do when your part breaks ... Because it will (even if it is your own business).
It is also a matter of how you view the break ... And what it means to your ability to overcome.

Plenty of people get pissed off when their air conditioner fails ... They just fix it and move on.
They don't try to reorder the nature of events to eliminate the possibility of failure.
Yes, you snooze you loose. Why should someone pay you to snooze? Capitalism made the US number one in the world, it's the competitive drive that got us there, being innovators and hard workers. As we increasingly move towards funding the snoozers the economy shrinks. Why can't some people understand that?

why can't they understand it? because liberalism is a mental disease.
You have never enjoyed capitalism? That's too bad. It seems the company and, apparently the Phillipines, enjoy capitalism. How about the fact that we are edging toward socialism, which is causing this unfortunate situation for your friend?
Oh god... Capitalism literally cannot sustain itself as time goes on, it's inevitable we progress towards socialism.
I"m sure you meant regress. Socialism is NEVER progress.
Keep circlejerking.
There you go.....When no answer is available, pretend the other guy does what you do.

You cannot disprove it.

Have a nice day.

I hate it when socialists can't even fucking do quotes correctly. Particularly since the software does it for you and you still fuck it up.
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You have never enjoyed capitalism? That's too bad. It seems the company and, apparently the Phillipines, enjoy capitalism. How about the fact that we are edging toward socialism, which is causing this unfortunate situation for your friend?
Oh god... Capitalism literally cannot sustain itself as time goes on, it's inevitable we progress towards socialism.
I"m sure you meant regress. Socialism is NEVER progress.
Keep circlejerking.
There you go.....When no answer is available, pretend the other guy does what you do.

You cannot disprove it.

Have a nice day.[/QUOTE]

still waiting for the list of countries where socialism has been a success-----------------------------
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
Expand that situation to an entire town. A town that loses its biggest employer to outsourcing. Say, a steel mill. All those paychecks gone from the community. What do you suppose happened to all the small businesses that relied on those paychecks? Businesses like restaurants, hardware stores, barber shops, bakeries. Now folks start to leave town.

And they try to sell their homes. Property values plummet. You can't sell your home because there are too many sellers, and no buyers. Schools fall apart because the tax base has fallen apart.

And then outsiders will say, "Move to where the jobs are!"

Easier said than done.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
This could be a good thing. Have your husband take unemployment and then use that to look for work and start his own business. I'm willing to bet that there are companies out there in need of good independent contractors.
I'm not trying to be a jerk but that's how I started my own business. I tried calling companies for jobs and they stated that they weren't looking for employees but that they were seeking independent contractors or small businesses. Good luck!

My daughter got laid off from her IT job several months ago and did the same. While looking for another job she found that several companies were looking for independent contractors that do drafting. Since she is quite skilled at drafting she started her own business and now has three clients that she contracts for and is interviewing people to hire to help with the work load.
That's awesome and I bet you are proud! That's turning lemons into lemonade. :)
You have never enjoyed capitalism? That's too bad. It seems the company and, apparently the Phillipines, enjoy capitalism. How about the fact that we are edging toward socialism, which is causing this unfortunate situation for your friend?
Oh god... Capitalism literally cannot sustain itself as time goes on, it's inevitable we progress towards socialism.
I"m sure you meant regress. Socialism is NEVER progress.
Keep circlejerking.
There you go.....When no answer is available, pretend the other guy does what you do.

You cannot disprove it.

Have a nice day.

still waiting for the list of countries where socialism has been a success-----------------------------[/QUOTE]
How the hell are you defining success and a socialist country? Show me one where workers actually own production and cooperate to make decisions with the state. Remember context as well, tell me what countries you want to talk about instead of saying shit like "disprove"
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
"You snooze, you loose" ... People have to stay ahead of the curve to survive in a Capitalistic system.

Perhaps they just need to understand that everyone cannot keep up.
It is still a matter of what you do when your part breaks ... Because it will (even if it is your own business).
It is also a matter of how you view the break ... And what it means to your ability to overcome.

Plenty of people get pissed off when their air conditioner fails ... They just fix it and move on.
They don't try to reorder the nature of events to eliminate the possibility of failure.
Yes, you snooze you loose. Why should someone pay you to snooze? Capitalism made the US number one in the world, it's the competitive drive that got us there, being innovators and hard workers. As we increasingly move towards funding the snoozers the economy shrinks. Why can't some people understand that?

why can't they understand it? because liberalism is a mental disease.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

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