Laid Off

Yeah, those in poverty, in third world countries, without access to education, massive education costs in America, a system where only "the tough survive" is horrible.

Where the heck do you think the jobs moving offshore are headed?
Who do you think is footing the bill for bringing the locals online in education, infrastructure and whatnot.

You silly people cannot read the writing on the wall ... We don't give a rat's ass about your socialistic bullshit.
We will find people who want to advance their lot in life through effort and due diligence ... Not through handout to failures.

They are going their to exploit cheap labor, it's not the capitalists footing that bill, it's Aid organizations, charities... Good to know you want to create a massive gap between people and support systemic poverty.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines!

The entire IT department? When a PC breaks over here, are they going to swim from the Philippines to fix it?

Are you kidding? We can't even process a chicken in this country. We send them to China and get them back 6 months later with God knows what was done to them before they send them back to us.
We have become completely impotent. The globe is winning. Capitalism works for everyone but us...
I really don't buy this scenario that when someone's PC has a glitch, they are going to pack it up and send it to P.I. and then wait for it to come back before they go back to work.
They are going their to exploit cheap labor, it's not the capitalists footing that bill, it's Aid organizations, charities... Good to know you want to create a massive gap between people and support systemic poverty.

It isn't cheap labor (cheaper maybe) ... And the corporations spend a pant load of money bringing the community online and up to standards.
It is labor willing to work ... More interested in providing a product ... More responsive to the application of effort and eager to achieve a better living.

As far as what I want ... Shit, you wouldn't have a clue.
All the ideas you have offered ... And all the suggestions you make as to what I desire ... Expose your weaknesses not my desires.

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They are going their to exploit cheap labor, it's not the capitalists footing that bill, it's Aid organizations, charities... Good to know you want to create a massive gap between people and support systemic poverty.

It isn't cheap labor (cheaper maybe) ... And the corporations spend a pant load of money bringing the community online and up to standards.
It is labor willing to work ... More interested in providing a product ... More responsive to the application of effort and eager to achieve a better living.

I far as what I want ... Shit, you wouldn't have a clue.
All the ideas you have offered ... And all the suggestions you make as to what I desire ... Expose your weaknesses not my desires.

Yeah, yeah, keep spewing bullshit. Sweatshop work, diamond mines..
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
Why are you blaming the high rates on the Democrats? Did Obama raise the corporate tax rates?
Companies very seldom leave the US because of wages. Hardly ever.

In labor intensive industries...? Sure. But who wants to work in the textile industry anyway? For any wage?

Companies leave the US mostly because of goobermint regulation or Unions. Seldom, VERY seldom, because of wages.

Let me run this by you for about the 20th time.....

Know how many man-hours it takes to make a Car?

Of course you don't. That's why I'm here.

It takes around 30 man-hours to make a car. Top to bottom. Everything from the engine to the lug nuts. 30 man hours.

So you ship that factory to..... China..... Or today, it's more likely to be India.

30 Man-Hours. Think about that. 30

If we pay our workers on average $50 an hour and the Chinese or Indians pay there's, on average. $10 an hour, that's a savings of $1,200.

Not a lot of money. Especially when you consider that you lose control of your product and it costs a lot to get your product back to America.

The only thing that makes it worthwhile is to avoid goobermint intervention and Union bullshit.

In the Tech Industry? Know what fellas? Maybe, the truth is, maybe......

Those Flips are smarter and harder working than Americans.

Have you seen our average PISA Scores? Thanks to the scum of the earth dimocraps, we are either at or near the bottom in the entire fucking world in education. Just a fact.

Our kids SUCK. Our educational system just simply SUCKS. And our kids are coming out of schoOl DUMB AS A BOX OF FUCKING ROCKS.

So any CEO worth a shit is going to look at how STUPID our 'educational' system is (dimocrap filth don't educate, they indoctrinate) and move his company to somewhere that the educators actually produce educated people.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth, people.

They destroy everything they touch.


They're like a swarm of locusts.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
America hasn't had a capitalist economic system for years now...maybe when we dump Obama and get a real president things will get better for us all.

Like when we had bush you mean?
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
Why are you blaming the high rates on the Democrats? Did Obama raise the corporate tax rates?

Please refrain from voting until you become better informed.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
Why are you blaming the high rates on the Democrats? Did Obama raise the corporate tax rates?

Please refrain from voting until you become better informed.
Please refrain from making assertions that you can't or won't backup with actual facts.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

You know nothing about socialism. NOTHING. In the socialist society that you think would be so wonderful all of the power and all of the wealth would be concentrated in the hands of a very small group of super elites and everyone else would be EQUALLY miserable. WTF do you think goes on in north korea, Russia, China, cuba? Do you think the people have a voice in those countries? Do you think the rulers care about the welfare of the serfs? Your ignorance is astounding.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

Getting left behind is not necessarily being kept down ... Just sucks that you cannot keep up.

It's not left behind when only a minority can be the capitalists, who rely on exploiting labor, the last thing capitalists want is competition..

you are FOS, get the fuck out of my country with your socialist marxist collectivist bullshit. Move your sorry ass to north fucking korea. We don't need or want your kind here.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
Why are you blaming the high rates on the Democrats? Did Obama raise the corporate tax rates?

Please refrain from voting until you become better informed.
Please refrain from making assertions that you can't or won't backup with actual facts.

I wonder if any republicans here were around in the '50's and '60's. Lot's of workers had unions, health care, good wages. Companies and the wealthy were being taxed way more back then, and we still had a pretty good economy and middle class and one income could provide for a whole family. Had unemployment insurance too. So why weren't companies moving to China to get slave wages back then? Onerous regulations driving them overseas. Let the companies self regulate some say. Why do you republicans crawl out into the daylight and get cheerful when you hear bad news about someone losing their job to another country. Where's your souls, where's your humanity.
Yeah, yeah, keep spewing bullshit. Sweatshop work, diamond mines..

Yeah-yeah whatever ... I have nothing to do with either ... And you don't have a point, as usual.
Your bullshit is tired and old school ... No wonder your ass got left behind.

Innovation, productivity, sustainability and awareness are what carry us into the future.
We don't need your stinking early 19th and 20th Century crap to get where we need to go.

Glad we are moving forward and have left dinosaurs in the Stone Age ... You don't even know why you are going extinct.
My guess is that you will blame others until your little light is extinguished.

Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

Is the company owned by liberals or conservatives? Both protect their money.

There are a lot of factors that lead to these decisions and most have to do with the policies and taxes imposed.

We've always had capitalism and things were good for the most part. Only changes have been laws from an overreaching government and that usually has a negative effect on businesses, large and small. Obamacare ruined many small businesses.
Yeah, yeah, keep spewing bullshit. Sweatshop work, diamond mines..

Yeah-yeah whatever ... I have nothing to do with either ... And you don't have a point, as usual.
Your bullshit is tired and old school ... No wonder your ass got left behind.

Innovation, productivity, sustainability and awareness are what carry us into the future.
We don't need your stinking early 19th and 20th Century crap to get where we need to go.

Glad we are moving forward and have left dinosaurs in the Stone Age ... You don't even know why you are going extinct.
My guess is that you will blame others until your little light is extinguished.

You fail to mention the required exploitation.
you are FOS, get the fuck out of my country with your socialist marxist collectivist bullshit. Move your sorry ass to north fucking korea. We don't need or want your kind here.

I would rather he stay in America ... Where y'all can continue to deal with the crap you let loose to take over the country.
I hope he doesn't decide to leave and pollute the environment elsewhere with his initiatives for failure.

Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

You know nothing about socialism. NOTHING. In the socialist society that you think would be so wonderful all of the power and all of the wealth would be concentrated in the hands of a very small group of super elites and everyone else would be EQUALLY miserable. WTF do you think goes on in north korea, Russia, China, cuba? Do you think the people have a voice in those countries? Do you think the rulers care about the welfare of the serfs? Your ignorance is astounding.
Yeah, assuming those countries actually gave workers production and a say in the distribution process... You know nothing buddy.
you are FOS, get the fuck out of my country with your socialist marxist collectivist bullshit. Move your sorry ass to north fucking korea. We don't need or want your kind here.

I would rather he stay in America ... Where y'all can continue to deal with the crap you let loose to take over the country.
I hope he doesn't decide to leave and pollute the environment elsewhere with his initiatives for failure.

Pollute the environment? You're looking at the wrong person, capitalist pigs are polluting.
You fail to mention the required exploitation.

The only system that requires exploitation is Socialism ... No wonder you got left behind.
In Capitalism you can do whatever it takes to achieve your goals ... But you don't have to exploit anyone to accomplish them.

Pollute the environment? You're looking at the wrong person, capitalist pigs are polluting.

Your ideology is fricken pollution ... And excuses failure and incompetence.
You pollute the country, politics, business and everyone's welfare by spewing your garbage about supporting failing systems.

You fail to mention the required exploitation.

The only system that requires exploitation is Socialism ... No wonder you got left behind.
In Capitalism you can do whatever it takes to achieve your goals ... But you don't have to exploit anyone to accomplish them.

The constant rhetoric you spew is grinding my gears, but none the less, I'll continue with this idiocy. In capitalism, doing whatever it takes includes destroying the environment, relying on sweatshops for cheap labor, trying to stop child labor laws from being passed, attacking labor unions.. and becoming a capitalist is next to impossible, it's why millions try and fail. It's a horrible system that encourages horrible things, socialism is simply collective ownership of production by workers, it needs to come about in an already industrialized nation aswell, with proper democracy, which I have yet to see.

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