Laid Off

Pollute the environment? You're looking at the wrong person, capitalist pigs are polluting.

Your ideology is fricken pollution ... And excuses failure and incompetence.
You pollute the country, politics, business and everyone's welfare by spewing your garbage about supporting failing systems.

Ok, billions of people, by your definition, are failures and incompetent. What you idiots fail to realize is that capitalism cannot function without those people doing the real work, the real labor, the capitalists can't afford competition, it undercuts profit. Sorry, you don't understand what pollution is. Failing systems? Ok sweetie, how are you defining "failure," if we want to count cuba/ussr/china as actual socialist countries.
The constant rhetoric you spew is grinding my gears, but none the less, I'll continue with this idiocy. In capitalism, doing whatever it takes includes destroying the environment, relying on sweatshops for cheap labor, trying to stop child labor laws from being passed, attacking labor unions.. and becoming a capitalist is next to impossible, it's why millions try and fail. It's a horrible system that encourages horrible things, socialism is simply collective ownership of production by workers, it needs to come about in an already industrialized nation aswell, with proper democracy, which I have yet to see.

You are the only one with rhetoric alone ... And you will be standing on your soap box crying until the end of time.

I do more to sustain the environment ... Wouldn't do any good to mess it up since what I do requires a healthy natural environment.
Instead of sweatshops ... I help small farmers co-op, share investments in labor and equipment ... And pool the crops so they are not left at the back of the line with traders.
Instead of using child labor ... I donate computers, provide logistical services (training) and promote a healthy school as well as library and medical clinic.
There are no labor unions where I do business ... They kicked out the fat cat robber barons back in the 80's.

Capitalism isn't a horrible system ... You are horrible person who wouldn't know how to accomplish anything without exploitation ... Which is why you keep getting left behind.

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Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.
I'd bet the average sixth grader in the Philippines would score higher on an ACT type test than the typical American 12th grader.

I'd bet the entry level worker in the Philippines knows to get to work on time.

Your friend needs to retool, he obviously can't even compete with "slaves".

Tell your friend to embrace globalism and diversity, and get on management track at a fast food place.

Get to work on time? Yes... They however will only do the min required AND they will not stay to finish any work not done. Terrible work ethic.
Jobs follow work ethic.

Only a Demlib could not see that.
Ok, billions of people, by your definition, are failures and incompetent. What you idiots fail to realize is that capitalism cannot function without those people doing the real work, the real labor, the capitalists can't afford competition, it undercuts profit. Sorry, you don't understand what pollution is. Failing systems? Ok sweetie, how are you defining "failure," if we want to count cuba/ussr/china as actual socialist countries.

I don't care what your count is ... You are not helping any of them ... Obviously!

I define failure the same way anyone does ... The inability to achieve an acceptable goal.
We all fail ... I have failed before ... The other successful I know have all failed before.

It is your desire to excuse and reward failure that drives your need to exploit the successful.

The constant rhetoric you spew is grinding my gears, but none the less, I'll continue with this idiocy. In capitalism, doing whatever it takes includes destroying the environment, relying on sweatshops for cheap labor, trying to stop child labor laws from being passed, attacking labor unions.. and becoming a capitalist is next to impossible, it's why millions try and fail. It's a horrible system that encourages horrible things, socialism is simply collective ownership of production by workers, it needs to come about in an already industrialized nation aswell, with proper democracy, which I have yet to see.

You are the only one with rhetoric alone ... And you will be standing on your soap box crying until the end of time.

I do more to sustain the environment ... Wouldn't do any good to mess it up since what I do requires a health natural environment.
Instead of sweatshops ... I help small farmers co-op, share investments in labor and equipment ... And pool the crops so they are not left at the back of the line with traders.
Instead of using child labor ... I donate computers, provide logistical services (training) and promote a healthy school as well as library and medical clinic.
There are no labor unions where I do business ... They kicked out the fat cat robber barons back in the 80's.

Capitalism isn't a horrible system ... You are horrible person who wouldn't know how to accomplish anything without exploitation ... Which is why you keep getting left behind.

I'm a horrible person? You're ignoring what the capitalists are doing, look at our environment, sweatshops, the factories in china, uzbekistan and child labor, fuck, even chocolate.. You can cherry pick happy, go lucky examples of capitalism, but billions are laughing at you.
Ok, billions of people, by your definition, are failures and incompetent. What you idiots fail to realize is that capitalism cannot function without those people doing the real work, the real labor, the capitalists can't afford competition, it undercuts profit. Sorry, you don't understand what pollution is. Failing systems? Ok sweetie, how are you defining "failure," if we want to count cuba/ussr/china as actual socialist countries.

I don't care what your count is ... You are not helping any of them ... Obviously!

I define failure the same way anyone does ... The inability to achieve an acceptable goal.
We all fail ... I have failed before ... The other successful I know have all failed before.

It is your desire to excuse and reward failure that drives your need to exploit the successful.

I'm not helping them? Gee, you know all about me .-. Yeah, it's obviously plausible that a billion people can all run businesses. Reward failure? Their are many people making less then a $1.25 a day, working in sweatshops 16 hours a day, factories to produce phones, let alone who mines what is needed for them.. Exploit the successful? Oh my fucking god, the capitalists don't do the work, the actual workers do.
I'm a horrible person? You're ignoring what the capitalists are doing, look at our environment, sweatshops, the factories in china, uzbekistan and child labor, fuck, even chocolate.. You can cherry pick happy, go lucky examples of capitalism, but billions are laughing at you.

How the hell could I be ignoring what the Capitalists do ... I am a Capitalist and know what I am doing?

The only thing you offer is rhetoric and old worn out sticky socks as arguments.
I am not cherry picking ... I told you what my ongoing initiatives look like.
It is an example of why your ideas about Socialism and Capitalism suck ... They accomplish nothing.

You offer nothing that is innovative, successful nor honest for that fact ... And you are the one interested in exploiting people as well as cherry-picking responses.

I'm a horrible person? You're ignoring what the capitalists are doing, look at our environment, sweatshops, the factories in china, uzbekistan and child labor, fuck, even chocolate.. You can cherry pick happy, go lucky examples of capitalism, but billions are laughing at you.

How the hell could I be ignoring what the Capitalists do ... I am a Capitalist and know what I am doing?

The only thing you offer is rhetoric and old worn out sticky socks as arguments.
I am not cherry picking ... I told you what my ongoing initiatives look like.
It is an example of why your ideas about Socialism and Capitalism suck ... They accomplish nothing.

You offer nothing that is innovative, successful nor honest for that fact ... And you are the one interested in exploiting people as well as cherry-picking responses.

Yeah, ok, ignore what capitalists have done throughout history and are doing to third world countries/the lower classes. You may be one of the "good" capitalist, albeit a small one, unless you have tens of thousands of employees. Cherry picking? Then you're ignoring your fellow capitalist comrades, like the CEO'S of bottled water companies, to name one. Nothing that is innovative or successful? Tell me the backgrounds of these "socialist states" that you are calling failures, and the context instead of saying I want to exploit people, which you fail to back up with any reason.
I'm not helping them? Gee, you know all about me .-. Yeah, it's obviously plausible that a billion people can all run businesses. Reward failure? Their are many people making less then a $1.25 a day, working in sweatshops 16 hours a day, factories to produce phones, let alone who mines what is needed for them.. Exploit the successful? Oh my fucking god, the capitalists don't do the work, the actual workers do.

I never said a billion people could all run a business ... And have always indicated that not everyone is successful in their attempts.
Face it ... That isn't even the argument I have made at all.
What I have stated is that it is better than rewarding failure and accomplishing nothing.
Your system is the only system that requires exploitation to survive ... Because your system cannot exist without the contributions of those that have succeeded.

Yeah, ok, ignore what capitalists have done throughout history and are doing to third world countries/the lower classes. You may be one of the "good" capitalist, albeit a small one, unless you have tens of thousands of employees. Cherry picking? Then you're ignoring your fellow capitalist comrades, like the CEO'S of bottled water companies, to name one. Nothing that is innovative or successful? Tell me the backgrounds of these "socialist states" that you are calling failures, and the context instead of saying I want to exploit people, which you fail to back up with any reason.

Ignore that fact that I have repeatedly described that your old worn out rhetoric is incapable of accomplishing anything worthwhile.
You are living in the past ... You have nothing to offer ... You will not succeed sucking the life out of other people.

I haven't called any socialist state a failure ... I call socialists failures because they fail.
They thrive on failure because if failure didn't exist they wouldn't be needed ... Which is why they will never fix anything.

Yeah, yeah, keep spewing bullshit. Sweatshop work, diamond mines..

Yeah-yeah whatever ... I have nothing to do with either ... And you don't have a point, as usual.
Your bullshit is tired and old school ... No wonder your ass got left behind.

Innovation, productivity, sustainability and awareness are what carry us into the future.
We don't need your stinking early 19th and 20th Century crap to get where we need to go.

Glad we are moving forward and have left dinosaurs in the Stone Age ... You don't even know why you are going extinct.
My guess is that you will blame others until your little light is extinguished.

You fail to mention the required exploitation.
Do you think the rulers care about the welfare of the serfs? Your ignorance is astounding.
Right on. 100% accurate.
woohooo circlejerk is starting. Time to get my :fu:
Your intelligence level is well expressed with that response. Thank you for so explicitly displaying it.
Ok, billions of people, by your definition, are failures and incompetent. What you idiots fail to realize is that capitalism cannot function without those people doing the real work, the real labor, the capitalists can't afford competition, it undercuts profit. Sorry, you don't understand what pollution is. Failing systems? Ok sweetie, how are you defining "failure," if we want to count cuba/ussr/china as actual socialist countries.

I don't care what your count is ... You are not helping any of them ... Obviously!

I define failure the same way anyone does ... The inability to achieve an acceptable goal.
We all fail ... I have failed before ... The other successful I know have all failed before.

It is your desire to excuse and reward failure that drives your need to exploit the successful.

I'm not helping them? Gee, you know all about me .-. Yeah, it's obviously plausible that a billion people can all run businesses. Reward failure? Their are many people making less then a $1.25 a day, working in sweatshops 16 hours a day, factories to produce phones, let alone who mines what is needed for them.. Exploit the successful?
Oh my fucking god, the capitalists don't do the work, the actual workers do.

Look at the last sentence.^ It is correct. Capitalists don't do the work.
Capitalism creates the work. The workers accomplish the work. Now you understand why workers in this country aren't working. Because we have erroneously attacked those who create work. So now we don't have any....
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
Why are you blaming the high rates on the Democrats? Did Obama raise the corporate tax rates?

Please refrain from voting until you become better informed.
Please refrain from making assertions that you can't or won't backup with actual facts.

I wonder if any republicans here were around in the '50's and '60's. Lot's of workers had unions, health care, good wages. Companies and the wealthy were being taxed way more back then, and we still had a pretty good economy and middle class and one income could provide for a whole family. Had unemployment insurance too. So why weren't companies moving to China to get slave wages back then? Onerous regulations driving them overseas. Let the companies self regulate some say. Why do you republicans crawl out into the daylight and get cheerful when you hear bad news about someone losing their job to another country. Where's your souls, where's your humanity.

The world has changed a lot in the last 50 to 60 years, for example the size of the federal budget, the national debt, size of government, the number of able bodied people sitting around on their fat asses sucking up the welfare, the number of lying hypocrite liberals.
If you want to fix the problem, buy only goods made 100% in America, if everyone did that, then there would be no more outsourcing. But, people have to have their dvd's and video games and all kinds of crap, manufactured overseas. This is on all Americans, not a political party.
I'm not helping them? Gee, you know all about me .-. Yeah, it's obviously plausible that a billion people can all run businesses. Reward failure? Their are many people making less then a $1.25 a day, working in sweatshops 16 hours a day, factories to produce phones, let alone who mines what is needed for them.. Exploit the successful? Oh my fucking god, the capitalists don't do the work, the actual workers do.

I never said a billion people could all run a business ... And have always indicated that not everyone is successful in their attempts.
Face it ... That isn't even the argument I have made at all.
What I have stated is that it is better than rewarding failure and accomplishing nothing.
Your system is the only system that requires exploitation to survive ... Because your system cannot exist without the contributions of those that have succeeded.

It doesn't reward failure, it rewards the working people who actually do the work, oh boy, your bullshit "success" argument.
Ok, billions of people, by your definition, are failures and incompetent. What you idiots fail to realize is that capitalism cannot function without those people doing the real work, the real labor, the capitalists can't afford competition, it undercuts profit. Sorry, you don't understand what pollution is. Failing systems? Ok sweetie, how are you defining "failure," if we want to count cuba/ussr/china as actual socialist countries.

I don't care what your count is ... You are not helping any of them ... Obviously!

I define failure the same way anyone does ... The inability to achieve an acceptable goal.
We all fail ... I have failed before ... The other successful I know have all failed before.

It is your desire to excuse and reward failure that drives your need to exploit the successful.

I'm not helping them? Gee, you know all about me .-. Yeah, it's obviously plausible that a billion people can all run businesses. Reward failure? Their are many people making less then a $1.25 a day, working in sweatshops 16 hours a day, factories to produce phones, let alone who mines what is needed for them.. Exploit the successful?
Oh my fucking god, the capitalists don't do the work, the actual workers do.

Look at the last sentence.^ It is correct. Capitalists don't do the work.
Capitalism creates the work. The workers accomplish the work. Now you understand why workers in this country aren't working. Because we have erroneously attacked those who create work. So now we don't have any....
No, capitalists cannot create work without laborers, might as well get rid of the system all together and have the workers collectively own the work they do, not the capitalist.
Yeah, yeah, keep spewing bullshit. Sweatshop work, diamond mines..

Yeah-yeah whatever ... I have nothing to do with either ... And you don't have a point, as usual.
Your bullshit is tired and old school ... No wonder your ass got left behind.

Innovation, productivity, sustainability and awareness are what carry us into the future.
We don't need your stinking early 19th and 20th Century crap to get where we need to go.

Glad we are moving forward and have left dinosaurs in the Stone Age ... You don't even know why you are going extinct.
My guess is that you will blame others until your little light is extinguished.

You fail to mention the required exploitation.
Do you think the rulers care about the welfare of the serfs? Your ignorance is astounding.
Right on. 100% accurate.
woohooo circlejerk is starting. Time to get my :fu:
Your intelligence level is well expressed with that response. Thank you for so explicitly displaying it.
Yeah, ok, ignore what capitalists have done throughout history and are doing to third world countries/the lower classes. You may be one of the "good" capitalist, albeit a small one, unless you have tens of thousands of employees. Cherry picking? Then you're ignoring your fellow capitalist comrades, like the CEO'S of bottled water companies, to name one. Nothing that is innovative or successful? Tell me the backgrounds of these "socialist states" that you are calling failures, and the context instead of saying I want to exploit people, which you fail to back up with any reason.

Ignore that fact that I have repeatedly described that your old worn out rhetoric is incapable of accomplishing anything worthwhile.
You are living in the past ... You have nothing to offer ... You will not succeed sucking the life out of other people.

I haven't called any socialist state a failure ... I call socialists failures because they fail.
They thrive on failure because if failure didn't exist they wouldn't be needed ... Which is why they will never fix anything.

Its capable of showing a real problem that is inherit with capitalism. I'm not living in the past, suck the life out of others? How? Please explain how letting workers own production does this. Yeah, albert einstein, martin luther king were failures, good to know. They thrive on failure? You define failure as not being a capitalist, LOL

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