Laid Off

Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that actually works.

Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

The USA has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. Was your friend a union member? Why is there no US tax penalty for sending jobs overseas?

How do you propose to stop outsourcing when its the only way some companies can survive?

U.S. Corps make more money.

And U.S. Corps have more loopholes, tax rebates, and tax avoidance mechanisms.

U.S. Corps could continue to operate in the U.S., employ people here, provide health care, and still make a profit. They COULD if they wanted to.

They just wouldn't be able to pay out they type of dividends to stock holders they do. Or pay their CEO's as much.

That is the reality.

Your opinion is based on nonsense, not on facts.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
You can thank the capitalists for having constantly outsources for decades, and if they want to avoid environmental regulations, fuck them.
Fix the US tax code, tell unions to fuck off, and manufacturing jobs will return to this country. Why did the textile industry leave S. carolina, georgia, tenn, and alabama? any idea? Why is there no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA any more? any idea? Why are many parts of US cars made in foreign countries? any idea?

Pay American workers what Chinese workers make and jobs will come flooding back.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

You have no clue.
Fix the US tax code, tell unions to fuck off, and manufacturing jobs will return to this country. Why did the textile industry leave S. carolina, georgia, tenn, and alabama? any idea? Why is there no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA any more? any idea? Why are many parts of US cars made in foreign countries? any idea?

Pay American workers what Chinese workers make and jobs will come flooding back.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"

You have no clue.
The capitalists already have cheap labor and plenty to exploit these days, it's horrid.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

Getting left behind is not necessarily being kept down ... Just sucks that you cannot keep up.

Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
You can thank the capitalists for having constantly outsources for decades, and if they want to avoid environmental regulations, fuck them.

Libs drive jobs off-shore with government regulations then when called out on this they start foaming at the mouth.
Funny how some people never understand Capitalism is a "dog eat dog" system.
Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

Yeah, that's not a good system.

I know ... It is not a good system ... It is an awesome kick ass system.
Unless of course you find yourself measured and wanting ... Perhaps the one getting your ass kicked because you cannot keep up.

Yeah, a system that relies on exploitation and encourages greed is awesome.

So you say ... Not necessarily true though.
I am sure the bad examples of Capitalism and Socialism ... The people who bitch about the whole system of Capitalism are usually the people who get left behind.

Cry some more and see if that gets you paid ... Not in Capitalistic system ... Because in that system you have to provide something someone actually wants to buy or invest in.
Socialism has a lot of failure ... Hasn't cured poverty, cleaned up corruption, nor eliminated the greedy from exploiting their position.

Get a clue ... A well intended idea is exactly that, well intended ... A good idea is one that works.

It is true, as demonstrated by history and the world today. Yeah, capitalism relies on keeping others down, I know this already, what else is new? Capitalist systems only provide jobs based on what the capitalist wants, not the community. Socialism has brought people out of extreme poverty, given healthcare, and these states aren't even truly socialist, you don't even know what it is either. Tell me, what is socialism? Realize the context and conditions of these socialist states as well.

Getting left behind is not necessarily being kept down ... Just sucks that you cannot keep up.

It's not left behind when only a minority can be the capitalists, who rely on exploiting labor, the last thing capitalists want is competition..
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
You can thank the capitalists for having constantly outsources for decades, and if they want to avoid environmental regulations, fuck them.

Libs drive jobs off-shore with government regulations then when called out on this they start foaming at the mouth.
The environment needs to be protected, and what regulations are driving businesses out? Not dumping toxic waste into fresh water sources?
It's not left behind when only a minority can be the capitalists, who rely on exploiting labor, the last thing capitalists want is competition..

Anyone can be a Capitalist ... It isn't a special club with secret membership (or at least I never got an invitation).
You just have to be responsive, adaptive, competitive and successful ... No wonder Socialists have such a hard time with it.

Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
You can thank the capitalists for having constantly outsources for decades, and if they want to avoid environmental regulations, fuck them.

Libs drive jobs off-shore with government regulations then when called out on this they start foaming at the mouth.
The environment needs to be protected, and what regulations are driving businesses out? Not dumping toxic waste into fresh water sources?

When, in the 1970's? :laugh: Classic liberal hysteria they start dredging up talking points from 50 years ago. Its worth noting YOU PEOPLE controlled congress for 40 years allowing the pollution to get out of control, why? It was also the GOP that created the EPA. The facts they burn, they burn. :laugh:
It's not left behind when only a minority can be the capitalists, who rely on exploiting labor, the last thing capitalists want is competition..

Anyone can be a Capitalist ... It isn't special club with secret membership.
You just have to be responsive, adaptive, competitive and successful ... No wonder Socialist have such a hard time with it.

At any time, only the minority will be capitalists, the majority of the world will have to work for the capitalists, yeah, billions of people barely making what is needed, tell me, can they all be capitalists if they do all you say, and assuming they did, how would the world function under capitalism if everyone was a capitalist? It can't.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
You can thank the capitalists for having constantly outsources for decades, and if they want to avoid environmental regulations, fuck them.

Libs drive jobs off-shore with government regulations then when called out on this they start foaming at the mouth.
The environment needs to be protected, and what regulations are driving businesses out? Not dumping toxic waste into fresh water sources?

When, in the 1970's? :laugh: Classic liberal hysteria they start dredging up talking points from 50 years ago. Its worth noting YOU PEOPLE controlled congress for 40 years allowing the pollution to get out of control, why? It was also the GOP that created the EPA. The facts they burn, they burn. :laugh:
I'm not a liberal, first of all, and I don't fucking care what party it was, tell me what regulations crushed businesses.
You can thank the Democrats. Thank them for the highest business taxes in the entire world. Thank them for 800,000 pages of government regulations in just the last 10 years. Thank them for choosing pet left wing causes over jobs and people. Thank them for the scam climate change. You getting the picture?
You can thank the capitalists for having constantly outsources for decades, and if they want to avoid environmental regulations, fuck them.

Libs drive jobs off-shore with government regulations then when called out on this they start foaming at the mouth.
The environment needs to be protected, and what regulations are driving businesses out? Not dumping toxic waste into fresh water sources?

When, in the 1970's? :laugh: Classic liberal hysteria they start dredging up talking points from 50 years ago. Its worth noting YOU PEOPLE controlled congress for 40 years allowing the pollution to get out of control, why? It was also the GOP that created the EPA. The facts they burn, they burn. :laugh:
I'm not a liberal, first of all, and I don't fucking care what party it was, tell me what regulations crushed businesses.

Ahahaha a classic liberal meltdown, first hysteria followed by denial. :laugh: 800,000 pages of government regulations and job losses, in the liberal mind the two are not connected lmao!
It's not left behind when only a minority can be the capitalists, who rely on exploiting labor, the last thing capitalists want is competition..

Anyone can be a Capitalist ... It isn't special club with secret membership.
You just have to be responsive, adaptive, competitive and successful ... No wonder Socialist have such a hard time with it.

At any time, only the minority will be capitalists, the majority of the world will have to work for the capitalists, yeah, billions of people barely making what is needed, tell me, can they all be capitalists if they do all you say, and assuming they did, how would the world function under capitalism if everyone was a capitalist? It can't.

Well no shit a minority will be Capitalist ... Like I mentioned before ... Only the tough survive.
I mean if you don't have what it takes ... Then fine maybe you will accept that ... But that is still your choice.

Your statements are false though ... There is nothing that stops someone from becoming a successful Capitalist other than their own inability to achieve their goals.
If you just want to bitch about the fact you suck ... Well, I am not going to stop you from doing that ... It isn't going to make you any more successful either.

It's not left behind when only a minority can be the capitalists, who rely on exploiting labor, the last thing capitalists want is competition..

Anyone can be a Capitalist ... It isn't special club with secret membership.
You just have to be responsive, adaptive, competitive and successful ... No wonder Socialist have such a hard time with it.

At any time, only the minority will be capitalists, the majority of the world will have to work for the capitalists, yeah, billions of people barely making what is needed, tell me, can they all be capitalists if they do all you say, and assuming they did, how would the world function under capitalism if everyone was a capitalist? It can't.

Well no shit a minority will be Capitalist ... Like I mentioned before ... Only the tough survive.
I mean if you don't have what it takes ... Then fine maybe you will accept that ... But that is still your choice.

Your statements are false though ... There is nothing that stops someone from becoming a successful Capitalist other than their own inability to achieve their goals.
If you just want to bitch about the fact you suck ... Well, I am not going to stop you from doing that ... It isn't going to make you any more successful either.

Yeah, those in poverty, in third world countries, without access to education, massive education costs in America, a system where only "the tough survive" is horrible.
You can thank the capitalists for having constantly outsources for decades, and if they want to avoid environmental regulations, fuck them.

Libs drive jobs off-shore with government regulations then when called out on this they start foaming at the mouth.
The environment needs to be protected, and what regulations are driving businesses out? Not dumping toxic waste into fresh water sources?

When, in the 1970's? :laugh: Classic liberal hysteria they start dredging up talking points from 50 years ago. Its worth noting YOU PEOPLE controlled congress for 40 years allowing the pollution to get out of control, why? It was also the GOP that created the EPA. The facts they burn, they burn. :laugh:
I'm not a liberal, first of all, and I don't fucking care what party it was, tell me what regulations crushed businesses.

Ahahaha a classic liberal meltdown, first hysteria followed by denial. :laugh: 800,000 pages of government regulations and job losses, in the liberal mind the two are not connected lmao!
You refuse to give me what specific regulations, and I'm not a fucking liberal, stop your partisan bullshit.
Yeah, those in poverty, in third world countries, without access to education, massive education costs in America, a system where only "the tough survive" is horrible.

Where the heck do you think the jobs moving offshore are headed?
Who do you think is footing the bill for bringing the locals online in education, infrastructure and whatnot.

You silly people cannot read the writing on the wall ... We don't give a rat's ass about your socialistic bullshit.
We will find people who want to advance their lot in life through effort and due diligence ... Not through handout to failures.


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