Laid Off

I feel like I've stumbled into a right-wing talking points convention. How is it that Canada, and the European countries are able to keep most of their jobs, considering that their workers are have higher minimum wages, more unions, higher taxes, and lots of regulations? The recycling laws in Germany would make an American right winger's head explode. And yet these people are retaining most of their manufacturing, and their economies are healthy. Canada now has the fastest growing middle class in the world, and our taxes are higher, are wages are higher, and everything costs more here.

Could it be "gasp" that the right wing is focusing on the WRONG things. My employer is required to pay unemployment insurance premiums, OHIP premiums, and make some Canada Pension Plan contributions, for each of his employees. Employees are also required to contribute to all of these things. Our minimum wage is nearly $11.00 per hour and yet Walmart is still one of the most profitable companies in Canada.

In Canada, if a company moves its IT department offshore, Canadians simply stop doing business with them, If politicians do things we dont' like, we refuse to vote for their party. The Progressive Conservative Party no longer exists because they gave us an 8% value added tax on all purchases. The GST is the most hated tax in Canada. The election after its introduction by the PC's, the part went from a solid majority in Parliament, to 4 sitting members, and lost party status - it takes 6 members to have funding for party offices on Parliament Hill.

And the lot of you here pillory a person who has lost his job through no fault of his own, is willing to work, and has skills. No wonder you vote Republican. You are incapable of discerning how thoroughly they lie to you.

Companies have record profits. They're sitting on piles of cash. They're not going overseas because of unions, regulations or taxes. They're going because it's more profitable. The primary goal of a corporation is to make the most money possible. A company has no other purpose. It has no conscience, no compassion, no feelings. It does care that the economy suffers every time a job is lost.

And you brainwashed twits buy it. Unquestioning loyalty to the party line. You lot are fools for buying it.
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines! Oh the wonderful joys of Capitalism. Bosses get richer,long term SKILLED employees get the shaft and slaves do work for pennies in Philippines....or should I say indentured servants.He is filing for unemployment but that's not the point...its wrong and should be stopped.

I'm curious. What does it say about how indispensable and worth his salary the guy was if some Filipino COULD replace him?
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.

Or the left need to realize that it's their own policies that is causing this rather than Capitalism.
It isn't just about lower pay.
It has most to do with other countries that has;
Easy Business set up
Simple Tax system
Less Regulations.
Punishing our Businesses does not help to keep them here in the USA.
What business regulations do you feel are the ones pushing businesses away? In my sophomoric opinion , it's the lower cost of labor thus the lower cost of production is what drives them overseas.
I feel like I've stumbled into a right-wing talking points convention. How is it that Canada, and the European countries are able to keep most of their jobs, considering that their workers are have higher minimum wages, more unions, higher taxes, and lots of regulations? The recycling laws in Germany would make an American right winger's head explode. And yet these people are retaining most of their manufacturing, and their economies are healthy. Canada now has the fastest growing middle class in the world, and our taxes are higher, are wages are higher, and everything costs more here.

Could it be "gasp" that the right wing is focusing on the WRONG things. My employer is required to pay unemployment insurance premiums, OHIP premiums, and make some Canada Pension Plan contributions, for each of his employees. Employees are also required to contribute to all of these things. Our minimum wage is nearly $11.00 per hour and yet Walmart is still one of the most profitable companies in Canada.

In Canada, if a company moves its IT department offshore, Canadians simply stop doing business with them, If politicians do things we dont' like, we refuse to vote for their party. The Progressive Conservative Party no longer exists because they gave us an 8% value added tax on all purchases. The GST is the most hated tax in Canada. The election after its introduction by the PC's, the part went from a solid majority in Parliament, to 4 sitting members, and lost party status - it takes 6 members to have funding for party offices on Parliament Hill.

And the lot of you here pillory a person who has lost his job through no fault of his own, is willing to work, and has skills. No wonder you vote Republican. You are incapable of discerning how thoroughly they lie to you.

Companies have record profits. They're sitting on piles of cash. They're not going overseas because of unions, regulations or taxes. They're going because it's more profitable. The primary goal of a corporation is to make the most money possible. A company has no other purpose. It has no conscience, no compassion, no feelings. It does care that the economy suffers every time a job is lost.

And you brainwashed twits buy it. Unquestioning loyalty to the party line. You lot are fools for buying it.

Interesting how the leftist answer is always, "If we just stopped allowing so much freedom and MADE people do what we want them to, life would be so much better."

Let me help you out, Twinkles. Home

They have lots of one-way trips to Canada. Buh-bye.
Don't want to work as a government drone? Why not? It's the closest thing to socialism that hypocrite progs can get.
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.

Or the left need to realize that it's their own policies that is causing this rather than Capitalism.
It isn't just about lower pay.
It has most to do with other countries that has;
Easy Business set up
Simple Tax system
Less Regulations.
Punishing our Businesses does not help to keep them here in the USA.
What business regulations do you feel are the ones pushing businesses away? In my sophomoric opinion , it's the lower cost of labor thus the lower cost of production is what drives them overseas.

Well, that's certainly your opinion. Not really certain why we're supposed to be interested in the opinion of someone who clearly has never been part of running a business.
I feel like I've stumbled into a right-wing talking points convention. How is it that Canada, and the European countries are able to keep most of their jobs, considering that their workers are have higher minimum wages, more unions, higher taxes, and lots of regulations? The recycling laws in Germany would make an American right winger's head explode. And yet these people are retaining most of their manufacturing, and their economies are healthy. Canada now has the fastest growing middle class in the world, and our taxes are higher, are wages are higher, and everything costs more here.

Could it be "gasp" that the right wing is focusing on the WRONG things. My employer is required to pay unemployment insurance premiums, OHIP premiums, and make some Canada Pension Plan contributions, for each of his employees. Employees are also required to contribute to all of these things. Our minimum wage is nearly $11.00 per hour and yet Walmart is still one of the most profitable companies in Canada.

In Canada, if a company moves its IT department offshore, Canadians simply stop doing business with them, If politicians do things we dont' like, we refuse to vote for their party. The Progressive Conservative Party no longer exists because they gave us an 8% value added tax on all purchases. The GST is the most hated tax in Canada. The election after its introduction by the PC's, the part went from a solid majority in Parliament, to 4 sitting members, and lost party status - it takes 6 members to have funding for party offices on Parliament Hill.

And the lot of you here pillory a person who has lost his job through no fault of his own, is willing to work, and has skills. No wonder you vote Republican. You are incapable of discerning how thoroughly they lie to you.

Companies have record profits. They're sitting on piles of cash. They're not going overseas because of unions, regulations or taxes. They're going because it's more profitable. The primary goal of a corporation is to make the most money possible. A company has no other purpose. It has no conscience, no compassion, no feelings. It does care that the economy suffers every time a job is lost.

And you brainwashed twits buy it. Unquestioning loyalty to the party line. You lot are fools for buying it.

I guess you don't read newspapers or things like that. The French economy is doing wonderfully under their socialist president.....oh...wait...they're NOT doing well... Hmm.. I think Germany is the only country actually doing "well". And they have to lie to do it. The government is actually paying a subsidy to the companies for their workers and there are tons of workers who are part time who are being counted as full time.

Best get your facts straight there dragon lady.

French jobless total at new record high

"The jobless total rose by 27,400 in November to 3,488,300 - the highest level yet seen.

That means the number looking for a job has risen by 5.8% in the past year.

The claimant count rose in November for the third month in a row, and official government estimates suggest the economy will have grown by just 0.4% this past year.

The jobless figures count the number of people claiming benefits and looking for work with the National Agency for Unemployment."

French jobless total at new record high - BBC News
shit like this belongs on the board?

whining republicans need to man up, and shut up.

Or the left need to realize that it's their own policies that is causing this rather than Capitalism.
It isn't just about lower pay.
It has most to do with other countries that has;
Easy Business set up
Simple Tax system
Less Regulations.
Punishing our Businesses does not help to keep them here in the USA.
What business regulations do you feel are the ones pushing businesses away? In my sophomoric opinion , it's the lower cost of labor thus the lower cost of production is what drives them overseas.

Well, that's certainly your opinion. Not really certain why we're supposed to be interested in the opinion of someone who clearly has never been part of running a business.
LOL, I guess that you didn't read my other post................:)
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines!

The entire IT department? When a PC breaks over here, are they going to swim from the Philippines to fix it?

Seriously: do you think they actually have to be on-site to fix a PC? Hell, I had mine fixed remotely last summer.
I feel like I've stumbled into a right-wing talking points convention. How is it that Canada, and the European countries are able to keep most of their jobs, considering that their workers are have higher minimum wages, more unions, higher taxes, and lots of regulations? The recycling laws in Germany would make an American right winger's head explode. And yet these people are retaining most of their manufacturing, and their economies are healthy. Canada now has the fastest growing middle class in the world, and our taxes are higher, are wages are higher, and everything costs more here.

Could it be "gasp" that the right wing is focusing on the WRONG things. My employer is required to pay unemployment insurance premiums, OHIP premiums, and make some Canada Pension Plan contributions, for each of his employees. Employees are also required to contribute to all of these things. Our minimum wage is nearly $11.00 per hour and yet Walmart is still one of the most profitable companies in Canada.

In Canada, if a company moves its IT department offshore, Canadians simply stop doing business with them, If politicians do things we dont' like, we refuse to vote for their party. The Progressive Conservative Party no longer exists because they gave us an 8% value added tax on all purchases. The GST is the most hated tax in Canada. The election after its introduction by the PC's, the part went from a solid majority in Parliament, to 4 sitting members, and lost party status - it takes 6 members to have funding for party offices on Parliament Hill.

And the lot of you here pillory a person who has lost his job through no fault of his own, is willing to work, and has skills. No wonder you vote Republican. You are incapable of discerning how thoroughly they lie to you.

Companies have record profits. They're sitting on piles of cash. They're not going overseas because of unions, regulations or taxes. They're going because it's more profitable. The primary goal of a corporation is to make the most money possible. A company has no other purpose. It has no conscience, no compassion, no feelings. It does care that the economy suffers every time a job is lost.

And you brainwashed twits buy it. Unquestioning loyalty to the party line. You lot are fools for buying it.

Interesting how the leftist answer is always, "If we just stopped allowing so much freedom and MADE people do what we want them to, life would be so much better."

Let me help you out, Twinkles. Home

They have lots of one-way trips to Canada. Buh-bye.

No need...she's already in Toronto.
Wonder how well IT workers live in the Philippines.

Better than the people around them, and better than they did before the company moved there.

WhaT I was thinking....know its pretty cheap living over there with high qual hospitals.

Their cost of living is a lot lower than ours, obviously, which is a big reason why the wages their workers command for those jobs is so much lower. However, it is my understanding that one of the reasons the Philippines are so popular with US companies is because they have a lot of educated workers without a lot of employment options, so I'm not sure how feasible relocating there would be in terms of competing for jobs.
I feel like I've stumbled into a right-wing talking points convention. How is it that Canada, and the European countries are able to keep most of their jobs, considering that their workers are have higher minimum wages, more unions, higher taxes, and lots of regulations? The recycling laws in Germany would make an American right winger's head explode. And yet these people are retaining most of their manufacturing, and their economies are healthy. Canada now has the fastest growing middle class in the world, and our taxes are higher, are wages are higher, and everything costs more here.

Could it be "gasp" that the right wing is focusing on the WRONG things. My employer is required to pay unemployment insurance premiums, OHIP premiums, and make some Canada Pension Plan contributions, for each of his employees. Employees are also required to contribute to all of these things. Our minimum wage is nearly $11.00 per hour and yet Walmart is still one of the most profitable companies in Canada.

In Canada, if a company moves its IT department offshore, Canadians simply stop doing business with them, If politicians do things we dont' like, we refuse to vote for their party. The Progressive Conservative Party no longer exists because they gave us an 8% value added tax on all purchases. The GST is the most hated tax in Canada. The election after its introduction by the PC's, the part went from a solid majority in Parliament, to 4 sitting members, and lost party status - it takes 6 members to have funding for party offices on Parliament Hill.

And the lot of you here pillory a person who has lost his job through no fault of his own, is willing to work, and has skills. No wonder you vote Republican. You are incapable of discerning how thoroughly they lie to you.

Companies have record profits. They're sitting on piles of cash. They're not going overseas because of unions, regulations or taxes. They're going because it's more profitable. The primary goal of a corporation is to make the most money possible. A company has no other purpose. It has no conscience, no compassion, no feelings. It does care that the economy suffers every time a job is lost.

And you brainwashed twits buy it. Unquestioning loyalty to the party line. You lot are fools for buying it.

Interesting how the leftist answer is always, "If we just stopped allowing so much freedom and MADE people do what we want them to, life would be so much better."

Let me help you out, Twinkles. Home

They have lots of one-way trips to Canada. Buh-bye.

No need...she's already in Toronto.

Then why the piss is she even bothering to butt in to the affairs of other countries? You don't see us going around, telling the Canadians how to run THEIR country.
Wonder how well IT workers live in the Philippines.

Better than the people around them, and better than they did before the company moved there.

WhaT I was thinking....know its pretty cheap living over there with high qual hospitals.

Their cost of living is a lot lower than ours, obviously, which is a big reason why the wages their workers command for those jobs is so much lower. However, it is my understanding that one of the reasons the Philippines are so popular with US companies is because they have a lot of educated workers without a lot of employment options, so I'm not sure how feasible relocating there would be in terms of competing for jobs.

Obviously you would want the guaranteed position in same co..... unless you were starting your own business.....
Friends husband was just laid off from job he has had for 11 years.IT/Computer etc. Outsourcing entire department to Philippines!

The entire IT department? When a PC breaks over here, are they going to swim from the Philippines to fix it?

Seriously: do you think they actually have to be on-site to fix a PC? Hell, I had mine fixed remotely last summer.

The advance of technology has definitely facilitated the rise of multinationalism in business, as fewer and fewer job functions require an actual physical presence in a specific locale.
Wonder how well IT workers live in the Philippines.

Better than the people around them, and better than they did before the company moved there.

WhaT I was thinking....know its pretty cheap living over there with high qual hospitals.

Their cost of living is a lot lower than ours, obviously, which is a big reason why the wages their workers command for those jobs is so much lower. However, it is my understanding that one of the reasons the Philippines are so popular with US companies is because they have a lot of educated workers without a lot of employment options, so I'm not sure how feasible relocating there would be in terms of competing for jobs.

Obviously you would want the guaranteed position in same co..... unless you were starting your own business.....

Guaranteeing you the same position would kinda defeat the whole purpose of relocating the business, I think.
Not really,,,,,.... Medtronic transferred some jobs to PR and the person I knew working there had option to follow......... lesser wage,,,,, but lesser cost of living too

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