Laken Riley's Murder Is the Fault of Democrats at Every Level of Government

Yes, illegals also drive drunk and kill people. The lives of those killed matter.
Not to dimocrap scum they don't. Seriously. They just don't care.

I saw a short clip the other day of dimocrap FILTH defending illegals and their crimes on TV.

They honest-to-God don't care. Not one bit. Not even a little bit.
I seldom watch FNC. They have two, maybe three decent programs at best The rest of it is typical media garbage -- Entertainment for the feeble-minded.

Since they railroaded Ailes out the door, it's been downhill for them. They're just the flip side of the same coin in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the media.

If I want news on American Politics, I usually go to the Foreign press. Quite often the Daily Mail. Maybe al Jazeera or the J-Post. Twitter is good if you can stomach the bullshit.

The 'news' in this Country is just garbage but, unfortuantely, out of the garbage, FNC is the most accurate. Even Newsmax uses that dried-up old fossil Crappy Nappy Napolitano, who is an avowed Trump-Hater.

Jeanine Pirro once compared him to a "Well-Hung Field Mouse". I wouldn't know (nor would I be interested) but it sounds quite accurate. He does seem 'testosterone challenged'. Sadly typical of the genre
All the lies that are pervasive in the RW Media circle spring from a common well.
What a disaster their pathetic losers are that has destroyed this country. The middle class left will be utterly wiped like they have been. Such pathetic demented losers.


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I killed Laken. Sorry about that.

Her parents were invited to the speech by some GOP Senator. They declined, stating that they are in mourning. I doubt that they like the idea of being political pawns on top of that.
The Neo-GOP are again using death as political cannon fodder. The Neo-GOP prove outright that they don't care about the immigration crisis or this poor girls death, they only care about using the Congressional failure to further their political objective. That's why they blocked the Conservative Langford bill from passing because it would solve most of the problem. So they're obviously not only okay with more undocumented people crossing the border every day but also they are doing everything they can to encourage it.

Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP own the border crisis now.
Just another way ^^^ for the leftards to deny responsibility for all the damage they've done.

Leftards are abjectly stupid. Period full stop.
I killed Laken. Sorry about that.

Her parents were invited to the speech by some GOP Senator. They declined, stating that they are in mourning. I doubt that they like the idea of being political pawns on top of that.
Like those parents who were invited to the democrat townhall meetings in Broward after the school shooting and the parents that were invited to democrat crap after the shooting at Sandyhook?

How about the family of that so called gentle giant that was hardly gentle, but was certainly a big fat giant. Who strong armed a little store clerk and robbed it and broke the orbital bone of the good cop? The democraps that year saw fit to put mass voter registration forms all over Ferguson.

Want to tell me about all of the town meetings the democraps held after that habitual woman abusing thug who was choked?

Name one single solitary thing you blowhard leftists aren't hypocritical about. ONE THING.
Like those parents who were invited to the democrat townhall meetings in Broward after the school shooting and the parents that were invited to democrat crap after the shooting at Sandyhook?

How about the family of that so called gentle giant that was hardly gentle, but was certainly a big fat giant. Who strong armed a little store clerk and robbed it and broke the orbital bone of the good cop? The democraps that year saw fit to put mass voter registration forms all over Ferguson.

Want to tell me about all of the town meetings the democraps held after that habitual woman abusing thug who was choked?

Name one single solitary thing you blowhard leftists aren't hypocritical about. ONE THING.
Schizophrenia got you down? That's so all over the place that I will politely decline to respond.
Like those parents who were invited to the democrat townhall meetings in Broward after the school shooting and the parents that were invited to democrat crap after the shooting at Sandyhook?

How about the family of that so called gentle giant that was hardly gentle, but was certainly a big fat giant. Who strong armed a little store clerk and robbed it and broke the orbital bone of the good cop? The democraps that year saw fit to put mass voter registration forms all over Ferguson.

Want to tell me about all of the town meetings the democraps held after that habitual woman abusing thug who was choked?

Name one single solitary thing you blowhard leftists aren't hypocritical about. ONE THING.
The problem is, both parties own the illegal crisis, not just the Democrats.

We've had 20 years to fix this problem, we've refused to do so.
Flood America with 10-20 Million Turd World Illegals & Criminals & Single Military Age Males then try and Disarm Law Abiding Americans ?
Flood America with 10-20 Million Turd World Illegals & Criminals & Single Military Age Males then try and Disarm Law Abiding Americans ?

Works for me.

Here's the thing. We baby boomers didn't reproduce at replacement rates, so we need to bring in 20 million more people just to keep middle class entitlements afloat.
Joe Biden's illegals have murdered 61 Americans since 2021.

BULLSHIT. Only the state of Texas keeps statistics on immigration status of those charged, so there is absolutely no one keeping records of murders by illegals immigrants, but they seldom happen. You clowns make a big deal out of every one of them so we know.

Give us a link to this statistic that comes from a reputable source, not some right wing clown on Twitter pulling a number out of his ass.

The results are similar to our other work on illegal immigration and crime in Texas. In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐born Americans in Texas. The general pattern of native‐born Americans having the highest criminal conviction rates followed by illegal immigrants and then with legal immigrants having the lowest holds for all of other specific types of crimes such as violent crimes, property crimes, homicide, and sex crimes.

There's just no way to sugar-coat it, people. No way it can be presented in other-than-stark terms.

So here it is -- The democrat party is the enemy of The American People. Period. Don't like it? Suck on it, I don't care.

Read this and tell me I'm wrong. I am not. Read it. It's a good, and accurate, piece.

José Antonio Ibarra, the man charged with killing Laken Riley on the campus of the University of Georgia, wasn’t just an illegal immigrant; he and his brother had a history of criminal activity that the Department of Homeland Security says it was unaware of.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reports that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told CBS on Sunday that Athens-Clarke County, Ga., police failed to notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about crimes that Ibarra committed last fall. Ibarra had previous run-ins with police in New York and Athens-Clarke County in September and October of last year.

In September 2023, authorities in New York charged Ibarra with child endangerment and a motor vehicle license violation. He had allegedly taken a child for a ride on a moped without a helmet.

A month later, in Athens-Clarke County, police cited Ibarra and his brother Diego for shoplifting after they reportedly stole $200 in food and clothing from a Walmart location. Police did not arrest them. Athens-Clarke County claimed that it doesn’t typically arrest suspects on minor crimes like shoplifting and that immigration status checks only take place when jailers book suspects.

“We were not notified in this instance,” Mayorkas said on “Face the Nation” on CBS.

Here it is, people. Top to bottom, inside and out, at every level, State, Local and Federal...... The democrat party simply doesn't care about you.

At all
It was the result of MAGA not being serious about the border.
BULLSHIT. Only the state of Texas keeps statistics on immigration status of those charged, so there is absolutely no one keeping records of murders by illegals immigrants, but they seldom happen. You clowns make a big deal out of every one of them so we know.

Give us a link to this statistic that comes from a reputable source, not some right wing clown on Twitter pulling a number out of his ass.

Not to mention, the only way they get to 61 people over four years is to include traffic accidents involving undocumented people.

Okay. That's bad.

But we have 25,000 homicides a year committed by people who are born here. We have 54,000 fatal traffic accidents, most of them involving people born here.
Works for me.

Here's the thing. We baby boomers didn't reproduce at replacement rates, so we need to bring in 20 million more people just to keep middle class entitlements afloat.
Legally ( Not part of a Marxist plan to have forced Diversity and hasten Cloward/ Piven
Not to mention, the only way they get to 61 people over four years is to include traffic accidents involving undocumented people.

Okay. That's bad.

But we have 25,000 homicides a year committed by people who are born here. We have 54,000 fatal traffic accidents, most of them involving people born here.
And 120k People die from Fentanyl

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