Lakota Sioux nation secedes

Did you actually read your source?
Does this mean they get NO tax dollars? Whatever makes em happy. Are we gonna charge them rent?
Indeed its more a secession of words and not actually doing so but I find it thrilling anyways.
Dear Sioux Nation,

We all understand that Fauxahantas, aka Lizzy Warren isn't a FAKE Sioux but plz have mercy and take that lying biatch with you.

Those who were passed over due to Warrens DISHONEST status as a minority.
Well you could just ask the Cherokee nation to secede and they can take her...:D
Now All 50 States on Secession Bandwagon...
Secession petition leader: Obama's baked
Nov 14, 2012 - And more from the group leading Texas' charge
The leader of the secession movement in Texas says that President Barack Obama’s reelection was a “catalyzing moment” for his organization’s efforts to quit the United States. “I am completely aware that Election Day was a catalyzing moment, but I do not believe that the underpinnings of this are solely about Barack Obama,” Texas Nationalist Movement President Daniel Miller told POLITICO. “This cake has been baking for a long time — it’s the Obama administration that put the candles on the cake and lit it for us.” He added: “This is not a reaction to a person but to policy and what we see as a federal government that is so disconnected from its constituents and absolute no regard for what its purpose was.”

A petition for Texas secession has garnered more than 72,500 signatures as of Tuesday afternoon — the most of any of the slew of other states petitioning the White House for secession. (Only 25,000 are needed to garner a White House response.) GOP Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s spokeswoman Catherine Frazier commented on the movement to The Dallas Morning News Monday: “Gov. Perry believes in the greatness of our Union and nothing should be done to change it. But he also shares the frustrations many Americans have with our federal government.” But Miller said he thought the governor’s statement was “ambiguous.” “His statement is about as ambiguous as it can get. Obviously, he’s going to err on the side of caution for him. But my challenge to him is this: Don’t wind up on the wrong side of history on this issue,” Miller said.

Miller said that the national deficit and the economy were some of the major factors that have helped the movement grow. “The federal government is broken beyond all belief. We’re sitting on $16 trillion worth of debt and that’s only one example,” Miller said. “There’s a political, cultural and economic gap, and the longer that we refuse to recognize that gap — the more states will put out to secede the union.” He said he thinks the issue has gone mainstream: “For the longest time, this issue was what people would classify as a fringe issue. It was relegated to the back rooms in the cafés. But in 2008, 2009, what you began to see — the tail end of the [George W.] Bush administration and start of Obama’s — what you saw was kind of interesting. This issue went to being part of the political discourse.”

Miller continued: “As the economy worsened, people began to ask, ‘What if? Why do we need the middle man? Do we believe that we should have more layers of government than we absolutely need? Could Texas govern itself?’ I think really that self-determination is kind of the underpinning to all of this — the ability to provide Texas solutions to Texas problems.” Miller noted that TNM rejects any use of force to acquire its goal. “We walk in the same vein as Gandhi and those guys,” said Miller, who has been involved with the organization for 16 years. TNM is planning a march in Austin for January 2013.

Read more: Secession petition leader: Obama's baked - Kevin Cirilli -
Dear Sioux Nation,

We all understand that Fauxahantas, aka Lizzy Warren isn't a FAKE Sioux but plz have mercy and take that lying biatch with you.

Those who were passed over due to Warrens DISHONEST status as a minority.

your ideas are outdated, you lost, go home, bye bye
Dear Sioux Nation,

We all understand that Fauxahantas, aka Lizzy Warren isn't a FAKE Sioux but plz have mercy and take that lying biatch with you.

Those who were passed over due to Warrens DISHONEST status as a minority.

Yo..............Slutty Cum Spitter.................Ms. Warren didn't claim to be Sioux. She claimed that there was Cherokee in her bloodline, NOT Sioux.

But.................don't let facts get in your way, they haven't yet.
Dear Sioux Nation,

We all understand that Fauxahantas, aka Lizzy Warren isn't a FAKE Sioux but plz have mercy and take that lying biatch with you.

Those who were passed over due to Warrens DISHONEST status as a minority.

your ideas are outdated, you lost, go home, bye bye
Yeah, honesty and shit just isn't what it used to be. Since when is it outdated NOT to call yourself something you aren't?

This is the fucking stupid that keeps these assholes elected.
Granny wantin' to know if dat would knock her out fer dat 2nd stimulus check?...
Secession would cost the New Confederacy
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18,`12 (UPI) -- States most wanting to secede, such as Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana, would stand to lose millions in federal tax money, tax experts say.
Many say seceding from the United States would result in never having to file a federal tax return or having to implement federal laws such as the Affordable Care Act, but MarketWatch reported most living in the New Confederacy of the South and West would end up paying much more in taxes than they do now or get fewer government services.

Alabama is one of seven states whose secession petitions have landed 30,000 signatures. But Alabama, whose Legislature also passed, and its governor signed, a 10th Amendment Resolution touting states' rights over federal powers, got back about $1.66 in federal spending for every dollar its citizens paid in federal taxes.That gap -- the subsidy the rest of America and primarily Yankees -- paid to Alabama totaled about $3,800 for every person in the state, the right-leaning Tax Foundation in Washington said.

Louisiana got back about $1.78 from Washington for every dollar its citizens paid to Washington or about $4,200 per resident. Simply put, the Northeast and the West Coast make most of the money in the country and their higher incomes and the federal progressive income tax results in their subsidizing the rest of the country. It's a situation that's been going on for a very long time.

For example, the seven states that gathered 30,000 or more signatures to secede -- Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, Tennessee and Texas -- paid about $473 billion in federal taxes and received about $533 billion in federal spending, or a $60 billion subsidy. Most states in the Northeast, the Great Lakes and on the West Coast paid much more than they got back -- Californians paid $1,300, New Yorkers paid $2,200 and New Jerseyans paid $3,200 more than they got back.

Read more: Northeast, West Coast heavily subsidizes the New Confederacy -
Now Lakota has to post something...I mean ... if the US government granted every percy the right to secede...we would all be percy...
I hope they bring their people into the 21st century now that they don't have to bitch about whitey. God willing.
Good! Maybe they can run their own nation on their own resources.

No aid money.

By a treaty still in force, the Lakota own the Black Hills. Were all the non-Lakota there to pay a just rent, the Lakota would hardly need anything from the Government. Except their fair share of the mineral wealth stolen from them and removed from the Black Hills.

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