Lancet Meta-Study: Natural Immunity *At Least* As Effective & Durable As Vaccines


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Tough week for the Covid Crowd. First the study on the complete inefficacy of masks, now this bombshell.

So all the young people vaccinated and boosted who have suffered--and are yet to suffer--adverse effects? If they caught the infection anyway, it was for nothing.

One begins to wonder if some of these strange events are to "squirrel!" away from how catastrophically the Powers That Be FUBARed this.

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Right ... that's how vaccines work ... doctors gives you a little bit of the infecting agent so your own body produces it's own anti-bodies to fight the infection ... and this imparts an immunity over that infecting agent, sometimes permanent ... exactly the same as if you caught the infecting agent ...

Bubbette didn't finish Middle School ...
Cases like Damar weren't supposed to happen so quickly.
They wanted more people to take more clot shots before the effects started to wake up the masses conditioned to trust the "experts" & govt.
Wait till we see excess death rates in coming years.

Unfortunately, many will be taking these until they end in an early grave while telling those of that refuse how stupid we are.

Tough week for the Covid Crowd. First the study on the complete inefficacy of masks, now this bombshell.

So all the young people vaccinated and boosted who have suffered--and are yet to suffer--adverse effects? If they caught the infection anyway, it was for nothing.

One begins to wonder if some of these strange events are to "squirrel!" away from how catastrophically the Powers That Be FUBARed this.

What does a Twitter conspiracy theory thread have to do with The Lancet article? Why didn't you post that?
Right ... that's how vaccines work ... doctors gives you a little bit of the infecting agent so your own body produces it's own anti-bodies to fight the infection ... and this imparts an immunity over that infecting agent, sometimes permanent ... exactly the same as if you caught the infecting agent ...

Bubbette didn't finish Middle School ...
Your problem, Einstein, is to forget that the jab is not a vaccine but only mRNA. Your problem is to address the question: do antibodies from natural immunity attach to the spike mRNA of the "vaccine"?

Time windows should be compared, @ 3 mo. the mRNA starts to disappear. That is, if there are no previous antibodies against it, which may accelerate the degradation of the spike mRNA much sooner.
What does a Twitter conspiracy theory thread have to do with The Lancet article? Why didn't you post that?
Your problem, Einstein, is to call something not proven a conspiracy while ignoring coronaviruses that cause sudden death naturally in other animals.
Right ... that's how vaccines work ... doctors gives you a little bit of the infecting agent so your own body produces it's own anti-bodies to fight the infection ... and this imparts an immunity over that infecting agent, sometimes permanent ... exactly the same as if you caught the infecting agent ...

Bubbette didn't finish Middle School ...
God help you .
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about .

Three years and you have no comprehension what was in the vaccines , how they were supposed to work , according to evil lying wretches , and how they actually work.
The burden of proof will be on readers to show the length of time "naturally-infected" antibodies are circulating and whether these interfere with the pimp's mRNA as well.
Your problem, Einstein, is to call something not proven a conspiracy while ignoring coronaviruses that cause sudden death naturally in other animals.
It's a conspiracy theory. Nothing proven. Nothing linked. Just piling on the bandwagon with no proof whatsoever. Par for the course.
I fixed it. I thought I had copied and pasted the link to the Lancet study but I didn't
OK, well, the link to The Lancet study was in the US News and World report article. Thank You.

Now, taking a look at the findings of The Lancet article, it doesn't say what you are interpreting that it says. In fact, quite the opposite. All it's saying is that infection provides heightened immunity...which we already knew. It does not discourage vaccination. In fact, just the opposite. And, the study doesn't include data from the Omicron outbreak. This study also does not draw any conclusions on "catastrophic" side effects.

Sorry, doesn't appear you've made your case here.

Your problem, Einstein, is to forget that the jab is not a vaccine but only mRNA. Your problem is to address the question: do antibodies from natural immunity attach to the spike mRNA of the "vaccine"?

Time windows should be compared, @ 3 mo. the mRNA starts to disappear. That is, if there are no previous antibodies against it, which may accelerate the degradation of the spike mRNA much sooner.

You seem confused about the process we're discussing here ...

An "antibody" is a special type of protein ... and ALL proteins are made using mRNA ... this mRNA is made in the nucleus using the DNA there as a template ... THE VIRUS alters this DNA to make it's own mRNA, and thus it's own proteins ... and it's these virus proteins that our bodies react to, we have our own immunization system ...

Yes, the virus itself produces these proteins and we obtain immunity just by having caught the virus ... sometimes we can also take the virus, kill it, and inject it into people*, the proteins remain, just the virus is dead so it won't infect us, the immunization reaction in our body is the same ... including the mRNA step ...

All we're doing is skipping the part that included the virus' genetic material ... providing the cell with the mRNA directly, letting the body's immunization system target the protein that produced without all the damage to the host cell's own DNA ...

We should only expect a year's worth of immunity ... no matter how we achieve it ... SARS is like the common cold in this respect, and best is if it doesn't cause symptoms ... looks to me like SARS is evolving towards this, less deadly and thus less likely to encounter vaxxed folks ...


The answer to your question then is the antibodies from natural infection are identical to the antibodies formed with any and all vaccines ... the mRNA step is very transient ... each molecule can only be filled up with tRNA so many times ... and then it's broken down into it's component RNA and reused ... and RNA has many uses in the cell ...

* = Injections themselves carry risk ... why doctors ask you sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes after ... just to make sure ...
You seem confused about the process we're discussing here ...

An "antibody" is a special type of protein ... and ALL proteins are made using mRNA ... this mRNA is made in the nucleus using the DNA there as a template ... THE VIRUS alters this DNA to make it's own mRNA, and thus it's own proteins ... and it's these virus proteins that our bodies react to, we have our own immunization system ...

Yes, the virus itself produces these proteins and we obtain immunity just by having caught the virus ... sometimes we can also take the virus, kill it, and inject it into people*, the proteins remain, just the virus is dead so it won't infect us, the immunization reaction in our body is the same ... including the mRNA step ...

All we're doing is skipping the part that included the virus' genetic material ... providing the cell with the mRNA directly, letting the body's immunization system target the protein that produced without all the damage to the host cell's own DNA ...

We should only expect a year's worth of immunity ... no matter how we achieve it ... SARS is like the common cold in this respect, and best is if it doesn't cause symptoms ... looks to me like SARS is evolving towards this, less deadly and thus less likely to encounter vaxxed folks ...


The answer to your question then is the antibodies from natural infection are identical to the antibodies formed with any and all vaccines ... the mRNA step is very transient ... each molecule can only be filled up with tRNA so many times ... and then it's broken down into it's component RNA and reused ... and RNA has many uses in the cell ...

* = Injections themselves carry risk ... why doctors ask you sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes after ... just to make sure ...
The spike protein being force-produced is not an antibody.
No USMB member has addressed talking points 1-5, below, in front of the other members. The spike mRNA remains in circulation for a length of time. Some say 28 days. Dr. Robert Malone says at least 60 days.

1. "Vaccine" spike mRNA contains an RGD motif, the same was found in ticks and phleboviruses on Long Island long, New York, long before the SARS2 pandemic. What does Big Pharma or The Elf have to say about this fact?

2. "Vaccine" spike mRNA contains a furin cleavage site, the same was found in ticks and phleboviruses on Long Island, New York, long before the SARS2 pandemic. What does Big Pharma or The Elf have to say about this fact?

3. Scripps Institute was working on vasopressin mRNA injections to reverse diabetes in 1992, in the same year that Baric's bat lab was studying heart failure and myocarditis in coronavirus-infected rabbits. What does Big Pharma or The Elf have to say about this fact that links vasopressin to cardiac arrest?

4. Is it coincidence that Lyme disease is vectored by the same tick on Long Island, New York, that also gets infected with phleboviruses and that the ticks saliva also contains RGD and the Chinese military virus, ZC45, published on Dr. Quay's Twitter page shows an RGD in its spike?

5. Is it coincidence that the discoverer of the Lyme disease agent also suffered from diabetes? Inquiring anti-nazis want to know.
Why was the first Homo sapiens to sequence the SARS2 virus, Yong-Zhen Zhang of the Beijing CDC, also linked to the report for the Asian Long-horned tick, Haemaphysalis longicornis for severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome? Does this tick also have RGD in its toxic saliva? Inquiring anti-communists want to know.
You seem confused about the process we're discussing here ...

An "antibody" is a special type of protein ... and ALL proteins are made using mRNA ... this mRNA is made in the nucleus using the DNA there as a template ... THE VIRUS alters this DNA to make it's own mRNA, and thus it's own proteins ... and it's these virus proteins that our bodies react to, we have our own immunization system ...

Yes, the virus itself produces these proteins and we obtain immunity just by having caught the virus ... sometimes we can also take the virus, kill it, and inject it into people*, the proteins remain, just the virus is dead so it won't infect us, the immunization reaction in our body is the same ... including the mRNA step ...

All we're doing is skipping the part that included the virus' genetic material ... providing the cell with the mRNA directly, letting the body's immunization system target the protein that produced without all the damage to the host cell's own DNA ...

We should only expect a year's worth of immunity ... no matter how we achieve it ... SARS is like the common cold in this respect, and best is if it doesn't cause symptoms ... looks to me like SARS is evolving towards this, less deadly and thus less likely to encounter vaxxed folks ...


The answer to your question then is the antibodies from natural infection are identical to the antibodies formed with any and all vaccines ... the mRNA step is very transient ... each molecule can only be filled up with tRNA so many times ... and then it's broken down into it's component RNA and reused ... and RNA has many uses in the cell ...

* = Injections themselves carry risk ... why doctors ask you sit in the waiting room for 20 minutes after ... just to make sure ...
836 billion times, according to @Jikkyleaks.

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