Lancet Meta-Study: Natural Immunity *At Least* As Effective & Durable As Vaccines

Tough week for the Covid Crowd. First the study on the complete inefficacy of masks, now this bombshell.

So all the young people vaccinated and boosted who have suffered--and are yet to suffer--adverse effects? If they caught the infection anyway, it was for nothing.

One begins to wonder if some of these strange events are to "squirrel!" away from how catastrophically the Powers That Be FUBARed this.

My little neice who is 22 has been vaxed and I believe triple boosted. She AND her husband caught Covid and were deathly ill last week. They had to live at my sisters house and managed to give it to her newborn baby and her mother and father. ALL were vaxed and at least double boosted except the baby.
These are not facts. They are conspiracy theories and conjecture.
The facts are in post #15. Facts that you won't be addressing in front of other readers, because you know the consequences. We pointed to a time-window that has to be a fact: the time involved for mRNA to become antibodies, which may include up to 836 billion mRNA license plates.

When we add prophylaxis such as ivermectin or quercitin, your reasoning problems multiply because these two are amongst those that (physically bind to SARS2 [italics]), like an antibody.

Readers should not be surprised it you deny these facts and say that the virus then pretends not to notice this attachment, which automatically prompts the question: "Do these two compounds interfere or even physically attach to the antibodies being produced"?
Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 95-6:
'Ref. #17 Nouara Yahi, et al, Infection-Enhancing Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies Recognize Both the Original Wuhan/D614G Strain and Delta Variants. A Potential Risk for Mass Vaccination?

9 Aug 2021 Journal of Infection
Tough week for the Covid Crowd. First the study on the complete inefficacy of masks, now this bombshell.

So all the young people vaccinated and boosted who have suffered--and are yet to suffer--adverse effects? If they caught the infection anyway, it was for nothing.

One begins to wonder if some of these strange events are to "squirrel!" away from how catastrophically the Powers That Be FUBARed this.

From your link:

“The researchers emphasized that the data should not be used to discourage vaccination, which they said in a better way to acquire protection against COVID-19.
“Vaccination is the safest way to acquire immunity, whereas acquiring natural immunity must be weighed against the risks of severe illness and death associated with the initial infection,” lead author Stephen Lim from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine said in a statement.”

You’re linking us to a study that recommends vaccines and says it‘s the safest way to achieve immunity?

Cool! Thanks for sharing. Looks like vaccines are safe.
Room-temp IQs. OP's article fear-mongers by mentioning Omicron, death, etc. though fails to mention the (vaccine-linked [italics]) Omicron mutation, N969K, the only proveable vaccine-linked mutation ever to arise in this communist virus across the world, in all Homo sapiens.
My little neice who is 22 has been vaxed and I believe triple boosted. She AND her husband caught Covid and were deathly ill last week. They had to live at my sisters house and managed to give it to her newborn baby and her mother and father. ALL were vaxed and at least double boosted except the baby.

This anecdote is backed up by the science now. More boosters = more infections
From your link:

“The researchers emphasized that the data should not be used to discourage vaccination, which they said in a better way to acquire protection against COVID-19.
“Vaccination is the safest way to acquire immunity, whereas acquiring natural immunity must be weighed against the risks of severe illness and death associated with the initial infection,” lead author Stephen Lim from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine said in a statement.”

You’re linking us to a study that recommends vaccines and says it‘s the safest way to achieve immunity?

Cool! Thanks for sharing. Looks like vaccines are safe.

Yes, mouthing the platitudes and the propaganda, as they must do. To quote your Leftist weasel words: "thank you for showing us you're prone to believing propaganda"
OK, well, the link to The Lancet study was in the US News and World report article. Thank You.

Now, taking a look at the findings of The Lancet article, it doesn't say what you are interpreting that it says. In fact, quite the opposite. All it's saying is that infection provides heightened immunity...which we already knew. It does not discourage vaccination. In fact, just the opposite. And, the study doesn't include data from the Omicron outbreak. This study also does not draw any conclusions on "catastrophic" side effects.

Sorry, doesn't appear you've made your case here.

Nothing will ever "make the case" for you.

That's what brainwashing looks like.

Proud? Happy?
Tough week for the Covid Crowd. First the study on the complete inefficacy of masks, now this bombshell.

Add on the ZH article this morning -- below- which is based on a report from Epoch Times /Health and damns the mRNA killer shots .

Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Associated With Heart Inflammation: Study​

MONDAY, FEB 20, 2023 - 01:30 AM
Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (
Nothing will ever "make the case" for you.

That's what brainwashing looks like.

Proud? Happy?
Again, you took an article that said nothing of what you were asserting and tried to pass it off as validating your anti-vaxx point of view.
That's not making a case. If you don't want to get vaxxed...don't. But don't sit here and try to pass off psuedo conclusions as fact.
Again, you took an article that said nothing of what you were asserting and tried to pass it off as validating your anti-vaxx point of view.
That's not making a case. If you don't want to get vaxxed...don't. But don't sit here and try to pass off psuedo conclusions as fact.

Germany, 1930s. Try this on for size and see if you spot the propaganda. (This is a hypothetical, and I'm NOT SAYING THIS IS LIKE THE HOLOCAUST before you go crying in the corner. I'm comparing another era of propaganda):

"As it turns out, Jews do not have smaller heads or brains than Aryans. However, we know that Jews are in inferior race even still because of the glorious writings of our Dear Leader in Mein Kampf."

That's not far from the lip service you folks give to the vaccines you realize.
Germany, 1930s. Try this on for size and see if you spot the propaganda. (This is a hypothetical, and I'm NOT SAYING THIS IS LIKE THE HOLOCAUST before you go crying in the corner. I'm comparing another era of propaganda):

"As it turns out, Jews do not have smaller heads or brains than Aryans. However, we know that Jews are in inferior race even still because of the glorious writings of our Dear Leader in Mein Kampf."

That's not far from the lip service you folks give to the vaccines you realize.
Just STOP! I call you on your using an article from a reputable, science based organization to push your anti-vaxx BS...and this is where you run to?

Arming people with the facts against virus and disease is NOT propaganda. It's called public health policy. And that includes vaccination. The vaccines work..period. There's no debate in this.
This is a free country. If you don't want to get vaxxed..don't. On your own head be it. I don't care one way or the other. But you belong to the small, vocal minority. There are thousands of people
who would still be alive today if they didn't fall victim to listening to the "small, vocal minority".
Just STOP! I call you on your using an article from a reputable, science based organization to push your anti-vaxx BS...and this is where you run to?

Arming people with the facts against virus and disease is NOT propaganda. It's called public health policy. And that includes vaccination. The vaccines work..period. There's no debate in this.
This is a free country. If you don't want to get vaxxed..don't. On your own head be it. I don't care one way or the other. But you belong to the small, vocal minority. There are thousands of people
who would still be alive today if they didn't fall victim to listening to the "small, vocal minority".

Poor Jack is having trouble dealing with the fact that HE is no longer in the majority.

You're not, Jack, sorry. People are waking up and they know.

But some never will. You are proof.
The fact that this alleged poison has been in my system for 2 years now and hasn't killed me blows whatever argument you have out of the water, bitch.

Go spray your entire yard with Round Up, breathe it all in, and if you don't get cancer in 20 years, well then, Round Up is fine for everyone.

//Science, according to the stupidity of Corny

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