Landslide Approved! Trump Officially Wins Michigan (306 Electors)

Oh look...the pretend Democrat again. I know gerrymandering doesn't affect the EC

Then why did you say it did?

I already explained what I was saying. Run along and go rationalize and equivocate some more for these racist Trump supporters with your lame smug retorts.

I know exactly what you said. We all do. It's write there in plain English, so why are you denying it?
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Who did they manage to get to marry the beast?
Don't forget Clinton won the popular vote.

If you follow baseball maybe this will explain it to you. What team wins the World Series, the team that scores the most runs in all games or the team that wins the most games? Taking away the EC would be akin to declaring the winner of the WS by the team that has the most runs in all 7 games.

Hmmmm....that sounds like "democracy" to me, where every run counts. Like every other democratic country in the world.

The EC is a rigged game, and it's even more rigged due to all of the Repug gerrymandering of districts in certain states like N. Carolina and Pennsylvania. You fascist Repug fuckers don't believe in democracy and that's the bottom line.

But that's OK...eventually all of you white racist Repugs will die off and liberalism will eventually reign supreme in this country.
Speaking of gerrymandering....

You guys are about to lose even more House seats in 2018 because Republicans in the Kentucky state house are about to get rid of the ridiculous gerrymandering here.

And your point is? Considering how the MSM promoted the Faux Meme that the election was basically unnecessary because hiLIARy had already won, is it any wonder that a bunch of LAZY PROGS didn't bother to vote?

Your "MSM" is under corporate control, 6 multinational corporations. They only have whatever power they have because the american public grants its consent and participation.

And it's very telling that the MSM was in the tank for hiLIARy, who along with her Rapist Husband, hoovered up tons-o-bribes via the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.
But CA was letting illegals vote in this election and Oregon only votes by mail, which is extremely easy to rig.

Plenty of it. All you had to do was look into it over the last year.
It's why they passed the motor-voter law. So that any illegal with a valid driver's license could register to vote.
Not to mention they established sanctuary cities where they're allowed to vote.

So you should have no problem providing some of this plenty of evidence. And illegals in California don't get the same driver's license as everyone else, so no, they can't register to vote under the Motor Voter Law.
Asked and answered.
Laws are only as good as the officials tasked to enforce them.

Or didn't you know this?
I've come across a couple of you smug "independents" who think you're above the fray. You're not impressing anyone.

Most independents or libertarians say "both sides are equally bad" because they're simply not very smart, they don't read anything, and they don't know anything. Undoubtedly, this describes your sorry ass perfectly.

The alternative to Trump would have been having people like you in charge, so yes, we are correct when we say both sides are equally bad. Everything you accuse the Republicans of being, you are the very embodiment of yourself, now shuffle off, you crybaby troll.

By the way, you might want to change your name. It's looking kind of foolish now.

See my previous post, dipshit lame ass. You simply don't know anything, so you're a smug little shit because that's all you can be. Not impressive at all.

Oh incompetent one------------> we live under a constitution in this country. You don't like the EC? Then get off your couch, and start a movement. You trying to move the goalposts around to claim you got robbed, is absolutely pathetic. We are all laughing at your ignorance!

You want a pure democracy instead of a republic? OK ALL, EVERYONE IN FAVOR OF TAKING the incompetent one's money AND SPLITTING IT BETWEEN US, vote in the affirmative-) That is a pure democracy, which is exactly why our founding fathers set up a republic. We can take your money, or you ours, at will if the majority votes for it. Under a republic, our reps have to vote for it. It is also why the EC was put that population centers could NOT control elections overwhelmingly. Were it not for the EC, our nation would not have been formed when it was.

Always remember, this country was founded where the states actually had the most power, not the federal government. Young and uneducated far lefties do not understand that, and believe the feds always had the kind of power it does now. That is a fallacy. So you LEFTISTS are the ones out of tune with our constitution, not us; which is why you don't like it and want progressive Supreme Court Justices so as they can legislate from the bench.

I want all of you far LEFTISTS to know, that even though we Republicans controlled most of the states, and both houses of congress as it were; if Hillary would have gotten elected, your side FINALLY would have won where we could have done NOTHING after she installed a justice or 2, besides maybe an article 5. That is how close you were!

On the other hand, by LOSING and the Repubs being able to close the border, install originalist judges, and passing voter ID laws while dismantling Obamas EOs, you guys are back to 35 years away as the Repubs won't use EOs, they will pass laws, and the Supremes will bitch slap your next leftie President if he/she tries to pull an Obama almost instantly. (new law coming, watch. No more wait, Supremes will get involved if unconstitutional from get go. Of course, that is because we are going to have conservative justices for at least 15 years after we ram them through)

Remember, take out California full of illegals, Illinois, also full of illegals, and New York; you don't control or are losing control of anything worth squat. You can put on a brave face all you want and make excuses, but if the kibosh is put on illegals voting and coming in the country, you could be in the wilderness for the next 20 years. Enjoy!

And your point is? Considering how the MSM promoted the Faux Meme that the election was basically unnecessary because hiLIARy had already won, is it any wonder that a bunch of LAZY PROGS didn't bother to vote?

Your "MSM" is under corporate control, 6 multinational corporations. They only have whatever power they have because the american public grants its consent and participation.

And it's very telling that the MSM was in the tank for hiLIARy, who along with her Rapist Husband, hoovered up tons-o-bribes via the Clinton Family Crime Syndicate Foundation.

Well, keep on watching and participating.
But CA was letting illegals vote in this election and Oregon only votes by mail, which is extremely easy to rig.

Plenty of it. All you had to do was look into it over the last year.
It's why they passed the motor-voter law. So that any illegal with a valid driver's license could register to vote.
Not to mention they established sanctuary cities where they're allowed to vote.

So you should have no problem providing some of this plenty of evidence. And illegals in California don't get the same driver's license as everyone else, so no, they can't register to vote under the Motor Voter Law.
Asked and answered.
Laws are only as good as the officials tasked to enforce them.

Or didn't you know this?

Laws are only as good as the lobbying and money behind them.
Oh look...the pretend Democrat again. I know gerrymandering doesn't affect the EC

Then why did you say it did?

I already explained what I was saying. Run along and go rationalize and equivocate some more for these racist Trump supporters with your lame smug retorts.

I know exactly what you said. We all do. It's write there in plain English, so why are you denying it?

I was not referring to the EC when I wrote about gerrymandering, as I already explained. I was explaining how the entire game is rigged, in addition to the electoral college.

If you want to keep being a smug little shit about it, then that's you.
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Yeah, a "landslide" where Trump did not even win the popular vote. Not even close.

Bullshit like the electoral college is the only way you fascist Repug fucks can win Presidential elections anymore. You'll never win the popular vote again...unless Repugs rig the elections even more in the future through continued voter suppression.

You should thank us for reaming you a new one!
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Must have been an interesting wedding...
I've come across a couple of you smug "independents" who think you're above the fray. You're not impressing anyone.

Most independents or libertarians say "both sides are equally bad" because they're simply not very smart, they don't read anything, and they don't know anything. Undoubtedly, this describes your sorry ass perfectly.

The alternative to Trump would have been having people like you in charge, so yes, we are correct when we say both sides are equally bad. Everything you accuse the Republicans of being, you are the very embodiment of yourself, now shuffle off, you crybaby troll.

By the way, you might want to change your name. It's looking kind of foolish now.

See my previous post, dipshit lame ass. You simply don't know anything, so you're a smug little shit because that's all you can be. Not impressive at all.

Oh incompetent one------------> we live under a constitution in this country. You don't like the EC? Then get off your couch, and start a movement. You trying to move the goalposts around to claim you got robbed, is absolutely pathetic. We are all laughing at your ignorance!

You want a pure democracy instead of a republic? OK ALL, EVERYONE IN FAVOR OF TAKING the incompetent one's money AND SPLITTING IT BETWEEN US, vote in the affirmative-) That is a pure democracy, which is exactly why our founding fathers set up a republic. We can take your money, or you ours, at will if the majority votes for it. Under a republic, our reps have to vote for it. It is also why the EC was put that population centers could NOT control elections overwhelmingly. Were it not for the EC, our nation would not have been formed when it was.

Always remember, this country was founded where the states actually had the most power, not the federal government. Young and uneducated far lefties do not understand that, and believe the feds always had the kind of power it does now. That is a fallacy. So you LEFTISTS are the ones out of tune with our constitution, not us; which is why you don't like it and want progressive Supreme Court Justices so as they can legislate from the bench.

I want all of you far LEFTISTS to know, that even though we Republicans controlled most of the states, and both houses of congress as it were; if Hillary would have gotten elected, your side FINALLY would have won where we could have done NOTHING after she installed a justice or 2, besides maybe an article 5. That is how close you were!

On the other hand, by LOSING and the Repubs being able to close the border, install originalist judges, and passing voter ID laws while dismantling Obamas EOs, you guys are back to 35 years away as the Repubs won't use EOs, they will pass laws, and the Supremes will bitch slap your next leftie President if he/she tries to pull an Obama almost instantly. (new law coming, watch. No more wait, Supremes will get involved if unconstitutional from get go. Of course, that is because we are going to have conservative justices for at least 15 years after we ram them through)

Remember, take out California full of illegals, Illinois, also full of illegals, and New York; you don't control or are losing control of anything worth squat. You can put on a brave face all you want and make excuses, but if the kibosh is put on illegals voting and coming in the country, you could be in the wilderness for the next 20 years. Enjoy!

Thank you for wasting your time writing all of this....which I'm not going to waste my time reading.

You're an unsophisticated uninformed Repug goober and that's all you'll ever be. Sad, but true.
For those of you pissed at Electoral College arraignment, might I suggest you read the Federalist Papers.
I've come across a couple of you smug "independents" who think you're above the fray. You're not impressing anyone.

Most independents or libertarians say "both sides are equally bad" because they're simply not very smart, they don't read anything, and they don't know anything. Undoubtedly, this describes your sorry ass perfectly.

The alternative to Trump would have been having people like you in charge, so yes, we are correct when we say both sides are equally bad. Everything you accuse the Republicans of being, you are the very embodiment of yourself, now shuffle off, you crybaby troll.

By the way, you might want to change your name. It's looking kind of foolish now.

See my previous post, dipshit lame ass. You simply don't know anything, so you're a smug little shit because that's all you can be. Not impressive at all.

Oh incompetent one------------> we live under a constitution in this country. You don't like the EC? Then get off your couch, and start a movement. You trying to move the goalposts around to claim you got robbed, is absolutely pathetic. We are all laughing at your ignorance!

You want a pure democracy instead of a republic? OK ALL, EVERYONE IN FAVOR OF TAKING the incompetent one's money AND SPLITTING IT BETWEEN US, vote in the affirmative-) That is a pure democracy, which is exactly why our founding fathers set up a republic. We can take your money, or you ours, at will if the majority votes for it. Under a republic, our reps have to vote for it. It is also why the EC was put that population centers could NOT control elections overwhelmingly. Were it not for the EC, our nation would not have been formed when it was.

Always remember, this country was founded where the states actually had the most power, not the federal government. Young and uneducated far lefties do not understand that, and believe the feds always had the kind of power it does now. That is a fallacy. So you LEFTISTS are the ones out of tune with our constitution, not us; which is why you don't like it and want progressive Supreme Court Justices so as they can legislate from the bench.

I want all of you far LEFTISTS to know, that even though we Republicans controlled most of the states, and both houses of congress as it were; if Hillary would have gotten elected, your side FINALLY would have won where we could have done NOTHING after she installed a justice or 2, besides maybe an article 5. That is how close you were!

On the other hand, by LOSING and the Repubs being able to close the border, install originalist judges, and passing voter ID laws while dismantling Obamas EOs, you guys are back to 35 years away as the Repubs won't use EOs, they will pass laws, and the Supremes will bitch slap your next leftie President if he/she tries to pull an Obama almost instantly. (new law coming, watch. No more wait, Supremes will get involved if unconstitutional from get go. Of course, that is because we are going to have conservative justices for at least 15 years after we ram them through)

Remember, take out California full of illegals, Illinois, also full of illegals, and New York; you don't control or are losing control of anything worth squat. You can put on a brave face all you want and make excuses, but if the kibosh is put on illegals voting and coming in the country, you could be in the wilderness for the next 20 years. Enjoy!

Nice meltdown, Elmer.
Thank you electoral college for wedding out the illegal vote and the freed felon vote!

Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 (according to Wikipedia). SOUNDS LIKE A LANDSLIDE TO ME!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Must have been an interesting wedding...

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