Lanny Davis: White House Threatened Me Too

Lanny was being interviewed on a radio station, he wasn't giving a press conference or making an announcement about it. He was asked about the incident and he commented about the tactics of this administration of leaning on anybody critical of the president's policies. He doesn't HAVE to name the person who gave the newspaper the ultimatum to stop publishing his column.

Of course not....rumors and innuendoes are SO MUCH MORE fun! :clap2:
Instead of cherry picking, why don't you address my comment in it's entirety? He wasn't coming out with an announcement, he was answering a question. In other words, dumbass, he wasn't looking for a fight (like you), he was simply commenting when asked a question. Can your tiny little undeveloped brain grasp what I'm saying here, or do I need to break out the crayons and put it in big block letters for you?
Lanny was being interviewed on a radio station, he wasn't giving a press conference or making an announcement about it. He was asked about the incident and he commented about the tactics of this administration of leaning on anybody critical of the president's policies. He doesn't HAVE to name the person who gave the newspaper the ultimatum to stop publishing his column.

Of course not....rumors and innuendoes are SO MUCH MORE fun! :clap2:
Instead of cherry picking, why don't you address my comment in it's entirety? He wasn't coming out with an announcement, he was answering a question. In other words, dumbass, he wasn't looking for a fight (like you), he was simply commenting when asked a question. Can your tiny little undeveloped brain grasp what I'm saying here, or do I need to break out the crayons and put it in big block letters for you?
Lanny said he made the decision the night before to come out with it, when he "broke" his yeah, his plan was to break some news and gain a little right-fear-victimhood fun.

It's where the money is these days. He's a Fox News contributor and knows there the milk comes from.

And you really need to look into the background of Lanny's blood-soaked hands.
Too funny how the Obamabot loons try and claim that this inept President, and equally inept administration, do not engage in the intimidation of the press.

Paticularly when we have seen these sleazy bastards throw disenting reporters off the plane, and the blatant attempt to exclude FOX NEWS from Daily Press briefings and press conferences, that resulted in the rest of the media hammering this inept President, and equally inept administration for attempting to do so.

Funny also, how they don't even want to acknowledge that many of their beloved liberal media types, are seriously starting to question why this inept Pesident, and equally inept administration, are continually occupying the bunker, and refusing access to the Ineptness In Chief.
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Too funny how the Obamabot loons try and claim that this inept President, and equally inept administration, do not engage in the intimidation of the press.

Paticularly when we have seen these sleazy bastards throw disenting reporters off the plane, and the blatant attempt to exclude FOX NEWS from Daily Press briefings and press conferences, that resulted in the rest of the media hammering this inept President, and equally inept administration for attempting to do so.

Funny also, how they don't even want to acknowledge that many of their beloved liberal media types, are seriously starting to question why this inept Pesident, and equally inept administration, are continually occupying the bunker, and refusing access to the Ineptness In Chief.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely

Barry truly believes that he is the "high potentate". Richard Nixon suffered from the same delusions.

"Can't you feel it Glenn? His power is running through his fingers like sand. His time is over". - Stephen King "The Stand"
If Washington Times editor, John Solomon comes forward and names the thug who threatened him, it won't matter to you Obama brown nosers. You'll simply call him a liar (or a racist) like you do everyone else who dares to speak the truth about your idol. You are a sad bunch.
^Neocon myths, fables and meanderings.
So, you're saying that reporters were not kicked off the plane?

Are you saying that this inept President, and equally inept administration did not try and exclude Fox News, and that it did not result in the rest of the media hammering the sleazy bastards for attempting to do so?

Must suck to be a lib, who in typical lib fashion, lives with their head buried firmly up their ass, as this inept President and administration want you too.
Too funny how the Obamabot loons try and claim that this inept President, and equally inept administration, do not engage in the intimidation of the press.

Paticularly when we have seen these sleazy bastards throw disenting reporters off the plane, and the blatant attempt to exclude FOX NEWS from Daily Press briefings and press conferences, that resulted in the rest of the media hammering this inept President, and equally inept administration for attempting to do so.

Funny also, how they don't even want to acknowledge that many of their beloved liberal media types, are seriously starting to question why this inept Pesident, and equally inept administration, are continually occupying the bunker, and refusing access to the Ineptness In Chief.

Additionally, I'm going to add this: The Press, regardless of their status as a propaganda arm for the White House, knows that this man's time is limited. They also understand that when this clown is tossed into the trash bin of history that they will have to answer to the American public.

As it currently stands, few, if any, believe in the Press to bring us anything other than propaganda. Now that it is increasingly clear that Barry is engaging in virtually the same tactics of the Nixon administration, the media will begin their shift from Barry mouthpiece, to a more "middle of the road" take on his failed policies and begin their back-peddling to appeal to "everyday Americans".

The "left wing" press lives up to it's billing of "light in the loafers" sissies. As soon as you smack one in the face - ala Woodward, the rest will eventually get their collective "panties in a wad" and return to telling the truth.....
Idiot why would the man who brought down Nixon kiss the ass of Bush?

1) He didn't really bring down Nixon.

2) Nixon was a long time ago.

Here's the thing. Woodward (and Bernstein) did reporting. The real action was with politicians who finally got Nixon (who wasn't that bad of a guy, really) to see that his political position was untennable.

The guy who ultimately brought down Nixon was Nixon. He made the decision that fighting to stay in office would do more damage to a country in turmoil than stepping aside would.

You have to honestly wonder about some things around Woodward. He claimed for decades that "Deep Throat" was a concerned whistleblower when he was in fact a mediocre bureaucrat upset he had been passed over for promotion.

Woodward has always struck me of a guy who acheived fame as a young man and then spent the rest of his life trying to recapture that magic moment. (He was only 31 when Nixon resigned.)
Idiot why would the man who brought down Nixon kiss the ass of Bush?

1) He didn't really bring down Nixon.

2) Nixon was a long time ago.

Here's the thing. Woodward (and Bernstein) did reporting. The real action was with politicians who finally got Nixon (who wasn't that bad of a guy, really) to see that his political position was untennable.

The guy who ultimately brought down Nixon was Nixon. He made the decision that fighting to stay in office would do more damage to a country in turmoil than stepping aside would.

You have to honestly wonder about some things around Woodward. He claimed for decades that "Deep Throat" was a concerned whistleblower when he was in fact a mediocre bureaucrat upset he had been passed over for promotion.

Woodward has always struck me of a guy who acheived fame as a young man and then spent the rest of his life trying to recapture that magic moment. (He was only 31 when Nixon resigned.)

:cuckoo: speak out against obama no matter who you are and you get discarded. no matter what you have done.
Damn you idiots have it bad for that piece of dog shit in the white house.
:cuckoo: speak out against obama no matter who you are and you get discarded. no matter what you have done.
Damn you idiots have it bad for that piece of dog shit in the white house.

Speak out against Obama, and the Racists will embrace you openly, no matter how crazy you sound, because honestly, they are obsessed. They still don't understand how they lost to this guy- twice.
:cuckoo: speak out against obama no matter who you are and you get discarded. no matter what you have done.
Damn you idiots have it bad for that piece of dog shit in the white house.

Speak out against Obama, and the Racists will embrace you openly, no matter how crazy you sound, because honestly, they are obsessed. They still don't understand how they lost to this guy- twice.

That's not true you aren't embracing Woodward you're throwing him under the bus you fucking racist piece of dog shit.
:cuckoo: speak out against obama no matter who you are and you get discarded. no matter what you have done.
Damn you idiots have it bad for that piece of dog shit in the white house.

Speak out against Obama, and the Racists will embrace you openly, no matter how crazy you sound, because honestly, they are obsessed. They still don't understand how they lost to this guy- twice.

That's not true you aren't embracing Woodward you're throwing him under the bus you fucking racist piece of dog shit.

I'm not throwing Woodward under the Bus. I never had a good opinion of him.

Didn't have a good opinion of him when he was alternatively kissing Bush's ass and stabbing him in the back.

Shit, I'll go you one better... I think forcing Nixon to resign was a disservice. Nixon ended the Vietnam Stupidity, played the Russians and Chinese off against each other, established the EPA and OSHA, and did a lot of really good stuff, and everyone forgets he won 49 states in 1972.

But the Right Wing loves them some Bob Woodward right now, as it gives them the oppurtunity to say "Obama" and "Nixon" in the same sentence.
Speak out against Obama, and the Racists will embrace you openly, no matter how crazy you sound, because honestly, they are obsessed. They still don't understand how they lost to this guy- twice.

That's not true you aren't embracing Woodward you're throwing him under the bus you fucking racist piece of dog shit.

I'm not throwing Woodward under the Bus. I never had a good opinion of him.

Didn't have a good opinion of him when he was alternatively kissing Bush's ass and stabbing him in the back.

Shit, I'll go you one better... I think forcing Nixon to resign was a disservice. Nixon ended the Vietnam Stupidity, played the Russians and Chinese off against each other, established the EPA and OSHA, and did a lot of really good stuff, and everyone forgets he won 49 states in 1972.

But the Right Wing loves them some Bob Woodward right now, as it gives them the oppurtunity to say "Obama" and "Nixon" in the same sentence.
Sure, tell that too someone who might believe you.
Sure, tell that too someone who might believe you.

The REpublican Party lost me when they decided bible thumping, gun toting rubes were to be elevated...

Good riddance....Republicans need to clean out the scum:thup:

Well, true. When you get rid of all the sensible moderates...

Ummm.... who are you going to have left?

The GOP has lost 5 of the last six presidential popular votes.

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